Can you see the robin sitting in the sumac? He's almost the same colour as the berries. Saturday morning, out on errands with my husband, I spotted a flock of perhaps ten robins (
Turdus migratorius) sitting in and under some staghorn sumacs (
Rhus typhina). They were chomping down on last year’s fruit.
My husband stopped the car but as soon as I stepped out, the birds flew off - story of my life. But hey! We waited and after a few minutes, the birds came back. They must have been very hungry. (Or maybe birds don't have taste buds? Sumac berries are tart! I know because I've made a lemonade-like drink from them in late summer.)
People say a few robins stick around southern Ontario all winter, but I don’t recall seeing them during the coldest months. So when I DO see them in March I get pretty excited.

These were not the first I've seen this year, though. Last week, another small flock visited our apple trees to feast on a few mushy apples still hanging from the limbs. I rushed out with my camera, but the snow was still deep so I couldn’t get close enough to take a decent photo.
But the little guy under the sumacs in the photo above was cooperative...and very photogenic.
Usually a robin pair or two summer in my gardens, and that’s a very good thing! All summer long they help me battle grubs, caterpillars and beetles. Ha! They also fight me for the red currants, Saskatoon berries and raspberries. Hmmmm. They get ALL of the Saskatoon berries, but I usually get my share of the red currents and raspberries. I guess it’s their pay for eating some garden pests. ;-)
I can hardly wait to see where they’ll build their nests this year in my yard!