A few fields have not yet been harvested
Out catching the sunset, we noticed these corn stalks standing tall against the sky. Early snow last fall prevented many farmers from harvesting all their fields.

To see tons of gorgeous skies from around the world, visit the Sky Watch Website and click on Mr. Linky:
this is beautiful. it almost looks warm...whoa, who am i kidding. we are in the middle of a white out. ick.
A lovely picture! The sun this week was such a pleasure. I look for winter birds in these unharvested fields (and deer).
Your pictures are terrific. I would like permission to use several of your pictures in my Lent 2009 Study Blog. I'll provide attribution credit and a link to your blog. Thanks in advance.
wow, brilliant colors! great job.
Brilliant sky! Warms the soul if not the body.
Hi There, Thanks for visiting my blog. I am enjoying looking at yours. George says that you have been on his blog before (Senior Moments). He's my 'better half.'
Thanks again--and come back anytime.
P.S. Your photography is TERRIFIC!!!!
That is surreal! I also love the hay bales in the previous post. I love taking photos of fields of hay bales, too. There's something about it that always makes be feel safe and happy!
Very pretty sunset made even more beautiful with the darkness (silhouettes) of the corn stalks.
Great photo! I love the cornstalks standing up in front of the golden sky.
Bummer for the farmers. What a great photo opportunity for you! The colors are splendid!
Wow, that color is amazing! Happy SWF. :)
Beautiful shot. I know it's hard for farmers when weather interferes with their full crops. Apart from that, I love the way talk dried stalks look and you caught that in such marvelous light.
I liked the glorious colours, but even more the structure in the foreground. To me that makes the picture.
This is a beautiful photo - You definitely captured this at the perfect time!!! Happy Sky Watching!
I like the old corn stalks braving the weather. Nice shot. I thought I would try it this week and see how it goes.
what a super photo, I love the colours..
Haha, we both went orange today! Love your sky!
Delightful composition. those stalks are so stark against the sky.
Everything about this photo is beautiful, thanks for sharing it.
Food for Big Bird! :-)
Gorgeous sky!
Oh WOW, this photo is just stunning!!! Beautiful beautiful color!! The corn stalks add so much to it too!!
Absolutely stunning. The cornstalks add so much to the gorgeous sunset
have a nice weekend!! ;)
Such a dramatic shot! It almost looks like people dancing in silhouette. Love the way the sun is allowing just a beaming streak of light to pass through, radiating the whole sky! Awesome!
I hope they didn't lose too much of the crop to the cold! Wonderful blaze of color really sets off the earth tones in the foreground!
Lots and lots of this scene here too. I think winter surprised the farmers with such an early appearance they didn't get all the crops in.
Beautiful shot EG.
Happy SWF
Another masterpiece! Always a feast to visit your blog! Have a great SWF!
Ohmygod it's GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!
EG: This Golden Sunset makes me go OOOHHH / AAAWWW. It goes well with the yellow cornfield.
Awesome photo as always, you never disappoint!
Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures
A stunning photo! Great composition and colours!
Wow ;)! Lots of great photos here lately. This one is just sooooo beautiful, and I love the color! And the monochrome one is gorgeous!!
Have a perfect weekend, hopefully on photohunt :)
Greetings from winternorway :)
Stunning color, great compostion! Really beautiful! Thanks for sharing and Happy SWF!
What a very unusual sky - great capture.
Absolutely breathtaking and I love the remnents of the corn stocks. I also like your sepia shot of the hay bails. Beautiful work. Smiles
Wow, wow, wow. We sure do gain from someone else's neglect or oversight. Beautiful.
I do like those cornstalks standing against the sky amazing colors!
I really,really,really love that picture!!What else can I say?
:) Beautiful. I be back tonight with the lights off to enjoy the sunset.
What a great photo. That color is amazing!
Have a nice weekend.
The corn stalks in the foreground remind me of little teepees and a ceremonial stick with feathers blowing in the wind.
Must be something in my heritage but I love this.
All I can manage is - WOW! Stunning!
Really spectacular. The stalks almost look ceremonial, like feathered lances stuck in the ground, waving at the sky!
Flamming orange and gorgeous.
That picture is beautiful. I opened up your blog and said "WOW" so pretty.
Hello! That is such a beautiful shot, very simple and very effective. The sky colour reminds my of an egg yolk.
Every little detail here is just wonderful! :)
Beautiful composition.
The colors do give the false impression of being warm. Beautiful colors. =) Hope you have a great friday.
Just perfect. I love the corn stalks silhouetted against the sky.
That's spectacular. I feel warmer already.
I've never thought about a snow preventing a harvest. That must be devestating. I hope all goes well this year.
Happy SWF!
Wow! Very, very beautiful!
They look like soldiers standing in the field, the last tattered remains of their banners lifted by the wind. It's a wonderful shot :)
Tink *~*~*
NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* :
La Luna Obscura
What an amazing brilliant sky! You take the best sunsets..you must go to Arizona!
This really is a very reflective image; for a meditation. Just gorgeous colors. The stalks look like they are waiting...
Oh this is a stunning shot with all the colour and interesting silhouettes.
This is a wonderful image. I love all the old grasses in the foreground! It reminds me old burial grounds with flags on sticks.
Your pictures never dissapoint. They are always outstanding in quality and in subject. But I'm sure everybody has told you that by now. I am in awe of you.
Whaouu !! i'm just discovering your blog, your pictures are so beautiful.
Stunning shot.
Beautiful shot. The colors in the sky are amazing and I think the foreground is a perfect setting.
What a beautiful sky like in fire - a gorgeous shot! We had here harvestproblems because of too rain last autumn...
Another beautiful sunset!
For a moment I thought of Masai warriors standing in the sun, EG! Another wonderful photo! :)
Super shot. Too bad about the farmers thought but I suppose the birds and deer are finding the corn. MB
Wow ! that's absolutely gorgious ! so romantic !!
BTW the elephants in the parc were out of little wooden pieces nailed together.
This picture is unbelievable! That colour of the sky is simply amazing and such a stark contrast to the grey stalks sticking up from the snow. Artistic and creative photography!
Gorgeous, saturated colours!!
This has to be one of the most beautiful pictures I've seen! Absolutely gorgeous.
Wow - your skywatch photo is gorgeous!!
Just beautiful. You're so talented.
i am sure all has been said about this, so i will just sigh....
Awesome and eerie color.
I really love sunset..One of a kind sky you have there. you perfectly captured a very nice sky....
Oh my goodness you won the prize for this week . Oh I forgot they don't give prizes, well they should
To bad about the farmers losing their crops but it does make for a stunning photograph!
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