Sunday, April 12, 2009

Purple in Snow/ Today's Flowers

Closeup of crocus in snow

A valiant crocus rises above the snow.

A few blossoms in the snow

In the background you can see snow melting after last week's snowfall.

Please note: Monochrome Maniacs is the post below.

If you love flowers -- and who doesn't - check out Today's Flowers at


Torilicious said...

BEautiful details on the stigma...Love it in purple too!

Viennadaily said...

Wow! I have yet to see lila crocus and the ones where we get saffron from...:) Beautiful details!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful macro-shots. Funny to see on your blog the flowers that were in my garden a while ago.

Leora said...

Your crocus has great hues. Love that orange.

Gill - That British Woman said...

those are so beautiful.......


DeniseinVA said...

I love these macro shots of your crocus. So sharp and clear. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Naturegirl said...

Oh please shoo that winter snow away because I'm heading home next week!! EEk to the snow..
cheering that brave bright crocus!!
Happy Easter!

kayleen said...

Gorgeous photos, as always. Love the close up.

Nebraska Birding

Reader Wil said...

What a great set of photos! I love the deep purple colour! Thanks for your visit! Have a great week!

Lanny said...

Crocus in the snow are so delightful, so full of promise of spring to come! Your photos are intense, thank you for sharing them.

Ebie said...

Wow, these beautiful flowers survive in the snow? Just how wonderful nature is. Beautiful purples!


Great detales! Wonderful color! And crocus means SPRING! :)

Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

How beautiful, this is a perfect close up of the flower. I've been seeing a lot of this kind on the blogs but I think this one is the closest look I got.

Lowell said...

Wonderful macros...glad to hear the snow is melting ... spring will be here shortly!

Anonymous said...

These crocus are so beautiful. It's amazing you have them growing in the snow and we have them in our heat!

amanda said...

These crocus are drop dead gorgeous! love the center and the color is amazing.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I wish I had the time and could be inspired by flowers to join. The close up is gorgeous so rich in my favourite purple.

Darla said...

Don't they look brave? Such a delight to find them peeking out above the white stuff.


dot said...

Very nice shots of the crocus! Many years ago it snowed in south Alabama while the camellias were blooming. That was a strange but beautiful sight.

Neal said...

Beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen flowers colored like those.

Anonymous said...

This is a regal color. I love that it has survived the snow. ;-)


Sunshine said...

great macro shot! that crocus is a beautiful flower..

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

EG: I do love the early Crocus and yours are putting on a great show.

Walker said...

Wonderful pictures.

Anonymous said...

Great colour and pictures!!
The colourful crocus compete with easter eggs in the garden!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

The Crocus are so pretty ---even with the snow in the background. They'd probably rather be in the Spring sunshine instead of the snow---but they are still gorgeous and holding their own!!!!!

Beautiful, EG!

Lew said...

I'll bet that a bunch of these punching through the snow is a colorful sight!

Becky said...

Aren't Crocuses just the best Spring flower. They bloom in the tinest bit of warmth. Ours are gone having been buried in snow last week, BUT the Daffodils are next.

Lilli & Nevada said...

What great color you captured there, I love crocus, this one is beautiful

Arija said...

Wonderful how the early spring flowers can survive late snows. Lovely shots.

Small City Scenes said...

Sweet Crocus. Nice shot.

I couldn't even access cdp this morning. I did go to a few sites by getting them from someone elses blog. But all of a sudden around 9-10 everything was OK. So I think it was just blogger trying to be a stinker. MB

Carletta said...

Stunning macros - wonderful detail!

PERBS said...

I think the snow brings out the color and details of the Crocus. . . Ü

I don't know how I got behind again but I left comments on two below also. Don't like to miss any of yours.

Suffeli kuvailee said...

real beautiful flowers and really wonderful Easter to you;)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

the yellow stigma, makes me think of the expensive saffron I use for my saffron rice.

Tulip said...

so lovely flowers. great close up capture. happy easter!

sunnymama said...

Wonderful detail in these shots! Glad they made it though the snow :)

Judy said...

wonderful details!! do you still have snow on the ground? we never got as much as you, last week, and it was gone thursday or friday!!
and it can stay away till december if i have any say in the matter!!

Mojo said...

Such vivid color! Wonderful shots.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Absolutely gorgeous photo of a beautiful flower! Marvelous!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.