Friday, August 21, 2009

Ripples/ Photo Hunter

Raindrops are falling on his head (can you hear the melody?)

This week's Photo Hunter challenge: ripples

As Jacob has pointed out, this photo was NOT taken in East Gwillimbury but at the Toronto Zoo. Good observation, Jacob!

   To see what other Photo hunters found, check out


Lowell said...

Okay, now you didn't take this in EG, right? Oh, maybe at a zoo?

You're causing ripples in my brain! ;-)

EG CameraGirl said...

You are too smart! And correct. This was taken at the Toronto Zoo, ;-)

Small City Scenes said...

Awwww, I thought Lake Simco had it;s own River Horse. Neat shot and I do hear the music---then again I hear music at odd times too. MB

Carver said...

That's a fantastic shot. I love it!

Heidi said...

I love your picutre. And yes I was singing right along with you. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday!

George said...

What a wonderful picture -- complete with the music playing in my head.

cieldequimper said...

Why do I get the feeling I'm going to hum something all weekend?
I'm disappointed that you took this at the Toronto zoo. I thought it was your backyard pond. :-( Seriously, it's a great shot and wouldn't be so great without the ripples!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you told us that this wasn't at Toronto... I was CONFUSED!!!! ha ha

Great photo.

Becky said...

Yep, I'm singing it now, although the rain has moved on. Thank goodness. I walked our trails this morning, and found one tree uprooted, and another twisted like a pretzel about 3 ft. up the trunk. SO I guess we did have some strong winds, but I didn't know about it till I saw those trees. Strange weather were having this summer!

Ashley said...

Great shot! Love the ripples, looks like he is enjoying the rain!

Dagrun said...

One can only see the top of the very big head. Excellent!

Photo Cache said...

I am liking the images posted for this week's theme. Happy weekend.

Cezar and Léia said...

Anyway this picture is fabulous!
EG e Toronto are wonderful!
I would love to see more pictures from this zoo!
Have a nice weekend dear friend

Jenn Jilks said...

OMG EG, the rain and winds....How did you fare?

Annie said...

That is such a cool shot! Lots of ripples around that big guy.

Thanks for visiting mine and have a great weekend.

eamon@ewmphotography said...

Good shot - I can nearly see what he's thinking. (He's thinking: "I love it when it rains.")

YTSL said...

What a cool close up shot. Great zoom lens? ;b

Anonymous said...

Yes I can hear the song! Definately cool ripples.

candi said...

What a lovely shot!
Great take on the theme!

judi/Gmj said...

It is a song that never ends, ...
you are wicked!
That is going to be stuck in my brain for days now.
I thought maybe you do have lake creatures like this.. pity you don't. :)

upto6only said...

the hippo will surely cause the water to ripple :)

mine is up too

LifeRamblings said...

those are lovely ripples. happy weekend.

squiggies said...

awwww! ^^ this was adorable. :) i love hippos!

have a fab weekend.

Cookie said...

Great shot!

Gemma Wiseman said...

What a brilliant shot! And love the hippo eye peeking out checking the weather!

Anonymous said...

lovely capture!

Bim said...

He looks a bit depressed, I think - I imagine that's how I look like when I have to work in the river during a shower. The ripples are very nice though, and so is the rest.

MaR said...

Oh, I am singing out loud now!! and what a great shot of the hippo!!

Hootin Anni said...

I love, LOVE this photo!!!

I tried to think of something that was 'different' other than water...

So, HERE is mine The Ripple Effect.

Sandra said...

What a great shot!!! Love it!!

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

The ripples add to the scene. Hippos rock! Nice shot!

If I Could Escape . . . said...

That is a great photograph! Happy weekend!

maryt/theteach said...

EG, I don't do Photohunters but I have to say that's one excellent photo! Just love hippos. We have them at the Bronx Zoo! Can I here the melody? Of course! :)

Unknown said...

now, that's a lot of ripples! yeah, i can hear the song, and i'm singing with the hippo.:D

Rebecca Mecomber said...

And here I was, thinking you have hippos roaming free and wild in your rivers.... ;)

I love your osprey photos, too-- amazing!
Mine is up! I hope you have a chance to visit.
New York

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Mecomber

kayerj said...

best I've seen this week. love it

marta said...

Fun shot and great ripples.

A. said...

Wet, wet, wet! Very atmospheric.

healingmagichands said...

I CAN hear the music! What a great shot. I love rain on the water. I had to do something else today, though. Hope you have time to stop in.

Crafty Green Poet said...

excellent shot, I like hippos,

Unknown said...

He's a monstrous cutie!!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.