Who would build a nest on a light standard high above an athletic field in East Gwillimbury...
or on a telephone pole high above an East Gwillimbury railroad track?
An osprey, that's who!
Until a few days ago, I had never seen an osprey. Then a friend told me he knew where there were two nests a few minutes from his farm. Mama osprey is sitting on the nest (first photo) and Papa is is standing guard on a nearby light standard (third photo). The nest in the second photo appears to be empty.
Please note: Photo Hunter is the post below.

Excellent sleuth post! The close up is wonderful!
Isn that so fun. On Whidbey where my Mother lives--right on the hiway to her house, on a power pole--is an Ospery nest. It is sooo cool to see ther birds there.I have many pics of them.
And when I was at a rodeo with Kylee in Okanogan--there above the rodeo grounds on a power pole was an Osprey nest.
I find them amazing raptors.
So, ya going pro with that camera set-up? Fantastic shots and you must have a fantastic zoom or were you in one of those bucket trucks they use to fix the lights? backing away now... :)
Amazing shots. We would see osprey nests quite often on high poles in Florida, but never anywhere I could stop and photograph them! Well done!
My CC - Oliver the Guinea Pig
the last photo...the closeup is stupendous!!!
My C C is posted....it's Tahoe this time, getting into trouble....again! Come by for a visit, won't you? You need to scroll down below my Saturday's photo hunt to view. Happy day wishes sent your way.
Isn't it wonderful when you learn something new? We have osprey here also.
Nice shots. It seems to be the time for ospreys, I've seen my first wild one in germany last month, too (I hd seen one before in the US, though)
Wow...GREAT shots
My entry this week : in HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks
that is so awesome!
Wow! nice spot for a nest!!!
Have a nice weekend!
Wonderful shots! Thanks so much!
Great series of photo's! We have Osprey here too and they always seem to have those big messy nests.
Ospreys do build their nests in strange places, don't they??? Great pictures, EG.
Living in Florida,near the Gulf coast,we are lucky enough to see the osprey nests everywhere.They are such attentive parents,aren't they?
Haha.. wonderful! Imagine the view up there!
LOVE this post!!! How kewl to spy this unlikely nest and get the close up too ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Great post! I love ospreys!
We have many osprey in Florida...they are magnificent birds. The bald eagles build similar nests in our telephone poles, and sometimes it's hard to tell them apart.
Very fine foto!
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog, but you did quite well too. I really like your pictures.
The one I photographed was in a wilderness setting, but we have to take them where we find them. You can be proud of these photos.
Great pictures, never have seen this bird in our region
They live like this at our school each lamppost
wow I hope he didn't have problems to sleep!
Beautiful and perfect shot!
happy camera critters
This is a bird I have always wanted to see up close... I'd love to see one catching fish.
wonderful! Fancy an osprey nesting there!
I have never seen one, and would dearly love to. Awesome pictures.
I've never seen an Osprey. Looks like they have a great view of everything from their nesting spot.
I love how the Osprey nest where we can watch them!
What a place to build a home. Amazing shots!
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