The main street through Oranageville, Ontario
No orange groves in Ontario, although the idea of growing frozen orange juice on trees sounds interesting. The town's name honours a prominent businessman (Orange Lawrence) who, during the 1800s, owned several mills in the village. (I don't know why they didn't name it Lawrenceville.)
Orangeville is located about a half hour drive west of East Gwillimbury. It's another quickly expanding Ontario town due to its proximity to Toronto. At the moment it still retains tons of old-timey charm, though.

Interesting how it got its name! but the sky at least looks a bit orange.
I guess we should be happy we don't call our oranges, lawrences.
Perhaps the town founders wanted a unique name for their town. I doubt that there are many other Orangevilles in Canada. This is a pretty picture -- I like both the color of the sky and the church steeple.
Great shot, love the church steeple.
I've never heard of anyone with the first name of Orange before.
It is definitely charming. I had never really thought much about Ontario until I started looking at your pictures. I think it must be an amazing place. I must think about visiting someday.
I first thought maybe it was named for the beautiful color of the sky at sunset. Very interesting and looks like a good place to visit.
Nicely done!
I really like the perspective this is shot with....very nice.
What an interesting post! And it is an interesting name for a town and actually for the man, too, don't think I've ever known anyone with Orange for a name, it is unique! And what a gorgeous sky! You've captured it perfectly. The town looks so small against the spacious skies. Hope you have a great weekend!
This orange sky is magnificent, fabulous shot!
All those lines and lights are great and I love the warm orange glow!
This is lovely, and thanks for the bit of history.
This is a lovely picture. Nice color and I like the diagonal lines that your eye sees. Thanks for sharing.
you should have emailed me, and you could have popped in for a cup of tea?
Great shot,
I love the way the steeple looks against the pale orange sky.
a well balanced photo a for sunset. Makes you wonder whats in the shadow.
Orangeville? My guess is that they have an open bar at the town meetings. least the one where they decided on the name, anyway.
Beautiful town, by the way. You picked a nice spot for a silhouette.
The glow adds a nice soft touch of the shot. Perfect composition!
beautiful :)
What an interesting picture EG. Love the colors.
This shot reminds me of the small towns in the California gold country region.
Imagine having to go to high school with a name like Orange - the teasing!!
Great shot and if that's pollution I'll take some of it xo
interesting info, i guess it would make it more interesting rather than lawrenceville :D love the fading sunlight in this photo :)
That church steeple really adds drama to that gorgeous sky. Beautiful sunset and evening silhouettes.
Fantastic shot. Love the composition
That's a great shot and gives Old Orangeville some glamor!
Lovely shot and very well composed looking up the hill into the sun!
I never knew how Orangeville got its name.
And look at all those traffic lights!
Lovely sky, too.
That view of orangeville which you've shared is so gorgeous!
Pixellicious Photos
Beautiful shading in the sky, and wonderful silhouettes of the town. I love the jewel effect of the traffic lights.
Gorgeous shot! Very soothing...
Love the orange sky in Orangeville!
Terrific shot! Love the view looking down the road with all the signal lights lined up. Excellent SWF post.
Of course it's name is Orangeville. It has an orange sky. MB
Marvellous shapes and the light over the curve of the road...magical.
hmmm,amazing sky that goes with the name.....interesting!
Happy Sky Watch Friday and great capture of the light across the sky line.
Interesting name for a town. Looks like a very peaceful and beautiful town from the picture. This is one of my favourite sunset pictures that I had seen.
Love love love the light. That steeple silouetted in the sky perfect! ~Jeanne
Unusual name for a person but the color of the sky is perfect for the town name.
it looks like a lovely quaint little town....soon to be all grown up by it's neighbours....
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