What have we here?
Not a macro, but a closeup. And I would like to get a better look, wouldn't you? Hmmm. What kind of toys?
What a pity that nothing is attached. But we can speculate: A trailer for a boat? A camping trailer? Snowmobile trailer? What do you think?

I think it is possibly more than one of the above.
Big boys toys I'm sure. Nice shots.
Funny. Interesting close ups.
yep, awarewriter said it best, big boy toys.
I think some people have more money than sense!
I wonder what kind of expensive toys goes with this!
Anything they want IF they can afford a Hummer. . .
too many typos is my previous comment...
I just hope the wallet is loaded to the brim with mega $ to be able to tow the toys!! [gas guzzler even withOUT towing stuff]
I played Macro Monday for the 1st time today...can you come stop by? If you have some time.
Fun toys, expensive toys and like awarewriter said, big boy toys! Cool shots.
the big boat for sure.
I think you can have all the toys! :)
Big toys I am sure and the very expensive ones.
that first shot is very clever. MB
It very well could be 'all of the above'! This is a nice capture, even if it isn't technically a macro.
Dragkrok in swedish:-) Hitch, I think it´s called. Nice photos on it.
Nice captures. I chuckled at your humor. Thanks!
Macro mon is at
Probably all of them!;)
I'm guessing this one is a snowmobiler. Maybe I should get a "Toys Go Here" on my camerabag. ;-)
What a fun towbar cover! LOL!
I'm thinking off-road motorbikes or quad trailer, something like that.
Funny sign on that Hummer :)
I agree with others here = Big boy´s toy´s !
i think maybe a motor bike or trail bike trailer!
The other day I saw some fake male genitalia dangling from some guys tow thingy. It was gross! I like the one you found much better. :)
I bet they have all of the above and more! What fun!
haha, that's really cute!
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