Friday, May 14, 2010

Sandpipers/ Weekend Reflections

Lesser Yellowlegs (I believe)

A few sandpipers have taken up residence in a shallow pond near my house. They wouldn't let me get very close and the light was dreadful...but the shadows were good. I have never seen sandpipers here before (I was looking for ducks!) so I was (and still am) excited.

To enjoy reflections from around the world, click HERE! 


Carolyn Ford said...

Six little sandpipers! Very cute!

cieldequimper said...

Cute yes, and the reflections are so perfect, like they have twins!

Woody said...

Yes, Sandpipers are very skittish, but they give great reflections :-)

Malyss said...

Funny and beautyful! great catch!

Regina said...

Lovely little creature.
Great reflections!

Small City Scenes said...

Very cool. I haven't seen Yellowlegs (lesser or greater) before. I have seen other typs of Sabdpipers before. I guess that is the family they belong to. The reflections are neat too. MB

Sylvia K said...

What delightful reflections -- yes, twins! Such lovely birds! I love it! Hope you have a great weekend!


Dianne said...

I love their long needle like beaks :)

My name is Riet said...

Oh this is beautiful.Love the reflections.

Ebie said...

Sandpipers are always fun to photograph. They are so cute!

RYC: Some places in Death Valley have less vegetation, but during Spring, the desert plants are always very interesting to see.

We did a few hikes to the water falls and salt creek, there was a lot of greenery.

Snap said...

I love these little shore birds .. they move around the ground so quickly .. always looking for food! Lovely shot and reflections.

Tania said...

So cute! And what a great reflection.

Halcyon said...

I am surprised to see them as well! I have seen them in Florida, but wouldn't expect them that far north. What a nice surprise!

Rambling Woods said...

Don't worry about the Nature Notes logo..I moved from Blogger to Wordpress almost 2 years ago because I had so many problems with it. Wordpress actually has a staff member who will answer your e-mail within a short period of time and they also follow their help forum. I like it better, but it's personal preference. You can also move or copy your posts from Blogger to Wordpress.....Michelle

Reader Wil said...

Yes, excellent reflections of the sandpipers! Wonderful photo! Have a great weekend!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Reflections of water birds are are always calming! A beautiful photo that would pair well with mine of seagulls in reflection!

Thank you for your comment on my Weekend Mailbox meme. If you look at the koala's back, there is a dark line across it. That is the opening for small mail/letters. Mail can drop down into a well-protected hollow! The other opening is for newspapers etc.

Craver Vii said...

What a great find! I have never seen them either. Thanks for sharing. :-)

Lowell said...

Where sandpipers go, sand fleas follow!

Nah, I don't know if that's true; I just made it up. Like the reflections. Cute little critters.

I think we have lots of these in Florida.

Lowell said...

Hi E.G. - Re your comment on Ocala DP: I don't know about the waters of the Sea of Galilee...but I do know Sunday Schools don't teach a lot of stuff people need to know! :-)

eileeninmd said...

Love the sandpipers and their reflections. Great capture!

George said...

You got some wonderful reflections in this photo. If you hadn't told us we wouldn't have known that the light was dreadful.

Beverley Baird said...

Love the reflections and the sandpipers!

Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have seen these up close! The reflections are amazing!

SandyCarlson said...

I suredo love that photo.

Kaori said...

Something yummy must be in the water! Wonderful reflection ;-)

Louis la Vache said...

Excellent reflections! A fine entry for Weekend Reflections!

Lew said...

Great reflection!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Serendipity is what keeps me addicted to photography. You head out looking for one thing and find something even better. The reflections are just perfect. What a great find!


VioletSky said...

Well, I would never have headed out looking for sandpipers!! but now you have me intrigued - wonder how they got here and are there more?

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That's a great picture! They are really cute to watch as they scamper along the shoreline -- so so busy. I always wonder how they survive -- looks as if they expend way more energy than they take in!

Lorac said...

Cute little guys! Always hungry!

Serendipity said...

Very cute - and they make lovely reflections!

Anonymous said...

Someone already used my serendipity word but I'll use it anyway. Surprise and the ability to capitalize on your discoveries are fun. You managed to capture a nice image in spite of poor lighting, etc. Nice work.

Carolyn said...

Good for you for capturing these quick little birds and such a nice photo.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.