Wednesday, March 2, 2011

U/ Alphabe-Thursday

Uxbridge railway station, Uxbridge, Ontario

Since 1997, this station - owned and operated by the Township of Uxbridge - has been a ticket office and waiting area  for the York-Durham Heritage Railway.

Heritage Railway

The station was built in 1904 when Uxbridge was a busy stop, several trains stopping every day carrying grain, lumber, livestock, and passengers,  as well as items to be sold by local businesses.

Old trains that still run on a limited schedule

From June through October, the York-Durham Heritage Railway operates over 20 kilometres (12 miles) of track between Uxbridge and Stouffville, Ontario, an approximate two-and-a-half-hour journey.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Lois Evensen said...

Ah, yes, old trains and train stations are wonderful, aren't they? They're fun to photograph and when operating they are a thrill to visit and ride. It's also fun to know that this one was built the year my father was born.

Nice post.

Paulie said...

Love learning about old things and especially love the snow of course and the architecture.

Martha Z said...

Trains are a much more efficient mode of travel than cars and airplanes. Someday we may find ourselves returning to them and many old train stations will be restored and returned to service.

Malyss said...

It seems that all over the world, people are going back to love their old trains and to enjoy ancient train stations! Nostalgy..

Rose said...

I always love train stations, and this is the neatest I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I like old trains, and even older than these two. Steam trains are my favorites as those passed my house twice a day when I was growing up.

I also like canals and canal boats like those around here that plied the Miami and Erie Canal system.

Dianne said...

I love old trains
I love all trains actually
great shots

Shammickite said...

I took my oldest grandson (he's now 3) on the YDHR train from Stouffville to Uxbridge and back again last year, he really enjoyed it, the best thing for him was running up and down the central corridor and playing with the toy train that they keep in the baggage car.

Lola said...

I love old trains too! Great shots!

XOXO Lola:)

Honey at 2805 said...

Great old train and history!

Pondside said...

I love those old trains. We made a big mistake in this country when we allowed our rails to be torn up for bicycle paths and trails. Rail is a dependable and eco-friendly way to move people and goods.

Lowell said...

I'd be most interested in taking that 2 1/2 hour this is mostly a tourist thing now?

Nothing like a train ride! Back when I was in high school, my dad traveled around the country - mostly by train. Couldn't do that today.

Mary said...

Great U post~ Love the photo of the train! There is such a comforting sense of history & nostalgia I associate with train stations.

Judie said...

Your posts always give me such a sense of history!

Pat said...

Great images! In our nearby town, we have the famous Wausau Train Station - symbol of Wausau Insurance for ages & viewed on US TV thousands of times. The building has been moved and is now used as a special meeting/conference center.

Viola said...

A charming railway station! :)

Kathy said...

Pretty train. But two and a half hours to go 12 miles? Why is it so slow? Maybe it makes a lot of stops along the way!

Anonymous said...

JDaniel would love to take a ride on this train.

Unknown said...

How quaint! I now feel like traveling the rails!

Ames said...

I love historical places. They are so quaint!~Ames

Halcyon said...

It's the cutest little place!

Michelle said...

Trains and depots have such romance about them.

Randy said...

Farmchick said it, there really is something about them.

Jack said...

I'm glad they are keeping part of it running, if only for a limited time and distance.

Donnie said...

Love trains and you showed some great photos.

Becky said...

Oh I love this EG. What a beautiful old station! Love the engines and the color scheme too.

SandyCarlson said...

I love the vibrant colors of the train. Beautiful shots.

George said...

I really like this old station. They don't build them like that any more.

Jo said...

oh i love that old station, what a wonderful looking building

jfb57 said...

That station just takes me back to a time of peace & tranquility! Thanks for reminding me!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

some of my nephews love vintage trains.

Cezar and Léia said...

The old train picture is awesome!
A very charming train station there!

VP said...

I like the old train and the roof of the station.

Andy said...

EG... when it comes to photographing you seem to be a few steps ahead of me. Uxbridge train station was on my photographer's to do list. Perhaps one day we will end up with our cameras in hand at the same place at the same time.

Unknown said...

I love this train station! It's very unique and very beautiful with the snow on and around it. I love old, historic buildings. They have so much more character to them than the new buildings these days.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I just love trains. Great, interesting pics.

And a new meme, to me anyway.

Kate said...

Those "old-fashioned" train depots are wonderful relics of time.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

What a beautiful building! We have a great old train station/museum near here.I'll have to toddle over and take some photos some day!

Jenny said...

I have always been enchanted by old trains and train stations.

I feel the stories in the metal of the tracks, the tales in each nail in the old buildings.

Thanks for a wonderful stop to this weeks Alphabe-Thursday's letter "U".


Gattina said...

This railway station is absolutely adorable and so romantic ! I love it !

Sue McPeak said...

I enjoyed this post! The photos could be on a Train Calendar! Well done for the Letter U.

Susan Anderson said...

How picturesque! Thanks for sharing these.


Amanda said...

I know the 'original' Uxbridge in the UK on the outskirts of London. It has an underground station, but is nowhere near as nice looking as this!

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

love it, very fantastic train station..

Theresa Plas said...

A classic indeed!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.