Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Angry Goose/Watery Wednesday

Temper, temper!

This guy is super mad! What's he so upset about?

Another male Canada goose is invading his territory

It's mating season and male Canada geese have zero tolerance for rivals. (Yep, the photo IS a bit fuzzy but I wanted you to see what all the fuss was about!)

I am linking to Watery Wednesday where you can find many more watery photos.


Cezar and Léia said...

Fantastic shots, that first one is breathtaking!

Darla said...

I wouldn't want to face that angry goose!


Judy said...

That first shot is amazing...Great capture of him.

Lúcia said...

Perfect timming on the first shot!!!
It's so fun to see his face! ;-)

Nellie from Beyond My Garden said...

The geese get pretty excited this time of year. You caught a great shot.

Kate said...

I agree with everyone else. The first shot with the bird's open bill is terrific; I can ever hear the noise!

Halcyon said...

So funny! I can hear their squawks all the way here in North York!! :)

Michelle said...

That first shot is so great. Love the expression on the bird's face.

Small City Scenes said...

excellent shot, EG. You really captured his mood. I have a pair that have staked out the pond and they will not let any other geese near at all. The occasional duck they don't care about. Fine with me I don't want a lot of geese around anyway. MB

Lowell said...

Got a smile out of me this morning. I've been chased by gooses! They bite! Not fun! This one looks very dangerous...

Re your question on Ocala DP: I admit to nothing!

Kathy said...

Hey, Loosey-Goosey, get your beak off my woman!

Lois Evensen said...

Those are such great images, especially the first one. Just love it!!!

Jack said...

The first shot made me laugh!

Chesney said...

Wow what a capture...I love the clarity you achieved - especially in that comical face...LOVE this!

Kerri Farley said...

Great capture of the Angry Goose. Those others better just stay out of his way :)

Ingrid said...

I looked exactly like this goose this morning !!!

B i r g i t t a said...

What a capture EG! Very special and very fun :)

Malyss said...

It's funny to see..in pictures! I would not like to be in front of that guy!

kayerj said...

I'll confess I'm scared of geese, they are mean :/

RedPat said...

They can certainly be mean. I thought that he was after you in the 1st shot - you would be in big trouble if he was!

Reader Wil said...

We have a lot of Canada geese here as well. The couples stay together their entire life. It's great to see them swimming with their chicks between them. One of the parents swims ahead and the other at the back of the row of chicks.

Janie said...

Great action shots. That angry male goose will do a good job of taking care of his mate and offspring!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! what a priceless expression. great action shot.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yikes! Talk of protecting your turf or is it water.

Unknown said...

Great timing. Fantastic!

Snap said...

great shots .. jealous critters!

Leif Hagen said...

Timing is sometimes everything and yours was perfect! Fun snaps!

Cecilia Artista said...

I just love your first shot of the angry goose!
Great shot!

DoanLegacy said...

Oh boy, he looked angry indeed, but these are great captured!

Tara said...

Worth the fussy photo...:D thanks for sharing.

genie said...

I guess I’d be a little miffed, too. I would not have thought these guys would be so territorial. They really mean business from the look on that angry one’s face. Great captures...but then your shots are always great captures. Hope you are having a good week up there in the northland. We are freezing gain down here...cold and very windy. Will it ever end???

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I SEE what it's all about and the pictures are so good I can almost hear the noise!!

Judy said...

It is that time of year! All the displays, and the songs - we think they are for us, but they are really to stop those pesky invaders!!

Kai Rui said...

Love your photo's awesome capture...visiting you from Watery Wednesday...

mine's here

Ebie said...

Its a wild goose chase! I love the wide expanse of the wings!

Birdman said...

Males losing their cool... does it ever end? hahaha

Carolyn said...

wow!!!! I love the way you captured the bird...


Unknown said...

WOW, these are terrific shots! i loveeee your capture of the angry goose! he looks really mean!:p

Randy said...

So happy I am not a goose!

NatureFootstep said...

oh yes. This looks angry. Great shots EG Wow :)

Roan said...

Wow! Wonderful shot of that mad goose.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, that is one angry bird.

Jeannette StG said...

Excellent -it's the same with geese here too right now:)

Rose said...

Wonderful captures, EG! He sure looks angry....

Suburban Girl said...

Perfect timing on that first shot!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

were you stealing their eggs?

Our geese don't fly, but when they charge at you, it is very frightening.

Ladynred said...

I love the first shot! stunning...
Watery Wednesday

Cindy said...

Those photos are just FABULOUS!!! Gotta love the geese, they are so amusing sometimes!
Hugs, cindy

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.