Monday, September 12, 2011

Gypsy Wagon/ Our World

 Inside as seen from the door

My husband and I were out and about yesterday, a road trip that included several stops at antique and collectible shops - just browsing, as you never know what you might find.  As it turns out we didn't purchase anything but we DID find this Gypsy wagon, aka vardo.

The owner told us that he has built three wagons and sold two, and he very graciously let me step inside to take photos.

On the right (moving from front to back and hidden by cabinets) is a refrigerator, sink and seat for one.  On the left  a longer seat over storage. In the space you cannot see on the left is a wood stove.

 Closer look at the bed

I was impressed by how efficient this  wagon is. Apparently modern RVs have been modeled after the originals, which were first built in the early 1800s.

As you can see in the first photo, the bed is over a storage area and  has a ladder up to it.


Would you believe the owner stayed in this wagon during the winter?  This wagon must be very well insulated!

 Outside as seen from the back

The outside of this wagon is not as flashy as I have seen in photos of older versions. And this one is up on blocks, not on wheels.

Side windows and coloured glass at the top of the wagon

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Roan said...

Great find. Think how much we would have to downsize to fit in there. Actually, I think I could do it if not for the wood stove—well, until claustrophobia set in about mid January. lol

Buttons Thoughts said...

That is so beautiful. I am so glad you shared this. I could travel in that. B

Shammickite said...

When I was little, a travelling fair came to my village every year. I became friendly with the daughter of one of the fair families, and they travelled in a gypsy caravan, the inside was very much like this one. But the outside was very ornate. Originally pulled by horses, it was pulled by a truck. All polished mahogany. I wonder if that caravan still exists today, I certainly hope so, it was a work of art.

Penelope Notes said...

What a cozy looking place. It must be pretty inside when the sun seeps through the small colored glass at the top. I can’t quite imagine a wood stove in such a vehicle, particularly since I don’t see a chimney. But it obviously must work very well. What a nice idea to give an antique touch to a modern livable “wagon”.

Judy said...

What a neat find. I could see this in the woods somewhere by a lake. Perfect for a get-away retreat.

EG CameraGirl said...

aka Penelope,
The stove is on the other side of all my photos! I never thought that I should photograph that! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a amazing, i don't see wheels on it, so does it mean he can't pull it like and RV? i love it, the inside looks just like the real thing and this would be great for camping in.

karen said...

Just lovely (on the inside, at least). So much more character than a modern caravan.

Halcyon said...

It looks much cosier on the inside than one would expect. Nice find!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I remember seeing the original Romany wagons when I was a lad, parked up on the roadside, the horse tethered a short way off and the family gathered around a campfire. Summer and winter you could see them, too. Tough people.

Gillian Olson said...

Thanks for these interesting shots, I have recently finished reading a book with decriptions of gypsy vardos (Jacqueline Winspear's "An incomplete revenge", the 5th Maisie Dobbs book) so it is interesting to see these pictures.

Kathy said...

That is really neat. I could actually live in that. Remember, last December I downsized from a three-bedroom home to a 10 by 14 bedroom at my mom's! It's a little cozy but it holds everything I really need. Of course, it doesnt have a kitchen! Does this "wagon" hook up to a truck for trailering?

Martha Z said...

I love to see such craftsmanship. Nice to know there are still those around who make things and do it well.

VioletSky said...

hmm, you don't mention a WC, but I assume there is one - hidden, of course!

RedPat said...

How unusual! Neat find.

Francisca said...

This gypsy wagon is a delightful slice of your world, EG!

Jack said...

I see that it can be done, but I am still left with "Why?"

kayerj said...

thanks for the tour . . . I've always wanted a look at one.

Tina´s PicStory said...

Nice trip :)

Rajesh said...

The interiors are beautiful.

Sylvia K said...

That's amazing, never would have thought of one like this! We had a motor home when the kids were small and it was a great way to travel with them, but this has an old-fashioned loveliness about it that I find fascinating in a travel trailer! What a great post for the day and a really fun look at your world! Hope you have a great week!


Rose said...

I have ALWAYS wanted to see inside one of glad you got shots.

Have you saw some of the new 'small living spaces?' They would not hold my sewing junk alone!

Carver said...

What fun getting a look inside the gypsy wagon.

B i r g i t t a said...

Amazing! Very beautufully designed - a piece of art I would say. I saw a lot of gipsy wagons as child when they came to our town but no wagon like this one :)

Jackie said...

Lovely photo's and he has done a beautiful job.
Around May we often see Gypsy families travelling to the Appleby Fair, a lot have modern caravans but a few still travel in Vardo's, some are the simple canvas covered wagons, but occasionally we see a really ornate one, though they are smaller than the one in your photo's, and they are pulled by horses. I once went inside a beautiful old Vardo that had all cupboard and door knobs of cut and polished clear amber.

Unknown said...

Interesting post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Angela said...

That is so cute! I don't think I could live in one though! There is a man that lives on our road that lives in a small camper all year round. He seems to love it. He's living on the old farmstead he grew up on.

Kay L. Davies said...

It's beautiful. I've seen the identical layout in cab-over campers, with a propane furnace where the wood stove is. But I've never seen a camper or trailer this lovely inside, and I've looked at more than a few.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Gemma Wiseman said...

A magic little well-organised, romantic space inside the wagon! Beautiful, fascinating photos!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

arthur used a big green lure

eileeninmd said...

Cool photos, the inside of the wagon is veyr pretty. One would never expect it seeing it from the outside. Thanks for sharing your world today.

Gill - That British Woman said...

that is so neat. Where was this at?


Paulie said...

My Dad built a few of those many eyars ago but maybe not quite as fancy but with all the ammenities and a toilet also!

Your "find" is pretty neat too tho!

Gypsy Lala said...

I like this gypsy wagon, beautiful.

Viola said...

WOW!! One and the same wagon?! It looks so small from outside and so great from inside! Like a castle inside and just so cosy from outside! :)
Sometimes it's just so good to get out and about.. :)

Laura said...

what a lovely cozy and well crafted!

stardust said...

The impression seen from the door and from the outside is quite different. How can people imagine such an antique-looking and classy interiors with modern conveniences? It must be fun to drive around the country with this wagon. Thank you for sharing.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Very very cool. I am not sure that I could actually live more than a short while in it.

Reena said...

Great shots of the interior. I doubt that I could spend a winter in that little thing though!

Small City Scenes said...

I love it I want it NOW!!!!!
Super find, EG.

Randy said...

What a great find.

Arija said...

What a find! . . and the interior is certainly very inviting, now if the exterior were equally attractive and it had wheels, I'd be happy living there.
Thank you for taking these stunning photographs, it is difficult in a constricted space.

. . . and thank you for showing the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

The rather plain exterior hides a wonderfully colourful interior. Lovely°

Indrani said...

Wow! A grand wagon, so tastefully done.

Cezar and Léia said...

How nice, I would love visiting there!This Gypsy Wagon is full of charm! :)

Craver Vii said...

Brrr... I can't imagine staying inside that during a Canadian winter. I was camping this weekend in Wisconsin, and at night, I just couldn't get warm enough to sleep comfortably. No Ma'am, I'd stay inside a warmer shelter; that's for certain.

Janie said...

Convenient, colorful and mobile! What a great little home.

wildcatwoods said...

Would be fun for camping and so much more exotic!

Carolina Mts

Judy said...

But this is MUCH prettier than any RV I have seen! He puts so much love and attention to detail into his work!

Ebie said...

And one modern wagon. Love the interiors and surprising to see the electrical outlet!

genie said...

This is one awesome post. I have never seen anything like it before....truly amazing in its beauty and functionality. I would love to have been the one walking through it. Even the outside and the little windows are lovely. What a wonderful piece of work by the builder. genie

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.