Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scarecrow Invasion/ Alphabe-Thursday

 Scarecrows hanging from a lamp post

Alphabe-Thursday is celebrating a second week of non-alphabet posts, this week "anything autumn."

And here we have representatives from the 2011 Scarecrow Invasion held in Meaford, Ontario - an annual family event that has been held for 15 years.

Just hanging around

Culture Days were held a few weekends ago (September 30 through October 2) but many scarecrows were still hanging in there two weeks later when I took these photos.

Hanging together

And in spite of rain and wind, they were in pretty good condition.

Hanging in there

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Malyss said...

In France, there are several towns that organise a scarecrow festival every year. But i never saw "hanging "scarecrows! Ü

Jack said...

This is pretty cute and pretty funny. I like the small, creative local festivals. Anything to counter the increasing homogeneity we are confronting.

Carletta said...

Fun fall shots!

Jill said...

Those are adorable! What a fun, fantastic idea!

Gillian Olson said...

Great pictures, what great decorations.

MadSnapper said...

i need to show these to our city hall guys, this would be easy to do for our light poles and I LOVE THEM. yet another WOW from you

Sylvia K said...

What fun captures for the day! Just the giggles needed on this grim, gray day! I love all those scarecrows "hanging" around your town -- and in this case - literally hanging! Thanks for the smiles and the color!! Hope your week is going well!


RedPat said...

What a great idea! Love your shots.

VP said...

Slightly scary (and I am not a crow), but absolutely funny!

cieldequimper said...

I've never seen a French scarecrow festival but I wish the French would NOT sell Christmas decorations in October and at long last make the most of autumn fun...

cieldequimper said...

P.S.: that was my rant for today, sorry it had to be you... :-)

Halcyon said...

Hee! These are very acrobatic scarecrows!

Zosia said...

What a great event! Too bad I never knew about it while still living in Canada. I would have visited. Thanks for taking me there in your photos.

Lowell said...

Migod! These belong in Stone Creek...please come down. These are much cuter than ours! And they're probably tired of hanging around up there in the cold!

Anonymous said...

How festive and fun! Wish I were malleable enough to swing from lamp posts! =>

Becky said...

How unique, and I LOVE them. So funny!

H said...

I love scarecrows. One of our local market towns holds an arts festival each year and the Rotary Club organise a selection of scarecrows around the town.

My name is Riet said...

THat is fun; love scarecrows.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Those are fantastic scarecrows ever! I like the idea of dangling them like that.

Small City Scenes said...

Local festivals are the best. Quite creative with all the scarecrows 'hanging' about. MB

George said...

These are cute pictures. I think they would be good for any time of the year.

Diane said...

How fun! I would love to see some of these little guys hanging around my town! :)

Jan said...

This is a great idea. I've never seen scarecrows on lamppost, before.

Kathy said...

I love these spooky little creatures!

Vicki/Jake said...

I LOVE scarecrows and would have an absolute blast here!! Thanks for sharing such cuteness:}

ellen b. said...

Oh what fun! Love this display and your photos are fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

Those are just adorable! I really love the dramatic sky in the last shot. Happy Alphabe-Thursday!


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great event. My son would love this.

Susan said...

Those are so cool! Awesome!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

They certainly scared all the crows away. LOL

Judie said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE all those clever scarecrows! What fun!!!!

Annesphamily said...

Those scarecrows are sweet! I love your autumn post. Thanks for sharing.

Pat said...

What fun! Love the one in the striped shirt at the top...

Pondside said...

I'll bet they make everyone smile. I love to see that sort of Hallowe'en scene.

Ebie said...

What a hoot! Acrobatic scare crows! Love them all!

Theresa Plas said...

O my Gosh! Love them all!!!

Kate said...

Whata a fun medley of photos! An inventive and creative way to "celebrate" both harvests and Halloween!

21 Wits said...

Oh I am a big fan of scarecrows, so much so that I have a few that lurk about our grounds long after autumn has turned to a frozen tundra....I have a couple scarecrows that are dressed with masks just for halloween! Long live the might scarecrows!

Lola said...

Hi again!

Such fun pics!

And thanks too for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed the fun.

Have a great weekend & look forward to *seeing* you again next time,


Francisca said...

Adorable, how they're just hanging around on those lampposts. I agree with Jack, it's refreshing to see a unique and authentic local festival.

Susan Anderson said...

Best decorations ever!



anitamombanita said...

very fun!

Judy said...

Oh, that just makes me laugh!! Seeing them hanging from the lamposts!!

Visits With Mary said...

Cute, cute, those scarecrows, and such a great idea!

Unknown said...

Definitely an interesting decoration for the town! I can imagine it being quite scary to see them in the evening when it's dark :)

Rose said...

These are way cool!

Splendid Little Stars said...

How cool is that?!!!

Anonymous said...

My laugh for the week! Next year I'm going to hang my scarecrows from the maple trees. LOL! Great shots!

Jenny said...

What fun pictures! I've never seen them on light poles but what a fabulous idea! And those pictures against the sky were really neat! How in the world did everyone set up their displays?

Thanks for the smile and the fun look at Autumn!

And for linking up to Fall Break!


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.