Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8/Nature Notes

Early February 2012

It doesn't look or feel like February. Mallards are still finding plenty of water in which to swim and splash as you can see in the largest square, the photo taken last Saturday.  And moving clockwise. one duck was circling, planning to land in the creek with the already swimming ducks.

Nothing sprouting here yet, which is perfectly normal. So all plants here are sporting dried seed pods and wrinkled berries. The ducks aren't worried about the unusually warm weather, but I am because I think we may have trouble with insect infestations this summer, something that often happens after a mild winter.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more


Cezar and Léia said...

I think they are enjoying the cool weather, and without snow!
Wonderful mosaic, these Mallards are adorable critters!

Kate said...

I think that your collage perfectly describes the mild winter we all seem to be having, The mallards are having a fine time and are not worried about spring it seems

Kathy said...

That duck is having a splashing good time! We're having a very mild winter here in Texas too. Only a couple of nights with the temps below freezing. I was at WalMart a couple days ago and they already have tomato plants in their garden department!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love those prickly pods and putt putting ducks.

Lowell said...

Well, you do realize that you are having a great time up there because you sent all your cold air down here and I damn near froze to death playing golf the other morning, don't you?????

Just kidding. It's very nice that you have relatively balmy weather and that things are just ducky in Ontario.

So, if that's the case, why are there so many cars down here bearing Ontario license plates?

Darla said...

Great colors. I'm a bit worried about out mild winter as well, drought ahead!


TexWisGirl said...

it is beautiful. i like the wake the duck is making!

Susan said...

Oh I love this. It is so pretty!

Giga said...

Wolę owady, niż taką zimę mroźną jak jest teraz i nas. Piękne zdjęcia na kolażu. Pozdrawiam. ***I prefer insects, than the frosty winter as it is now, and us. Beautiful pictures of the collage. Yours.

Rose said...

I just think it has been a strange, strange year. I could not believe I saw the red-winged blackbirds back here already.

George said...

We're having unusually mild weather down here as well. Many spring pants have pushed above the soil and will be in trouble if we get severe cold weather.

Thanks for another wonderful collage of Nature Notes.

Saun said...

Love these!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
It looks as things are "just ducky" in the lower right image of your collage...

Carver said...

Beautiful nature collage. I'm quite worried about the insect issue this summer after our mild winter, although it's getting cold again tonight and tomorrow night. I've been photographing all of our premature blooms like crazy, even went to the arboretum today to take pictures because I know they'll all be frozen by tomorrow.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.