Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hospital Rooftop Blossoms


Spring bulbs are up and blooming in the third-floor  garden at  Southlake Hospital, Newmarket.

 Grape hyacinths and pink tulips

Volunteers care for this garden just outside the gym (aka rehab room).

Orange tulips


Pamela Gordon said...

Very pretty and cheery.

William Kendall said...


Halcyon said...

Tulips are one of my favorite flowers. Glad to hear things are warming up!

Anvilcloud said...

We had to snip our daffs yesterday, but we have tulips.

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I hope soon you will not have to go to that place anymore.

Malyss said...

I'm sure that people who have to stay in hospital enjoy to see some flowers through the Windows!

Randy said...

Happy flowers.

Small City Scenes said...

Love the Tulips and Daffs. Such great color. MB

Anonymous said...

These are lovely!

Lowell said...

How beautiful and how nice. The only thing I've seen from hospital windows were old air conditioning units and pipes of various sizes!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely colourful flowers,

Karen said...

How pretty and a great place for patients to recover.

TexWisGirl said...

so pretty! how nice of them to brighten things up!

Maude Lynn said...


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi EG I was just wondering today how your Hubby was? it is lovely when you visit that there are flowers for you to see. it is a great idea that volunteers keep on some planting around the hospital

Cindy The Victorian Journey said...

Oh how I miss the Tulips... these are gorgeous... newest follower. come and see me..

Stuart said...

These are beautiful... and well captured !

RedPat said...

Hurray for all the volunteers!

Linda W. said...

Lovely flowers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are refreshing to see.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Blossoms always brighten any place up.

cieldequimper said...

I'm sure that's a welcome sight, so cheerful!

Gail Dixon said...

Such beautiful colors! So glad you have spring finally. :)

The Cranky said...

What a brilliant idea for a garden, and how beautifully you've captured it!

Sue (this n that) said...

They care for that most beautiful garden so well too - not a weed in sight!
How delightful for patients and visitors alike to be greeted with that riot of colour. It must help :D)

Karen said...

Pretty garden, the first shot is really nice. Have a lovely weekend.

orchid0324 said...

Wow; spring flowers for you finally♡♡♡
I LOVE Narcissus flowers (my late mother loved the flower).
I DO hope your dear husband is doing well.

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Stephanie said...

So nice that spring has finally sprung for you guys in Ontario. Love the blooms images!

Jack said...

Today you are making the best of your break at the hospital. Spring has arrived!

Kate said...

Those flowers would cheer up patients and visitors alike,and also including hospital staff.
In trying to synch all my Apple computers/iphone, I've had nothing but trouble since. Back to Apple Tech tomorrow. Scroll bar absent from many sites; working on it.

Rose said...

They are beautiful! Love the saturation of color.

Anonymous said...

Good to see all those gorgeous colours emerging!

Darla said...

Nice that they keep some cheerful flowers growing.


DeniseinVA said...

Very pretty! Always love those flowers.

Carver said...

Beautiful spring flowers. You are almost 2 months behind us in terms of narcissus and tulips.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful and cheery!

kayerj said...

how cheery. It's nice they have a spot like that to get away to.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.