Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Dunlin (Caladris alpina)

Last weekend my husband was home from the hospital on an overnight. The weather was perfect so we decided to visit a favourite birding spot (a pond) where he could see birds from his wheelchair.  He stayed up on the path while I wandered closer to the pond.  This was the first time we'd been birding since March 11, so it was a GREAT day out.

Foraging for nibbles

At first it looked like all we were going to see would be Canada geese and mallard ducks.  But as I moved in closer, I spotted this dunlin close to the water's edge looking for food.

A dunlin is a medium-sized shorebird that breeds in the far north of North America and Eurasia.  Last weekend this one was on it's way to Hudson's Bay to breed.

Dunlin's back side

In the top shot you can see it's moderately long drooping bill and black legs. You can also see its breeding plumage:  black belly and  black legs. In the bottom photo you can see its rufous cap and back.

I am connecting to Stewart M's Wild Bird Wednesday HERE


Carole M. said...

Dunlin shots are fabulous...I'm sure your hubby enjoyed this break from hospital..best wishes

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am so happy your husband is coming home for weekends and you are out birding that is so good for both of you. Hug,
Oh the Dunlin is beautiful I don't think I have ever seen one before. Incredible shots. Hug B

The Cranky said...

Beautiful Dunlin shots, but even more beautiful news. If you heard that great big HURRAH, it was me!

Leora said...

What a handsome bird. I'm glad your husband was able to join you on an overnight. May he be 100% well. Take care.

Revrunner said...

Great find and even better news!

Anvilcloud said...

It must ave been such a treat for him to get out like that, even if his mobility was limited.

Sue (this n that) said...

How lovely for you both to enjoy seeing that beautiful bird together. It must have been such a treat. Good and happy wishes :D)

Lowell said...

So glad you and your husband were able to get out and about. What a glorious day you must have had. Love the little bird, too. How do they know where to go and how do they do it so unerringly?

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi EG I am so pleased that you had your hubby home for a short time and even better that you got out birding. I am sure the day really helped him. these are all fantastic close up shots of this lovely wader.

William Kendall said...

Good for you and your husband.

Excellent shots!

Judy said...

He is a beautiful guy!! I love seeing the moving water in that first photo, too!!
And glad your husband is doing better!!!

magnoliasntea said...

Wonderful bird shots! I've never seen a dunlin so I enjoyed this very much. Wishing you and your husband many more birding days ahead.

Amy Burzese said...

Wonderful shots. And I'm so glad that you had a great birding day with your husband.

Judy said...

Yay for you both, him being home, you having him home and you both getting out enjoying the day together.

The Furry Gnome said...

Glad to hear hubby got out with you for a bit.

Darla said...

So happy that your husband got to go home even if for just an overnight. Never heard or a Dunlin. Always learn something here.


Michelle said...

Not familiar with the Dunlin, but you have some great shots here. Nice to hear that you had your husband for an overnight visit. I am sure was glad to get out and about.

TexWisGirl said...

very striking feather detail! SO glad to hear you two were able to get out together AND he was home overnight! i hope lots more of both to come!

Linda W. said...

Fantastic shots! Such great details. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful images of a stunning bird. Don't think I have ever seen one before. Getting to come home for a bit is the best medicine for your husband.

Halcyon said...

Love those markings. It's amazing that feathers can make those patterns. :)

Small City Scenes said...

Oh I am so glad you guys are getting out and even birding.
I love the Dunlin. I love to watch them in flight. We usually have them in the valley very early Spring closest to salt water. MB

Lois said...

A beautiful bird and one that is definitely new to me!

Karen said...

What a treat for you and your Hubs to see! Wonderful shots EG. Good to hear that he is well enough for home visits.

Shammickite said...

Lovely shots of this bird. I haven't heard this dunlin before. Hudson's Bay seems a long way to go to find a wife!!!!
Good to know that your hubby is out and about and able to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. I wish him many more excursions like this and eventually being able to come home on a more permanent basis.

Rose said...

Such a pretty, unique little bird. Or they are to me...I don't ever remember seeing anything like this when I was young...only in the past few years.

I bet your hubby enjoyed getting out!

RedPat said...

Fabulous news that your husband was home for the night and that you two actually got out for some birding!! I don't think I've heard of a Dunlin unless you have shown one before!

cieldequimper said...

I'm so glad that you could spend a day outside together doing your favourite thing! And I'm also very happy that you saw this little beauty!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your husband got to come home for a bit. It's always nice and healing to spend time in nature. You have some great pictures here. I've never seen or heard of this bird before.

Jenny said...

A special treat for you both to see the dunlin. Nothing like getting out in nature to boost one's spirits. Great that your husband is improving. The dunlin's markings remind me of wood inlay - very attractive in a subdued way.

Jenny said...

A special treat for you both to see the dunlin. Nothing like getting out in nature to boost one's spirits. Great that your husband is improving. The dunlin's markings remind me of wood inlay - very attractive in a subdued way.

Lisa Gordon said...

I am so glad that your husband was able to come home for the night!

These photographs are beautiful. His feathers are amazing.

Gail Dixon said...

How wonderful that you and your husband were able to bird together. The dunlin is a beautiful bird and you captured his feathering and actions so well.

mick said...

Great photos - especially good seeing the breeding plumage. It's a bird I'd love to see but it doesn't come down this way.

Brian King said...

Wow, what gorgeous shots! That's a beautiful bird!

Glad your husband got to come home for a bit!

Randy said...

Beautiful feathers.

Stephanie said...

That's a gorgeous bird with beautiful colors.

orchid0324 said...

I'm so happy for you two having time together birding(^_^ï½–)~*
What fantastic pictures of "dunlin"; LOVE the chic color he has ♡♡♡ 

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

So glad your husband was able to come home for the night and that you were both able to get out for some birding!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a special bird to see,at least for me.I am glad you were able to do some birding with your husband.

eileeninmd said...

I am happy to hear your hubby was able to go birding with you1 Love the cute Dunlin..

Nette Cecilia said...

Lovley photos ,Nette

Unknown said...

Great shots!! Nice to see you out and around!! Boom, Bobbi and Gary.

Unknown said...

Fabulous shots! I'm so glad you had a wonderful weekend.

thewovenspoke said...

Stunning shots of the Dunlin. I'm glad you got out and about to do a bit of birding.

Jack said...

Your dunlin shots are all good. But, more important, YAY! I am glad that your husband has progressed to the point that he could do a home visit. Baby steps . . .

Unknown said...

Great photos! I love shorebirds. They are amazing the way they migrate over such huge distances.

Anonymous said...

Such lovely plumage, captured so well.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.