Saturday, May 30, 2015

Snapping Turtle

 Crossing the entrance to an upscale subdivision

This turtle is on a mission climbing a hill from a pond to a "safe place" to lay her eggs. Apparently she's not concerned about how dangerous it is to cross a  busy road.

Almost to a grassy area

The good news, she did make it across the road, speeding up significantly when she heard a BIG truck go by.

FYI: I didn't stick around to see where she buried her eggs or to see if she made it back down the hill to her pond.

I am linking to Saturday Critters HERE.


Andy said...

This is one creature that still has a prehistoric look to it.

The Cranky said...

Turtles nearly always have a determined look to them, but you really captured her "I'm on a mission!" attitude.

eileeninmd said...

Cute, she is on a mission.. Awesome closeups of the snapping turtle. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

Revrunner said...

Great shot, catching her in mid-stride like that. :-)

Gayle said...

Fantastic detail in these photos. A turtle 'speeding up' :)

Rose said...

She appears to be marching, marching, marching!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when i saw the first photo, i thought that turtle is on a mission, then dropped down and read your words and laughed. we thought the same thing. i love the way the body is out so we can see what she looks like.. so ugly she is beautiful

Lea said...

Such fascinating creatures - good photos!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You got some great photos. I posted a softshell turtle today. Yours is prettier than mine! lol Hugs, Diane

Mersad said...

Really interesting animals. Lovely photos.

Mersad Donko Photography

Jenny said...

Sometimes a snapper will lay eggs in our neighbourhood, and it always surprises me that she chooses the side of the gravel road when she could bury them in a quieter place. I hope nothing digs up your snapper's eggs.

Lowell said...

Fantastic photos of this critter. I agree with Andy's comment.

21 Wits said...

Oh thank goodness that she made it safely across! Happy birthing little mama!

Montanagirl said...

She certainly looks like she's on a mission - Great photos of her!!

TexWisGirl said...

AWESOME first shot!!!

Darla said...

Amazing photo's. Glad to hear she got across the road. We never see turtles like that here.


William Kendall said...

Like a dinosaur. I remember escorting one across the road in Algonquin Park one summer, just standing nearby so that cars would see me and slow down. He or she got tired of me standing nearby and had a go. I had to step back fast... they're faster than you think!

Donna said...

I cringe when I see turtles crossing busy roads here....I had to miss one crossing an Interstate of 6 lanes plus a median one day

The Knitting Basket said...

That is a very good picture! So much time as passed and they still look like a dinosaur! The thing happened to my daughter William Kendall - they are very quick when they want/need to be. Lol
Again Great Pictures.

A Colorful World said...

Awesome close-up shot! She's a beautiful turtle. Glad she made it across the road ok. I always worry about critters trying to cross!!!

Anonymous said...

Andy expressed my very first thought - very prehistoric looking.

Gill - That British Woman said...

they are ugly looking creatures aren't they? Not their fault I guess...

Unknown said...

Neat photos! An ancient looking critter.

RedPat said...

She looks huge, EG!

cieldequimper said...

Oh I hope she's safe!

Amy at love made my home said...

Glad she made it across safely!! xx

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Oh what a great stop action shot of her marching across the street. We are seeing a lot of this in our area now and most people out here are aware of it and are careful. Hopefully you will see a bunch of little turtles making the march back to the water and you can protrect them from the traffic. Gestation is what ... 30 days? Great pictures ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Unknown said...

That turtle has a very determined look...

CountryMum said...

He is definitely on a mission. Love the close up.

John said...

Unlike other turtles, snappers always look two sizes bigger than the shell they're wearing.

Ruth Hiebert said...

They are willing to take such risks to get to where they want to be.

Stephanie said...

Fabulous shots!

Linda W. said...

Great shots of the turtle! I really like the first one.

Kathy said...

I had to swerve to miss one just a few days ago on our country road. I saw one laying eggs under a vine next to our house a year or so ago. I never saw the babies.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I hope she made it back, and I hope her babies do too, eventually.


Jeevan said...

So daring turtle... you captured wonderful detail in the first shot. Hope she succeed her mission

DawnTreader said...

They really look ancient, don't they...

Silver Parrot said...

What great photos - awesome turtle action!

NatureFootstep said...

nice shots of a strange critter. I always wonder how it would be living a slow life like they do.

Anonymous said...

Great shots! I hope she made it back to safety.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.