Monday, September 14, 2015

September in the Garden

 Bumble bee on variegated obedient plant

Okay, I was actually waiting for a hummingbird to drop by as they usually find these blossoms irresistible. But it was a day for bumble bees so I decided to make photos featuring them. This variety  of obedient plant blossoms in late August and into September so every year I look forward to their blooming.


Still a few blooming in the garden. I have a large area dedicated to various shades of phlox colours and plant heights. This year I will be dividing them and planting them in areas where other perennials failed during the past two very cold winters.

Dark red hollyhock

A few hollyhock blossoms are hanging on. The original plants were called "black" but they have lightened a bit over the years. Hollyhocks are biennials, so the first year I see rather small plants in my gardens (they self seed) and don't know till the next year what colour the blossoms will be. A few have actually been light pink as well as colours in between to dark red.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.  

Also, please visit Through my Lens at Mersad Donko Photography.


Birdman said...

One of those words I like to say: phlox. It rolls off my lips. Say phlox!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Each of these pictures is lovely,but I have to choose the Hollyhock as my favourite.I don't have any of them on my yard now,but I do love them,especially the darker colors.

Anonymous said...

still beautiful and colourful flowers in your garden. very nice!
Visiting from "Through my lens".
Greetings, Hilde

Stephanie said...

Beautiful shots of the flowers!

Nancy said...

All of these flowers are so pretty. It would be hard to choose just one....Great job.

maryaustria said...

A beautiful collection of flowers! I love the first shot!

William Kendall said...

I really like that last one!

Lea said...


Small Kucing said...

Hey..i have never seen a close up on the hollyhock. It's so pretty...a bit like hibiscus. Lovely snap

Kathy said...

At first I thought you might have a photo of foxglove. But as I look at it more I see the differences. My grandmother had lots of phlox. It seems as though they're marketed as dianthus. I love the coloring on the hollyhock. It's so rich and beautiful. I'm hoping I might be able to grow hollyhocks at least in spring when I return the Phoenix. They bring so much to every garden.

Gail Dixon said...

Truly lovely flowers. I love the ones that self-seed. What nice surprises you have every season. :)

Cloudia said...



Montanagirl said...

Yes, that Hollyhock is gorgeous!

Liz said...

Absolutely beautiful blooms! I love all the details and your bumble bee is wonderful!

Halcyon said...

I love Hollyhocks. We had those "black" ones back in Canada too. I hope you get some hummers though. I miss seeing them.

VP said...

So many beautiful flowers, perfectly photographed...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Beautifful photogaphs but for me the Phlox is my favourite today.

Francisco Manuel Carrajola Oliveira said...

Belas fotografias de flores nos jardins.
Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Great nutrition for those bees before colder weather enters your garden!...:)JP

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

I looove bees

Anvilcloud said...

I love pholx. Ours are down to the last few blooms and are getting mouldy.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, lovely blooms and images. The last hollyhock is my favorite, a gorgeous color. Have a happy day!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Those little colour surprises are what make gardening so pleasurable don't you think EG.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the hollyhock got a double wow... i love flocks and my uncle had fields of them when i was in grade school... the bumble bee is fat and healthy and almost the size of a humming bird

Small City Scenes said...

I do like Phlox but don't grow any. they seem to get mold very easily out here although they wouldn't have this summer as we had no rain. I have patches of Holly Hocks here and this year I bought seed for Mini Hollyhocks and they are delightful. They only grow to about 4ft tall max. Love em. Hoe they reseed for next year.

21 Wits said...

Lovely captures!

Linda W. said...

Fantastic captures of beautiful flowers. Love the bee on your first photo.

Mari said...

I love the colors of these flowers. I also like macro shots a lot.

Rose said...

These are all so that dark Hollyhock...

Jenn Jilks said...

Tricky critters!!! :-)

Rambling Woods said...

Great shot of the bee with the pollen coated legs...I had been given this plant and now it just disappeared..I think it got eaten...Michelle

Unknown said...

Gorgeous flowers! I love the colour of the hollyhock.

Florence said...

What lovely photos especially the bumblebee with all the pollen.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.