Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Cooper's Hawk

 Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) hunting rock pigeons

This hawk is sitting in a tall tree overlooking a barn inhabited by pigeons. It was pretty well hidden in the tree branches and so engrossed watching its prey that it let me creep in quite close.  Unfortunately, there were so many branches in the way I had trouble getting a clear view until...

A bit miffed

it flew to another branch, where it landed for a few seconds and then flew away. This hawk haunts this area often finding it a great fast food joint.

I am connecting to Stewart M's Wild Bird Wednesday HERE


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi You did well to get these shots. t let he didn't get any pigeon!

The Cranky said...

Hawks! My absolute favourite, I get a little chill each time I see one and you captured him so perfectly!

Would you mind if I pin this handsome fella to my Raptor Chapter pinterest board? It will link right back here.

Betty Manousos said...

adorably wonderful shot of the bird my friend! great capture!

have a nice day~

Unknown said...

Great phoot of great bird!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh great shots. I must have a fast food joint near me too as I seen a Cooper's Hawk fighting the snowy wind yesterday trying to get to the drive threw or is that fly thorough:) Hug B

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Nice captures. I think hawks are very cautious. It's difficult to take photos. It's very nice of you to take them.

Lisa Gordon said...

Wow! He is one handsome fella!!

Kate said...

Handsome AND alert, too!

Anonymous said...

A very fierce looking bird, great photos!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

this weekend the hawks were out in our area. so amazing. ( ;

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so he has a smorgasbord...he is a fine looking hawk

Lowell said...

Kudos to you. These are superb photos of this gorgeous raptor. From the looks of that beak, I would not want to be his pigeon!

Jenny said...

Looks like a formidable, no-nonsense kind of guy. Wonderful photos.

Halcyon said...

What a beauty!

Carver said...

Great shots of the beautiful hawk.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Wonderful photos of the hawk! If I saw one I wouldn't know one kind from another.

William Kendall said...

A very distinguished looking fellow!

Gail Dixon said...

I love when they cooperate by moving to an open area free of distractions. These are great!

Linda W. said...

Nice shots!

Karen said...

Great captures of this magnificent raptor!

21 Wits said...

Wow, great shots!

Anonymous said...

Fast food joint...funny. "I'll have one pigeon to go please."

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

This youngster did well to find a good source of food, even if, on this day, EG Camera Girl interrupted the hunt ... she will be back.

Andrea @ From The Sol

TexWisGirl said...

i never tire of these sharp-eyed beauties!

Unknown said...

Wonderfully captured bird. It's magnificent!

cedarmerefarm said...

Stunning! What a treat! Thank you

Maude Lynn said...

These are incredible! What a beautiful bird.

Dave said...

Lovely portraits of a smart bird

cieldequimper said...

It looks cold in all its beauty.

Unknown said...

A gorgeous bird!

Stuart said...

Magnificent bird ! Beautiful shots of him !

RedPat said...

He's sure puffed up in the cold, EG!

eileeninmd said...

Oh wow, these are awesome shots and sighting of the Cooper's hawk! Sounds like it is well fed too! Enjoy your week!

Gill - That British Woman said...

what a majestic bird,

Anonymous said...

Incredible pictures.

Michelle said...

He looks serious!

Rose said...

Oh, he is so pretty!

We had a bigger hawk(I think) out in the dogwood yesterday but there was no way to get a photo. I would have had to shoot at an angle through the window and that is about worthless with screen in and everything.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my goodness, these are great photos of this beautiful bird.

Stephanie said...

Very nice captures!

Janice said...

So exciting to get this kind of shot. Congratulations to you!

Janice said...

So exciting to get this kind of shot. Congratulations to you!

Janice said...

So exciting to get this kind of shot. Congratulations to you!

Giga said...

To piękny drapieżny ptak. Rzadko je u nas widuję. Zdjęcia są piękne. Pozdrawiam.
It's a beautiful bird of prey. Rarely seeing them with us. The photos are beautiful. Yours.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Brilliant shots EG.. He definitely has his eye on his next snack.. Gosh its tough out there :)

Cindy said...

Amazing shot. I want a zoom lens now, so did pigeon become lunch?

Adam Jones said...

Lovely shots of a great bird.

Adam Jones said...

Lovely shots of a great bird.

Adam Jones said...

Lovely shots of a great bird.

Adam Jones said...

Lovely shots of a great bird.

kayerj said...

What a shot!

Small City Scenes said...

Excellent shot. Such a pretty looking Raptor. He wouldn't like to hear that I suppose. Handsome then. MB

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

I had a similar hawk checking out my backyard feeding stations not too long ago but he flew away before I could get a pic. GREAT capture! :)

maryaustria said...

What a beauty! Fantastic shots!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.