Sunday, January 5, 2014

Kinda Seedy

Here for the yummy seeds

Feeding the squirrels birds is part of the joy of winter. Okay, I admit that I don't mind feeding the squirrels too, as long as they stay on the ground and off the feeders.

Largest square: male cardinal. Working clockwise:  blue jay, black-capped chickadee, white-throated sparrow, tree sparrow and red squirrel
I am Linking to Mosaic Monday HERE  and
Sunlit Sunday Here.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.


Revrunner said...

Glad you included "our" state bird. :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had to smile at the squirrel popped in with all the birds. beautiful birds. and this reminds me of the song The Only Little Petunia in the Onion Patch

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous collection of animals!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi,Happy New Year. Nice mosaic picture. Each photo is very beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

O wat heerlijk om zoveel hele mooie vogels in je tuin te krijgen,dat is genieten.

Gill - That British Woman said...

I too am a sucker for the squirrels. Mind you with this cold snap we are going through bird seed very fast.

Ela said...

Beautiful collection of photos.
Feeding the animals is a great joy. Greetings

eileeninmd said...

Pretty shots of your feeder birds! I wish the squirrels would stay off the feeders! Have a happy day!

Mersad said...

Love the way the hold on to their food. So charming!

Shammickite said...

I put stale bread out for the birds but the squirrels always seem to get to it first. But they are cute too, especially the fat grey one with the white fluffy ears .... he visits almost every day. Great pictures!
BTW Sandra, it was The LONELY Little Petunia in an Onion Patch, not ONLY.... I know cos I was one of the onions in a dance routine when I was 5!!!!!!! :-)

Indrani said...

That is a good set for the winters. :)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love all the colorful birds and the squirrel! Lots of sunshine there too.

Snap said...

Everyone is hungry with the cold weather upon us. I put out the buffet this morning: lots of sparrows, a blue jay, Ma and Pa Cardinal, a few doves and 4 squirrels. The squirrels almost knock on the back door. Lovely collage. Stay warm and Happy New Year!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i enjoy the mosaic. such great colors all together like that. ( :

E. Lizard Breath Speaks -

Anonymous said...

Like that cardinal as I've never seen one before.

My Little Home and Garden said...

This collage beautifully shows that winter is not just about white snow. You photograph birds so well; their colours and details are clear and gorgeous. Of course, a fluffy-tailed squirrel is bound to be nearby; everyone needs a good meal!

Thank you for linking your "feathery" collage to Sunlit Sunday.


TexWisGirl said...

love the winter birds.

Small City Scenes said...

Love all the birds. Your Blue Jay is different than ours and I wish we had Cardinals out this way. Neat collage. MB

Malyss said...

I always love your pics of small animals and birds. Those ones are very beautiful.From those, We only have tree sparrows here.I wish I could picture them as well as you!

robin. said...

i could get caught up in watching these little creatures for hours...

Thecreativeme23 said...

Hi - visiting from My Little Home and Garden...I love your photos! I feed the birds here too in my yard (LaSalle, Ontario) - My favourites are the cardinals...but those darn squirrels are in my feeders more than the birds most days!

Keep Warm!

Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

Kathy said...

With the exception of the snow, these photos could just as easily have been taken here in East Texas. I saw these same birds this morning at our feeders, in addition to tufted titmouse, goldfinch, and Inca doves.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Seedy yes, but at least sunny. Always nice to see another who faithfully feeds the birds.

Lowell said...

You do such great critter pics! I kinda like squirrels even though they can be a nuisance. We never did figure out how to keep them out of the bird feeder at our old house. I guess they were just smarter than we are!

Jan said...

Love your captures. I feed the birds, year round, too.

William Kendall said...

A beautiful set of birds... and one devious rascal!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

we get all of those birds as well. I love to watch them at the feeders.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Love that red cardinal

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful! I admit,I have a love/hate relationship with the squirrels.I think they are kind of cute,but I do not want them at my feeders.

Anonymous said...

the birds are feasting on all the seedy patches under the feeder today ... lovely photos

Poppy said...

Gorgeous pics of some of my favourite flying wonders! Love those cutie patootie, black capped chicadees, scarlet red cardinals and of course, 'Toronto's' beautiful blue jays!


Lisa Gordon said...

What a great title for this wonderful, mosaic!
Have a great week ahead.

RedPat said...

Love all these images - cheered me up on this dreary day, EG!

Birdman said...

These critters hang at my feeder too.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Your photos, always great, really pop today.

Our squirrels go where they please to get seeds. Our dogs do a good job of keeping them off the ground.

Carole M. said...

...a super collage (what programme do you edit/create those in I wonder?)

Glenda/MidSouth said...

You got some great shots - thanks for sharing them. Squirrels are so bad here, I don't even try to feed the birds right now.
Thanks for stopping by. I am looking forward to an early Spring also. Last I heard we are suppose to drop down to 9 tonight. :(

Gert said...

Love the picture of the birds and squirrel...I love all of them!


Stephanie said...

Fabulous series of shot especially of the squirrel and the Cardinal.

Linda W. said...

Nice collection of critters.

Judy said...

Great shots! I had to chuckle at your post title :)

Randy said...

They must love your home.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful and colorful birds.

Rose said...

That cardinal shot is fabulous....he is such a brilliant red!

weekend et coup de brosse said...

Ils sont merveilleux magnifiques photos

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Lovely photos - like you I can never make up my mind whether I like to see squirrels or not.

Halcyon said...

I miss all the colorful N. American birds!!! All we seem to get here are pigeons and crows. And the crows are gray instead of black.
The one advantage is we have red squirrels. They are even almost cute (as long as they're not ravishing the garden). :)

Our photos said...

Beautiful collection of photos!
Greetings, RW & SK

A Bit of the Blarney said...

Extraordinarily beautiful photos with wonderfully vivid color!!! So nice to visit here!!! Wishing you well!!! Cathy

Icy BC said...

Oh my gosh! Beautiful mosaic of the birds! So beautiful!

Gail Dixon said...

Sweet collection of my favorite birds. We have the Carolina chickadee instead of the black-capped chickadee, though.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Beautiful pictures -- your birds (and squirrels) are lucky to have you taking care of them.

Lee@A Guide to Northeastern Gardening said...

Your snow and wildlife photos are beautiful! I enjoyed visiting!

Lorrie said...

Beautiful birds. Your photos are lovely.

Shane Pollard said...

I love your bird feeding mosaic.
I appreciate anyone who feeds our feathered friends in the cold of winter - they depend on our care to survive - bless you,
I'm visiting from both Mosaic Monday and Sunlit Sunday.

Pat Tillett said...

Great grouping of photos! All of them are so cute.

Mary Howell Cromer said...


Laura said...

I'm sure they all appreciate the nutritious foods you provide!

Unknown said...

Great pictures.. coming over from Sunlit Sunday.

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Lovely capture of the birds. We saw a few at Lynde Creek and the swans flying at the harbour this week. They don't seem as bothered by the cold as I do!

maryaustria said...

So lovely! Wonderful shots!!!

Rambling Woods said...

Yes, you know I feed the squirrels too... I bet you saved some lives this week.... Michelle

Hannah said...

Great bird photos, I'm partial to the Cardinals which we don't have here. We also have squirrels coming to eat the sunflower seeds, I'm afraid they load up and don't leave as much for the birds.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.