Friendly, young raccoonApparently not camera shy, this raccoon has seen people before and is not afraid.
A bit groggy after being spotted and rudely awakenedRaccoons don't hibernate in winter, but they do sleep a lot to conserve energy.

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Wow again! Beautiful shots!
He might not be camera shy but he will stare you down. Cool shot. MB
That's a very naughty little animal!
what nice big bandits and th eicy swans - really enchanting Sandy
Oh Wow!! I love these shots! Beautiful animals they are!
Very cool. Great shots.
Great photos...but the ones who aren't afraid of you, you should be afraid of.
Hmmm, I've only been that close once--with the sliding glass door between me and the racoon. Great shots.
wow...that is wonderful shots
My entry for CC this week : in HERE. Hope you have time to visit . Thanks
Love the close up! Cute little guy but looks like a warning in those eyes.
great shot! Amazing how something so cute could cause so much trouble!! Darling creature:)
Perfect shots. Even though they are an invasive species here, I've always liked them (but then maybe I'm just Rascal-prejudiced)
Incredible close-ups of a normally pretty elusive character. I have always loved racoons, every since they used to visit me on my back porch years ago, and I would watch them crack open the raw eggs I rolled out to them. Their fingers were so delicate, they had perfect table manners. You took some great photos!
I love your photos! They are just beautiful.
So that is why I must sleep a lot too--to conserve energy!
He sure is staring you down...he doesn't look at all shy!
Oh gosh what a great photo, we have seen coons here but i have never been able to catch them up close like this. And i always thought they were a night critter, but momma and her litter were in our yard helping themselves to the cat food that we left out for the Ferrel cats. Then one by one the cats disappeared
I like the name masked bandit. :)
He's so cute.
We saw 2 last week, and I posted them, one of which was eating on a dead carcass. He wasn't all that friendly either.
They are so cute except when they raid my birdfeeders.
Great photos. I wish they were a little shyer. They are quite the pests in some areas getting into things. They are very aggressive in camp grounds. Some people love to feed them but they can get aggressive.
LOVE IT!!! What an adorable face!!!
What a beautiful face. How can something so cute be so pesty though?
EG: Wonderful close-up on the masked bandit.
WOW! Both super macros. I love the expression on its face!Great job pestering it for a camerashot! hehehe
I also left a comment on the 4 swans one-- was gone hiking all day yesterday.
Cute little critter. Excellent choice for a sneaky little Camera Critter :)
WOW! Fantastic shots there :)
My mom always said that if you see a raccoon during the day, it must be rabid because they are nocturnal. This was up north in NY. Now that I live in Florida, I know this not to be universally true - the raccoons down here hunt in broad daylight and it doesn't equate to rabies.
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OMG! These are beautiful shots. I would be a little leary though. He doesn't look like he has friendly eyes. I know that sounded stupid, but to me you can tell a lot about an animal or person by their eyes.
WOW!!! These are absolutely fantastic shots. Wonderful post!
Yes, there are cute; until you get one inside your house!
he's in the same pose as my cat
Those are awesome photos! Such beautiful close ups. Really nice work.
That is just the cutest little guy!
What eyes!
Wow great shots. They are interesting creatures. Have a wonderful weekend.
Beautiful shots of the raccoons, and I love the four swans in the previous post.
Beautiful shots of the raccoon! I love the eyes, they seem to tell a story.
Spring is near.. raccoons, thaw, reflections.. all beautifully captured. Does the raccoon come around you much?
Norwood & Debi
Absolutely astonishing close up. Closest I'll get to these is the wildlire park
Wow, really cute! When I was little, we were always told not to approach a raccoon in the daytime, because he might be rabid...?
Super close up photos!
Beautiful captures. I sleep a lot to conserve energy, too. Oh wait. I'm just lazy. :)
I don't think I've ever seen one of these out during daylight before. Usually they're knocking over trash cans in the middle of the night.
This guy looks a bit cross-eyed in the bottom photo... either that or he's being coy.
Cute. But I don't want to tangle with one. They're nasty customers!
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