How dainty are these beauties (round-leaved cyclamen or Cycalmen coum)? Less than an inch across. At the moment I still have to point them out to people or they could be missed. But the bulbs ARE beginning to spread, even though they are just barely hardy here.
All my cyclamen are coloured magenta but I understand they also come in shades of white and pink so I'm on the look out for them.
Please note: Monochrome Maniacs is the post below.

EG, That's kinda like our Crocus blooms. They are usually the first to bloom in spring--and add color to an otherwise bleak garden.
Love your Cyclamen... The color is just gorgeous.
This shot is fantastic!
Great work!
Wow!I wish we could grow cyclamen outdoors here in Florida.I think it's just too hot and humid in the summer,here.
So small they can be missed - but you don't! Lovely little flower - and a vibrant color!
What a beautiful capture the first photo is - just stunning.
It seems to be thriving...glad it did and show off its beauty! Have a nice week!
I love seeing those first bits of colour start showing in the gardens. Great pictures.
Wow - such fantastic photos!
EG: What a neat show that flower puts on.
Love these photos of cyclamen. So pretty, how you've captured them as they emerge.
Oh so delicate and pretty. Great shots. Have a wonderful week.
It has been a long time since I saw one of those. Very pretty even if it is tiny.
I didn't know that cyclamen had a "small" size. The color is beautiful and would, I think, catch my eye despite its size.
I love this color. I didn't know they could be grown outside.
The Ciclamen is a nice flower.
Thanks for posting to TODAY'S FLOWERS.
Love that bright pink cyclamen. I guess its not hard to grow them. Love that little bud.
Cyclanen in the wild are the bringers of autumn with drifts of colour before the leaves fall.
Great shots! I really like the last one, new life breaking through the ground.
Very nice so see it in the context of its surroundings. It makes the quality of the macro stand out even more.
How could someone miss that vivid magenta!! But some people just do not notice things around them. Information overload, or something!
I am glad that you saw them, and caught such magnificent images!!
Love the pussywillows, too!
I LOVE Hardy Cyclamen. I have some different colors on a small slope under a Pine tree and they are beginning to naturalize and spread.
Excellent shots. MB
What a great macro shot!
Happy spring time!
More stunning photographs. These cyclamen are such pretty flowers. I'm starting a new flower bed and I think I know what I am going to start off with, thanks to your photos. Thanks for sharing them.
Don't you just love the first blooms of spring...makes this even more beautiful since it isn't competing with other things.
What a beautiful flower. I like the color.
Wonderful post, wonderful flower!
Thanks for posting!
Such dainty little things, and such vibrant color! Great shots!
Oh wow, I would never have guessed how tiny they are just looking at your first shot! Gorgeous, gorgeous photos :D
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