Believe it or not, killdeer nest in the middle of a lawn or even on gravel. Their spotted eggs look a lot like rocks so are well camouflaged.
Early one morning I heard a racket across the street, several killdeer making a big commotion. So, of course, I grabbed my camera and moved in on them. They were so engrossed with whatever they were doing (it wasn't that clear to me) that I was able to move in fairly close. Then I got too close and....

These are lovely little birds, I didn't know them! The second shot is great!
Beautiful EG... I wish we had Kildeer here. I"ve never seen one in person. Gorgeous birds--and photos.
Did you see Neal's pictures of the baby killdeer we seen while he was down here?
I wish they didn't nest where they do...Neal also spotted a nest that was actually in the edge of the road. I think it has since been run over cause I have been out there and the killdeer are not there any more.
wow you were able to capture a bird so cute and beautiful.
A few years ago we came across an injured killdeer, took it home and it recobered in our basement, then we let it go.
Never seen these. Love their stripes. Very unique.
Aren't they precious? Back when I lived in North Gower, we had one that built a nest in the church parking lot! We built protection around it. It didn't seem to bother her!!!
Kildeer are a sure sign of spring to me. And they do lay their eggs in the strangest places. Sometimes they lay them in the pasture and I am amazed that the horses don't step on them.
Neat shots. MB
That's a new one to me! Handsome things, aren't they?
Fascinating shots. I especially like the flying you know where the name comes from? I have always wondered.
Great close ups! I can even see the individual feathers. We have some here close by. I love to hear their call.
Super shots. It seems everyone can get good bird shots except me. I'm jealous!
Hmmm...perhaps the were flirting :) Excellent photos
I've never seen killdeer before today, yours is the 2nd post about them
they're beautiful
We don't get to see them more often here. You have good shots.
excellent look at a favorite the killdeer - also love the quail with its family Sandy
Great catch! I have never seen them before and they look very pretty/artistic or whatever you call it when they are attractive creatures.
Somebody else had some Killdeer photos as well. They are a bird that I've never seen before...
I love the markings on the birds..
Great photos..
Great photo!
Thanks for sharing these little birds.
Hugs and blessings,
Great captures. They always 'lecture' me as I walk down the road.
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