Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lemonville / Watery Wednesday

Front-yard Pond in Lemonville, Ontario

Lemonville is a small hamlet in Whitchurch-Stouffville, just south of East Gwillimbury. The hamlet’s elegant homes appear to float on water but are actually built over a natural underground reservoir. Most of the homes have ponds in their front yards, this pond one of the loveliest.

This photo was taken last Thursday. I'm sure the snow is gone now!

You can find more photos celebrating Watery Wednesday at http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com


Lowell said...

It's nice to have money...I guess. Of course then you have to hire someone to take care of the pond.

Beautiful, though. Did you show us this pond awhile back when it was all ice and snow?

Nicely composed pic.

Mary said...

Gosh, aren't they worried about flooding? Make for a pretty photo, though. :)

Judy said...

Beautiful yards. I love that bridge.

EG CameraGirl said...

Hi Jacob,
I live in an area where there are many, many ponds and creeks. The only other water I remember taking recently in Whitchurch-Stouffville was actually a creek with an old wooden bridge.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

EG: What a neat photo of the water. I'm done with snow, wait, I said that last week and we got more. At least it doesn't stay long.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how pretty, EG. I have a 'thing' for bridges... We cross so many pretty little bridges when we are hiking for waterfalls...

Thanks for a beautiful photo.

Janie said...

That's a beautiful bridge, and quite a big pond to have in one's yard.
Nice to have the snow gone, isn't it?

Bim said...

Well, I've equipped myself with a big glass of water and am hence able to enjoy your splendidly lit bridge over lovely pond without any cravings :)

Barb said...

This looks like a lovely area! I love lakes, ponds, swamps, rivers, the seaside... all water bodies.


People build their homes anywhere! Flooding? Avalanche? Landslide? No - won't happen!

But sometimes those places are beautiful - such as this place! :)

Anonymous said...

that is simply an eye candy. i guess we all could use a pond right?

that bridge is really pretty with all the detailing.

2sweetnsaxy said...

Nice shot. I love that bridge!

DeniseinVA said...

That is a very cool bridge, and a great photo!

betty-NZ said...

That is just perfect for the great details in the photo.

It does make one wonder about the foundations of the house, though.

Mojo said...

This is somebody's house? I see now where the "WOW" in your blog title comes from. Must be wonderful to have your own pond right out front. And the bridge? Beautiful.

Aileni said...

Nice tranquil picture. Unlikely to get splashed.

Maggie May said...

What a great picture of that bridge. I love it.

Will said...

Beautiful pond. Lovely place and a wonderful photo.

Margaret's Ramblings said...

What a pretty scene. Lovely photo.


Gill - That British Woman said...

That's neat, I have never heard of Lemonville.


Small City Scenes said...

What a pretty little bridge. It must be in an exclusive area. Wait for me!!!
I have a pond. It is a natural one and very nice play around. There are about 14 Koi in it that have been there for years. They are huge. I don't even have to feed them.

Another super shot, EG. MB

That is the chicken said...

I like the pattern of the fans on the bridge rails...what a great view to have from your kitchen window...and I'm glad the snow has gone from your part of the world. It's back again in my part of the world!

Anonymous said...

It looks like they put a lot of time & care into making that bridge beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, will make a great place for some wedding shots as well :)

Ebie said...

Your bridge has very intricate details. Do you call that balustrade?

PERBS said...

What a gorgeous bridge with still a touch of snow. The bridge would be dangerous for young ones who might slip through the large spaces in it BUT I love it anyway.

Becky said...

I do love the names of your towns up there. How cool to have a pond in your front yard. We have a "pond", but it is an overflow from the creek behind our house, and in the summer it often dries up.

Martha Z said...

That's lovely, I wouldn't mind having a bridge like that but a lot smaller in my little yard.

Jim said...

Great looking bridge.
Sydney City and Suburbs

Hilda said...

To have a home with its own (not tiny!) pond… wow. Dare I ask how much properties are there?

This is such a pretty wooden bridge.

The Right Blue said...

The little footbridge is elegant, too. This is a very pretty image.

Ingrid said...

Beautiful ! looks like a postcard !

Unknown said...

lovely scene...tranquil.

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

That's someone's front yard? I gotta move ... or marry someone rich, lol.

This is an excellent photo - like a post card.

Carletta said...

A lovely bridge - looks fairly new.
Nice shot - great composition!

antigoni said...

Amazing place. I love bridges, small or big.
We paint the eggs with a red egg's dye call "Anatoli" and then we polish them with olive oil. Some people, especially the olders, use the water after boiling some beetroots. That's more ecological.

Tom said...

It look a very beatiful place to live.. and that bridge is a stunner..

Darla said...

Amazing pond to be in one home's yard. The whole area is beautiful I expect.


Rose said...

I love little bridges like this one...they are so appealing. You did a good job on capturing its loveliness.

Judy said...

That is an incredible pond! I suppose they can afford to have someone else clear out the algae and weeds to keep it looking pretty! But what about the mosquitoes?

Tulip said...

lovely photos and the bridge! nice entry.

Tarolino said...

Goodness what an extraordinarily pretty bridge and so well captured too with a littöle bit of snow on top as a contrast to the very blue water. As per usual very very enjoyable.

Tammie Lee said...

Wonderful image, and great bridge. Yes snow is melting everywhere, well maybe not everywhere but here too.

Sacred Ruminations said...

What a lovely bridge over this beautiful pond!
Hugs and blessings,

Gemma Wiseman said...

This has to be the epitomy of romance! Glorious photo!

Arlene said...

I wowed in a loud voice! hehehee. This is a great shot of a pond and bridge.

I got a pond entry too! :)

Copenhagen said...

Gorgeous bridge:)

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.