Friday, September 25, 2009

Twisted/ Photo Hunter

Grapevine tendrils

This week's Photo Hunter challenge: twisted.

I think it's amazing that tendrils "know" where to twist and hang on!

   To see what other Photo hunters found, check out


Roan said...

Perfect choice for the prompt!

kayerj said...

oh, that is fabulous. I just took my picture but have another one in mind. I'm not sure which I'll post yet.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Nice picture when using the word, twisted.....

Small City Scenes said...

It is amazing isn't it. Great choice. MB

PERBS said...

WOW! Love your macro! Interesting concept, those tendrils!

Unknown said...

I love how grapevines intertwine like that!

Carver said...

The grape vine is definitely twistded in knots. Peferfect for the theme.

Judy said...

Perfect!! I love the way vines grow around things.

Cezar and Léia said...

Awesome shot!

Photo Cache said...

that's a great entry. perfect.

happy weekend.

George said...

You've done a wonderful job of capturing 'twisted'.

Annie said...

It IS amazing. That's such a beautiful shot!

Thanks for visiting mine and have a great weekend. :)

MaR said...

Fantastic shot for the theme!!
Happy PH!

jams o donnell said...

Nice shot. That's impressive twisting! Happy weekend

cieldequimper said...

Simple yet so effective.

Craver Vii said...

Tendrils? But I only see three.

Shammickite said...

That CRAVER, he considers himself quite the witty comedian, doesn't he?
Great picture, it's amazing how those climbing plants know just how to hold on to get to where they want to go.

Colin Campbell said...

Lovely. Clever plant.

Lowell said...

Now that is one twisted picture! ;-)

Lovely, delightful, delicious. Great greens!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Is it a pea or a pumpkin?

life ramblings said...

It's lovely in its own twisted way. i played too.

Anonymous said...

Lovely capture and choice for the twisted theme :)

bonggamom said...

How in the world did those vines grow like that?

YTSL said...

What a good eye you have! Nice spot! :)

Randi said...

Lovely shot of the twisted knots. Good choice.

Anonymous said...

It is one of the beautiful things in Nature that we learn from. Grape vine tendrils and how about those pesky weeds in this country where you walk through and the seeds come off and hand on your clothes?

The person who invented these strips with the plastic weave on each piece - a male and female parts - that hook together was copied after nature. Velcro.

Nice post. I really like looking at things like this.

CY said...

Nice close up shot. Have a nice weekend. CY

Hootin Anni said...

Oh my.....this photo is outSTANDING!!!!

My TWISTED is posted....a magazine cover with a Halloween Twist to it. Come on over---
You'll find my Photo Hunt entry HERE

Ingrid said...

For "twisted" it's twisted, lol ! very nice photo !

gengen said...

Good choice for the theme it really twisted...happy hunting!

Colleen said...

simple yet very cool looking.

Unknown said...

Great photo from you as usual!

Susanne said...

Wow, it looks like someone knotted that. Great shot!

marta said...

Excellent photo for the theme. I really like how you composed the picture with the short depth of field. It really makes the subject stand out especially in the low light. Nice job.

Mariposa said...

Good job for today's theme. :)

Mariposa's PhotoHunt!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Oh gee, I just remembered my grape vine would have been perfect for today! Excellent shot. ;)

I hope you get the chance to see My Photo Hunt for today! Have a great weekend.

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

Nice find! You met the challenge – very clever!

Jama said...

Amazing nature , isn't it? perfect for this week's meme.

kim said...

Very nice shot. I have always been fascinated by tendrils myself.

Anonymous said...

Greeting from Bulgaria.Beautiful photo.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.