Friday, October 30, 2009

Bagged/ Photo Hunter

  A bag of hooks used for holding down railway tracks

This week's Photo Hunter challenge: bags

Hooks, spikes and plate that anchor tracks to railway ties

   To see what other Photo hunters found, check out


George said...

I would say you bagged a great photo for this theme!

Photo Cache said...

Haha, George said it first.

Have a great halloween weekend.

Lowell said...

I thought maybe a bobcat was in that bag!

Obviously it takes a lot of steel to keep the tracks where they are supposed to be.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Cezar and Léia said...

Stones inside that bag...maybe?
Wonderful pictures!

Lorac said...

I like this capture. Good timing or very patient?

Betty said...

Happy Halloween. I hope the bag doesn't get up and fly away.You never know what will happen on halloween night.

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

Kudos to the guys who installed and maintain these rail tracks. It must be a tough job.

Becky said...

Such a marvelous choice EG! Love the colors too.

Leif Hagen said...

Was that a tall pumpkin in the first foto or a construction worker? I took off my glasses ...

PERBS said...

Interesting! I never knew about this. . .

and I see I missed your bench -- checking that out now. . .

Small City Scenes said...

Interesting. where do you find these things? MB

Naturegirl said...

Great images! Love the first..the orange!!
Happy Halloween!

jams o donnell said...

Wow two superb photos, especially the first one. Great take on the theme!

Lorna said...

There are so many interesting things in that photo that "bag" didn't jump out at me---good one.

EG CameraGirl said...


Earlier this year I took a series of shots of workers repairing the tracks in East Gwillimbury. The plan was to post the story of how they do it...but I never did it! I lost a ton of photos a few weeks ago when I accidentally deleted them but this series was archived so I still have them.

gengen said...

great choice for the theme. happy hunting!

Annie said...

What a unique sight. And your photos are so beautiful! Happy weekend to you...

CY said...

Wow, your PH photos are always so different. Have a great weekend.CY

Ingrid said...

Real beautiful pictures ! although the subject is not very romantic, lol !

Susanne said...

What a wonderful picture!

Lisa said...

Great picture for this week's theme!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Unique find for this week's theme!
Hugs and blessings,

Alice Audrey said...

Great shots!

kayerj said...

creative! and such interesting information.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Go bagged it! great one!

Please check out what my daughter think and more…

jay said...

What a great picture for the theme! I might have to join in with Photo Hunter!

Kilauea Poetry said...

I just realized I hadn't payed you a visit. Well, this is just a neat shot. I really like the colors above- just excellent!

Rose said...

I need to go down and look at the railroad--don't think they use those hooks. I think only spikes, but not sure. I know spikes is all they use on the railroad I walked to school on.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.