Farmers here are looking for new ways to keep their businesses going. The owners of this farm grows vegetables, raises turkeys and goats, and also sells jellies and other preserves. As an added attraction, they purchased a few RUBY RED trikes for kids to play on while their parents shop.

That's a lot of red tricycles.
We didn't have such nice tricycles when I was little...This farm seems to be treat, the little ones can ride a trike if they are bored, but with all the animals, kids of all ages can have fun looking and perhaps petting soft wool. Grown-ups too!
The trikes imply lots of children. Bet they love the goats, too.
i like this congregation tricycles ;-)
What a great idea! And of course, the only color trikes should be is red.
What a sweet picture.
The trikes are nice. I would rather hug a goat. I like goats.
LOLOLOL-I think the herd of trikes is really cute! I bet they eat a lot less than the goats! And are more fun to ride, also!
that's quite interesting! Of course, kids need to get busy while parents are shopping.
Wow! Tricycles everywhere! Who collects them at the end of the day and puts them away? What a cute photo of everyday life at the it!
aww thats lots of trycicle! interesting shot!
u may view mine if u have time
Great collection!
How about an ornery little fella for Ruby Tuesday?
Very cute. This farm must have several young 'uns or one very spoiled one!
Fun foto!
Oh now that WOULD be fun...herding tricycles!
Well you know what they say, you have to spend money (on trikes) to make money and also make the customers happy, I just love farms. Thank you for coming by.
It is nice of the farmers to treat the kids. I am sure the kids like ridding those red bikes.
I can't specifically say why but I really like this photo!
I think the farmer had a splendid idea.
I love it! There are certainly a number of trike riders on the farm.
Cute little red tricycles. My sons used to have some similar to those. Great Ruby Tuesday picture.
That's a clever idea for a business!
I am sharing my visit to cranbery farm - cranberry harvest!
Love this photo!
LOL! I can see the farmers working the fields on the trikes now!
Creative! Nice tricycles too. ;)
Happy RT!
My RT entry is here.
Somebody must have several children. I'm wondering where all these kids are, and what they are doing. Great choice Carletta.
cute little red tricycles and a good idea for the kids.
The kids will on the Monday after, I went to the farm and I rode trikes.
Re: Cave, we didn't plan to go into the cave. We wanted to see the gannet birds. So we normally don't check the tides when we go..
A crop of trikes. Interesting idea. actually nice of the people to think of the little ones while parents shop for veggies.
I got my car fixed so tomorrow I am going to Arlington and see what is fishy. Arlington is the next small town south of here. MB
But where are the kids? did they just leave the bikes to animals?
cute trikes.. im sure the kids would enjoy the farm..
that's a great way to promote a business!:p
I never realized they grew like that, I always pictured them as more of a tree fruit ;).
The farm is where we get our veggies all summer. They also have a 10 acre corn maze. It is a CSA, Community Supported Agriculture Farm. You buy shares in the farms produce.
Instead of red have red trikes. Cool!
My R T is posted now. "I came, HE SAWED, we conquered". come see. Here is the permalink to my Tuesday post.
Those are wonderful tricycles! I love those!
Love it! the children must be busy at the farm.
Very interesting contrast in objects. I wouldn't expect to see so many red tricycles on a farm. Was there a tricycle convention?/adventure :)
That is creative farming, it is like they left them there just for you!
What a clever idea! Before I read your words, I thought they had a big family with many children!
Fun shot ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
Splendid idea to think of the small customers as well.
I know where I preferred to do my purchase when my daughter was a child. Where we all could relax because all felt welcomed.
From Felisol
Aww thats cute a lil herd of trikes for the tikes!!
One of those trikes needs a seat. Or it is meant for really skinny stick kids.
Happy RT!
The owner said some of the kids are rough on the trikes. Sounds like kids are just like they've always been. But where were the parents?
Farmers are nothing if not resourceful...I love the composition of this shot.
Like I always say, if at first you don't succeed, trike and trike again.
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