Five silos and barns below the ridge
Most major roads in central Ontario run north-south (called concessions) or east-west (called side roads) following surveyor grid lines established in the late 1700s. Here I am on a concession that follows a ridge looking down on a cattle farm located on the next concession west.
Are you confused yet? Think of the lines in tic-tac-toe. The up and down lines are concessions. The lines drawn across are side roads.
Well, whatever! Isn't the sky pretty?

Magnificent sunset! Oh, the colors!!
What are curvy or diagonal roads called in EG?
Amazingly thought out grids for the roads. Concessions seems like a funny word to use, I guess I'll have to look up the meaning(s).
Great photo of the skyscape.
It's amazing and I'm not dizzy! :)
Very interesting explanation!
Gives new meaning to the expression, "Down the road a spell."
Since we were all a bunch of country hicks and concession is such a big word, we just said we lived on the 9th line near Old Keene Road at Mather's Corners(where concession and road met).
Five silos, the sign of a prosperous farmer!
Indeed, very pretty sky.
as we say in the south, it's perty perty! heheheee
I must concede that yes, the sky is fantastic!
the sky is on fire!
Hi EG, That is a marvelous sky/sunset picture. WOW!!!!! Thanks for sharing.
Is that the rational between concessions and side roads! I learned something new today, as well as admiring the sunset!!!
Its a very special skyshot :-)
So lovely orange ...
Absolutely beautiful sunset.
I learned something new today too I'm not sure what but it was interesting.
Are you sure that's the sun? ;-) Amazingly beautiful ball of fire. Nice way to learn to count as well! ;-)
OMG you are getting geeky, now it's a geeky canuk blog! Backing away now...
Ohoi, so BIG the sun is :-) that was my firet tought, and those colours, stunning my friend!!
What a gorgeous sunset shot! The sky is ablaze of color! Love your tic-tac-toe explanation...does make it clearer...
I love these country scenes with sunsets and sunrises. Amazing picture. Thanks for sharing.
Wow what a great scene, love all those wonderful colours.
All the best
Regina In Pictures
Great shot. The sky is gorgeous and I like the effect with the five silos.
I´m amazed - absolutely lovely sky!
The same colours as my sky, but I don´t have these wonderful clouds...
Oh, yes! Such a gorgeous and colorful sunset! Fantastic shot, EG! Love those colors and the five silos! Marvelous!
Enjoy your weekend!
Fabulous shot of lovely sunset.
Pretty sky and shot.
Luiz Ramos
Wonderful shot. Would that area be considered the Oak Ridges Moraine? I love many things, but silos are close to the top of my list! Wonder if it's a dairy farm.
this lesson will come in handy when we decide to go on a road trip to ontario.
the sky is marvelous as always.
Fantastic picture!
It sounds very structured and well planned. Only city I've seen like that was Salt Lake City. Everywhere else, one jumbled mess. Beautiful shot!
So incredibly beautiful it was, beautiful colors!
Look at the big ball of fire! What a beautiful sunset and silhouette!
NO! That sky photo is gorgeous!!
Concessions = longitudinal.
Roads = latitudinal.
...Got it.
Hey, nice skies!
Hi Hetty,
Yes, it's a dairy farm below the ridge and the area is part of the Oak Ridges Morraine. ;-)
Those are amazing colors.
That's a gorgeous sunset! The colors are so vivid. Nice capture.
What a sunset! Brilliant colors!
the concession and side road thing still confuses the heck out of me, then they start with the County Road's.....
Great photo.....
Breathtaking sunset. I love all those beautiful colours
What a Huge sun and beautiful sky, no matter at what concessions and side road. Great capture.
That is a gorgeous sky, wherever you are.
Awesome, fantastic and fabtabulous or something like that. Love the silos included. Another fair bound shot. MB
I don't speak the language, but I love the picture!
Thanks for the lesson in terminology!!! At least the picture is clear, vivid and unconfusing!
It's not just pretty it's gloriously golden!
Amazing colors, that's a great shot. Thank you for your comments, have a nice SWF
every sunset is just amazing! how lucky we are to enjoy this masterpiece.
This is so magnificent!
Fabulous colours in your sky this week, and I like concessions, organised roads make it easier to get around.
I almost need sunglasses to view that sun hitting the horizon. That is the very sun that cast the glow in my picture!
EG: wonderful capture of the startling colors over the farm.
A glorious sky with the molten sun!
An absolutely awesome shot EG. The colors are unbelievable!
Magnificent view! Our roads near the tend to follow the coastline and therefore tend to CURVE ... so one might be going North or South and then find oneself driving East or West on the same street! Especially confusing for visitors. I’m participating twice this week:
Vistas after Monday's Storm
Clear Southern California Skies
Hugs and blessings,
Great photo and I've always wondered about "concessions"
My WR and SWF
Awesome sky! I like the silo's in the pic!
That shot is wonderful!!!!!!
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