American Dagger Caterpillar
This cute little caterpillar (Acronicta americana) was looking for a spot to spin a cocoon. When it emerges it will be an American dagger moth. Click HERE to see a photo of the moth.
When we put the caterpillar back down on our porch, it headed toward the steps, took one good long look, and turned around. It wanted to go UP not down so cossed the porch to climb up the side of the house. It's up there somewhere waiting for spring!

Very cool! I LOVE caterpillars!
I met this fellow the other day. It was my privilege to take him off my shoulder and return him to nature. Beautiful shot.
Cute little guy, he'll be something when he becomes a moth. Great shot.
Call me picky but I think you should post your "Macro Monday" shots on Monday, not Sunday. But I love the cute caterpillar photos!
: - )
You are braver than me to pick it up...I am always afraid I will get something like a pack-saddle...have you heard of them? They are not fuzzy all over, but still not fun to run into one.
Amazing captures. Soon winter will be here for us in Canada. Its not far off. I love your captures.
You touch it? Does it itch? Great shot!
Macro Monday
Great details - what a cute creature he is.
Great details on the macro, I love it!
Oh wow! A perfect shot!
Wowee!! You are getting very good at this.
Ain't he/she cute. MB
A cute little fellow EG :-)
Fantastic macro!I'm surprise that this cute little friend can be in contact with our skin without damage.Please forgive me,I thought it could be dangerous.I'm always learning with blog friends, it's fabulous!Thanks a lot!
and Congratulations for the wonderful post!
A very cute and spunky little guy! Great shot!
You held it in your palm, just like my students do with the monarch caterpillar.
I never hold these crawlies. I am afraid of the itch.
What a sweet looking little creature, caterpillars like this one are so cute. Great macro shot.
Wow....such an amazing macro of the caterpillar. Super job.
Link to My Laurel Butterfly if you'd care to join me this fine day---
Have a super Monday!!!
What an interesting crawlie - I like to look but not touch :-)
I fear he is going to have a long wait.
Great macro, I am sure he is a busy little fella right now.
great macro!
Great macro shots!
I posted the one we have last Monday and up to now I am still waiting to for it to come out of its cocoon!
Btw, I was told it gets itchy when you hold it? Which is why I don't. ;-(
Nice caterpillar- I would have followed it for hours! that you are as interested in these little creatures as I am....
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