Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I/ Alphabe-Thursday

Icicles over old bricks painted blue

Icicles from the past - last February, actually - spikes of ice that froze as water dripped off the roof. I'm guessing this house doesn't have enough of another I-word: insulation.

Icicles over newer bricks

OOPS! It looks like even this newer house could use a bit more insulation.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Anonymous said...

The first photo looks like it could be Russia. We do ABC Wednesday. Interesting to have two alphabet memes!

Jackie said...

Love your pictures . We are having some pretty icy weather here in Calgary

Paulie said...

I enjoy seeing icicles hanging from rooftops. None here yet although it has been freezing and raining too. Maybe getting snow on Sunday here. . .

Mary said...

Those are serious icicles~ they would cause serious harm if they hit you as the fell off the roof :-)

Unknown said...

Just thinking about what is to come. Hope it's not like last year...too much snow and lots of ice. Warm hugs, Esther

Photo Cache said...

I love looking at icicles - mostly because they are a rare sight for me.


KB said...

Amazing, it doesn't look real.

Diane AZ said...

I've never seen icicles first hand. These really look amazing and quite beautiful too.

Anonymous said...

I can't say that I'm looking forward to those icicles coming here, but your pictures are beautiful!


Judie said...

This is a TERRIFIC post. It is a perfect reminder for people to check the insulation in the attic! We are very conscious of insulation because it gets so bloody hot here in the summer. I certainly don't want to see our hard-earned dollars go out the window (or the attic) in heating or cooling bills!!

Leif Hagen said...

I really like the icicles and colored bricks! Winter beauty!

Sue McPeak said...

The Ice sure made for some pretty photos. We even had Icicles in Texas last year. I hope we don't have that harsh of a winter this year.

SandyCarlson said...

Stunning. Thank you.

Randy said...

Previews of what's to come maybe?

Anonymous said...

Love the first pic - really! That's a lot of ice!

Andrea said...

Insulation or not, the icicles are beautiful. We only see ice in the freezers of refrigerators, hehe.

T. Becque said...

That first photo with the blue house is great. It looks something like out of fairytale.

Francisca said...

No icicles here, EG! But sure pretty to look at in your images, especially over the gingerbread edge and against the blue bricks.

Rose said...

They make me feel cold, just looking at them! Been a while since we have had icicles that big....

cieldequimper said...

Oh beautiful. Reminds me that I used to love an English band called 'the Icicle Works'.

Cezar and Léia said...

Wow EG, your post is wonderful!
I'm enchanted here by these icicles, the colour, shapes, it's about ART!
Amazing captures!

NatureFootstep said...

I hope this was not shot now. The iceicles looks good. I know it is hard to shot them. But that blue wall was good as background. :)

Unknown said...

Great icicle-pics! 'Icicles' is an excellent I-word! Used it twice before myself. But, as you already know, I have used a different word this time.
Thank you for stopping by and writing a comment on my I-post.

Since several readers have expressed some interest, I am going to try to list some cups on one of my online-shops. I'll let you know what colours are available.

Best wishes,

For the benefit of other readers:
Anna's 'I is for Inventor'-JennyM's AT

Unknown said...

Those are some crazy icicles you photographed! I'm a bit scared of them since I always have this crazy thought that if I was standing under one and it fell, I would be badly injured.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

I like these,
very beautiful...

Tracy said...

We have not had ice yet but love your pics

Anonymous said...

These are huge! We don't get many icicles here in South Carolina.

Anonymous said...

More insulation would be good, but your photos shows how decorative ice can be ;-)

Terra said...

I LOVE IT! SO COOL. I just love icicles

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Makes me shiver just looking at it. I usually have those huge kind hanging off my roof before the end of the winter making it dangerous to walk outside....

Small City Scenes said...

Oh you!! I don't want to see this just yet. I'll close my eyes and you will go away. LOL MB

kayerj said...

lovely--but I'm glad you don't have icicles yet :)

Viola said...

Oh wee, you've gt it there.. the cold weather has come to you I can see..!! :O :)

Pearl Maple said...

Well done for the Alphabe party. Jenny does get some fun folks posting to that group.

Great photos capturing all the glistening sparkle of winter's blue light.

Thanks for your kind comments on my post earlier. Any day I get to walk the beach, even the grey blustry ones are a good day.

George said...

I'm not ready to think about icicles, although I do think you captured some great pictures of them.

Cheryl D. said...

Icicles are so beautiful!

Pondside said...

When I was a child we'd try to break off the icicles and then eat them like lolly pops.
It's snowing here in Victoria - no one is happy about that!

Jenny said...

Love that top photo...I can almost feel the cold emanating from that picture!

What a neat post! I miss icicles which, of course, never occur here in the desert!

But I thoroughly enjoyed visiting yours!

Thank you for linking.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.