Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snowy Driveway/ SOOC

Entrance to a long driveway

This time of year I'm pretty happy  a long driveway is NOT mine. They are pretty to look at but not to drive on.

  To see more photos Straight Out Of the Camera (SOOC) visit Jan at


Jack said...

That is a pretty scene, best seen in a warm room.

Anonymous said...

Your country is so stunning, especially in winter.

Gemma Wiseman said...

This does look very pretty with the play of sunlight, shadow and snow!

Unknown said...

Beautiful Country Snow. I agree I'll keep my short driveway.

Margaret Gosden said...

But very scenic and the shadows are great! I do like our chosen templates by the way! I haven't solved the problem of the header yet, but hope to soon. Happy Holidays!

RedPat said...

Great shot! Glad that I have no driveway like that.

George said...

This is a very beautiful scene, but I am glad I don't have to clear that driveway!

Kate said...

At least the one you posted is plowed; our still has 14" of new snow on it. The city and parts of the state have really shut down.

Michelle said...

I like what Jack said, "Best seen in a warm room." Lovely pic

Becky said...

Don't you just love the beautiful snow? Actually I'm kind of tired of it already, and we're supposed to get more next week. UGH!
Have a great weekend.
Gorgeous picture EG.

Empty Nester said...

Well, maybe a horse drawn sleigh would get then home? It's gorgeous though!

Lowell said...

I agree. We lived in Pennsylvania back in the a house down a hill with a long driveway to a garage under the house...Our house was even down a hill. When it snowed we had to park our cars about a block away 'cause there wasn't any way we could get up the driveway or up the hill!

I do like this photo, though! I always think snow in pictures is pretty!

Jan said...

Fabulous scene, could be a great Christmas card.

Leora said...

Oh, I can understand that. We've had no snow yet, but I am enjoying your scenery! (which I don't have to shovel to enjoy)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Charmaine

Randy said...

Lovely! It makes me wonder what is around the corner.

Momgen said...

I like the snow. We do not snow in our place this time but we have a very cold temperature. Happy SOOC Sunday.

Mine is here

☆Mama Ko☆ said...

Oh boy I feel the freezing weather you've been having over there. We also get few amount of snow lately. Great shot. It would make a good holiday cards

Zyzzyz said...

So much snow and so early this winter.

cieldequimper said...

What you need is a sleigh.

Jan n Jer said...

LOL you took the words right out of my mouth. Pretty to look at but getting out in the winter can be a big pain! Great shot!

Lynn said...

Gorgeous...want to bundle up to take a walk.

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful to look at is right. Lovely. MB

Photography said...

Oh that is so nice Love it - looked at it for ages!!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.