Wednesday, June 1, 2011

G/ Alphabe-Thursday

Filligreed leaves at edge of GAZEBO overhead

Metal GAZEBO in Joseph Street Parkette, Markham Ontario

This gazebo is in one of two parkettes on the east side of Main Street. The gazebo is round with a suspended top made of filligreed leaves.

Filligreed leaves at centre of GAZEBO overhead

Shadow of GAZEBO

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Kate said...

I like the play of shadows on the pavement.

Darla said...

Interesting metal work.


Small City Scenes said...

That is amazing, EG. I love the top piece and the shadow shot is great. MB

TexWisGirl said...

that's unique! :)

Lowell said...

Nicely done. I've not seen quite so fancy a gazebo. And does this particular gazebo have a purpose being in what looks like the middle of town?

Jack said...

This gazebo catches attention up close, at a distance and in the shadows. Nice!

RedPat said...

Wonderful modern interpretation of a gazebo - love the shadows!

Kathy said...

Parkette, eh? And how small is a parkette? A new term for me. I envision it being just big enough for a gazebo!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I absolutely love this! I have a lot of leafy patterns in my house, this gazebo would be just perfect outside in the back!

Now if I only had the money to have it built!!!

Francisca said...

Hmmm... First let me say I think the metal work is wonderful - it definitely looks handcrafted, a skill I appreciate. My surprise is in seeing the open design - had thought the function of a gazebo to be to protect from the elements. And filigree I associate with wire work, not metal work. Sorry, EG, not trying to be contrary or critical... it's a lovely post and gazebo is a super G word! :-)

NanE said...

What a totally cool gazebo! TFS, Nan

Inger-M said...

I love that shadow!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hi Francisca,

I welcome your comment! Firstly let me say that filigree is the term the artist used to describe this work. :) Secondly, I looked up the definition and here is one: ornamental openwork of delicate or intricate design.

Anonymous said...

I love the shadow it creates on the ground.

George said...

This is a very interesting gazebo. I really like the leaves and the shadows they cast upon the ground.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! That really must be a great asset to the park.


ellen b. said...

Isn't the detail lovely. I really like the shadow it casts, too!

Kris McCracken said...

I do love a clear blue sky!

stardust said...

What a lovely designed gazebo! Looking up, metal openwork can be seen against the blue sky, looking down, beautiful shadows. I like the bench which looks also made of metal, too.

Cheryl D. said...

Neat photos!

Francisca said...

Dear EG, I suspected as much and it would have been better for me to say so... that the artist took artistic licence to call his/her gazebo filigreed... and I sure don't argue with that! :-D I was just saying that it's not small and delicate enough to be the kind of work I usually associate with filigree. If you search filigree in "images" in Google you'll see what I mean. I enjoy such informative and fun dialogue and it's my one small regret that there isn't more of it in blogging. :-)

Anonymous said...

Very nice. A lovely piece of art work.

Unknown said...

That's pretty cool! I love the shadow it creates on the ground :)

Rose said...

Love that shadow shot.

Betty said...

That is so unusual and I love the shadow it casts on the ground.

Splendid Little Stars said...

What a lovely gazebo!

Judie said...

I, too, like the shadows it makes on the ground!

Jenny said...

Hi. I'm Jenny. I'm a metal-holic.

This is amazing!

Love, love, love this. The shadows, the play of the sun and sky against the filigree of the design.

Totally glorious!

I would be so enchanted with this gazebo I would stand under it with my mouth open until someone got worried and called the police.

Love it!

Thanks for sharing these great photos.


Barbara Rosenzweig said...

I absolutely love this - especially the shadows it casts! Fabulous!

Pondside said...

I love the gazebo - such a beautiful public space.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.