Monday, July 11, 2011

Car Show/ My World

A cute little Ford I wouldn't mind owning

Saturday evenings during the summer months East Gwillimbury hosts a car show in the parking lot behind the civic centre in Sharon (a village in the Town of E.G.).

Shiny, eh?

Some of the cars are classic and others have been altered.

Fast foods and sometimes live bands are also part of the fun.

Revamped Prohibition-era car?

Personally, I like bigger windows than the car above...for taking drive-by shots.

An Elliott Ness Untouchables car repainted  blue?

I am linking to My World.


Darla said...

Oh boy, that little Ford! I wonder if it is a Model A or a Model T. I'm not very good at identifying cars but wouldn't it be fun to take a little spin in that?


Lois Evensen said...

I like the first one best, too. My Dad drove a Model T to high school and to pick up payments for subscriptions to my grandfather's newspaper back in Hallstead, PA. The one in the picture is so cool! Love the color. I know it wasn't originally blue. The first Fords came in any color you wanted as long as it was black. ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

daddy had a model T when I was 2, i don't remember it but he said i stood on the front seat beside him. no seat belts back then. i love old cars, old buildings, old furniture. these are great shots

Roan said...

I'm with you on the windows. I need more room to hang out the window. lol Seems most of my shots are drive-bys these days, although Hubby missed a great hawk yesterday. He didn't react to my "STOP!" quickly enough to get a shot of a red tailed hawk lounging across the ditch beside a cornfield. It would have been a dream shot. By the time we turned around, he was gone. ;(

Lovin' these old cars!

Kate said...

Who could not help but fall in love with the "jalopie" in the top photo. We all seem to be drawn to a gathering of old and classic cars. It's more than just nostalgia, I think.

Elisa N Viajes said...

Such a wonderful collection!
It´s great!

stardust said...

Fabulous shots of vintage, classic cars! Three out of four cars are blue color. Were you attracted by the color or the style? I think the first one is perfect for convertible, color, style, and nostalgia. Thank you for sharing.

Penelope Notes said...

These vintage cars truly are gems, especially when renewed to look more stunning than ever. I can’t imagine the same tough Ness effect with the black car painted blue, however. Also, strange how we both focused on cars in the different parts of our country. :)

Jack said...

Fabulous, EG. I always start to salivate when seeing beautiful old cars like these. Then I remember that I have no mechanical ability and I am a cheapskate, and the feeling goes away . . .

Carver said...

That sounds a lot like a car show we went to last summer. Those are some classy looking cars you photographed.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I just love car shows. Especially those that have the real old cars like what you featured.

George said...

These are neat cars. I wouldn't mind having one of those myself. Our town has a car show once a month, and every once in a while a real beauty shows up.

Reena said...

They can ship that little Ford down to me! It's a beauty!

RedPat said...

I have to mention this show to a friend who I am sure will head right up there! They are all beauties!

DeniseinVA said...

I wouldn't mind owning that little blue Ford either. Beautiful photos of some very classy looking cars.

DeniseinVA said...

Also wanted to stop by and thank you for wishing me a Happy Birthday :)

Nancy said...

Nice series! Not sure which one I like best. They are all very special. :)

Francisca said...

Oh, yeah, that first little blue number would be my first pick too! Nice world, EG!

Sylvia K said...

What a fun, colorful world you have today! I love the old cars! I'm with you and Francisca, I want the first little blue one! Great post and photos for the day! Enjoy your week!


Sivinden said...

Good old, charming cars:)

kayerj said...

those are some pretty awesome cars!

Unknown said...

Great show!! Boom & gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Photo Cache said...

Oh I like the Elliot Ness car maybe in burgundy :)

The little town next to us holds one every year too, but I never got around to stopping by and photographing the cars.

snowwhite said...

Wow, magnificent shots of classic cars. They are not only beautiful cars but also aesthetic moving art! These cars took me to the world of “Untouchable”, “Al Capone” “Elliott Ness”. When I was a child, I used to watch
“Untouchable”, American TV drama.
Thanks for posting such interesting photos and words! Have a great day!

genie said...

Oh, my goodness. These vintage (guess I am vintage, too) cars are superb. I would love to have been there with you shooting all of them. What a great collection. By the way, I need to come to East Gwillimbury for you to show me around and then you can come here to go barn hopping. As you can tell, I LOVE the old ones no matter how grim the condition. Genie

Tammy said...

Fun! We have something similar in our town on Thursday evenings all summer long. A very nice way to spend an evening.

Barb said...

Oldies but goodies. I wish I were that well-restored!

Indrani said...


Kathy said...

What a grand group of old cars! I'd be honored to ride in any of them.

Kel said...

what cool cars
lovely shots you've captured
showing their 'soul'

Judy said...

Looks like a fun day at he car show and you found some beauties to show us too!

Gattina said...

Aw ! these old cars weren't they beautiful ? and I got sick in them when I was a child ! they always smelled petrol !

Janie said...

Beautiful old cars. I've seen a few of these types of shows, and I'm always impressed with how expertly the vehicles are renovated.

Vinni said...

Beautiful cars, although I'd never like to own them but they look so good just to see.

Rose said...

I bet that it was fun to see all those cars...I am with you on liking full sized windows.

Erwin Calverley said...

I love that blue convertible Ford! It’s just so pretty! Here’s my first impression: “Victorian era and Sherlock Holmes!” :D It’s really a privilege to witness these vintage cars beautifully restored. Imagine that they’ve been wandering the road since the time of black and white. Just marvelous! =)

- Erwin

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.