Thursday, July 21, 2011

Taking A Pause/ Sky Watch

Overlooking Cook's Bay, Keswick, Ontario

He's on his cell phone, probably explaining where he is and why he's not home. What do you think he's saying?

To see tons of beautiful skies from around the world, visit  Sky Watch


Merisi said...

I shall be late for dinner - the sunset simply is too beautiful! ;-)

Darla said...

Wish you were here!


One Photo said...

A beautiful spot to stop and rest awhile - probably a good long while. Lovely photo.

Tanya Breese said...

i'm going to turn my phone off so i can sit and relax...this place is much too pretty to be yakking on my phone!

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely shot! What a great place to sit and think.

TexWisGirl said...

'working late, honey. sorry, but i'll be home shortly! promise!' :)

Anonymous said...

he is saying"I rode my bike out here,it was quite the journey,but well worth it,the sunset is out of this world amazing!"


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I very much doubt he is discussing the scenery, probably just talking and talking and had to stop before his bike turned over. i find people on cell phones have no idea where they are or what is around them. this is a really beautiful photo and i would not be on the phone if i were there unless taking a photo of it. great capture

jabblog said...

In the face of such a beautiful scene I think he's telling his love 'I love you.' (Okay, so I'm a romantic . . . )

Judy said...

His phone rang while he was sitting there enjoying the sunset. Love this shot!

George said...

I think he's telling someone he wishes they were there to share this beautiful (and romantic) view with him.

Shammickite said...

The damn bike's got a flat!

Lois Evensen said...

It has to be something romantic like, "I saw this beautiful sunset and thought of you...." Yeah, that's what he is saying. ;)

Dawn said...

Well i hope whatever he is saying....he is enjoying that to the absolute fullest! Thats amazing!

Kathy said...

Yes, I go with one of the more romantic lines!

Malyss said...

"I wish you were here..the sunset reminds me of the one we enjoyed together while I was visiting you.. I miss you so much. Just wanted to share this with you.."

(He's calling a blogger friend who's living on the other side of the world...Ü)

Rose said...

If it were Roger, he would be telling me I should be there...that I should see the sunset!

Lisa Gordon said...

If I were he, I would be saying, "I won't be home until this show is over!!"
What a beautiful shot this is, and so wonderfully peaceful!

RedPat said...

"I am just going to sit and enjoy this for awhile. See you soon"

Leif Hagen said...

Such a beautiful sunset! If he were me and I were him, the conversation would be "I'll be home soon to help put the kids to bed, honey..."

Tania said...

This is a beautiful scene..lovely color and reflection. Would love to enjoy!:-)

Sylvia K said...

Superb and intriguing capture! Not to mention an awesome sunset! As always, a glorious way to end any day! Hope your have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

I'm finally cool!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Frostbite and Sunburn said...

I can't talk right now - I'm too busy!

Wonderful shot - have a great week.

joco said...

This image makes such a good thumbnail. Lovely to see the bike against that rosy sky.

Jan said...

Great photo. Bob's a bicyclist, so I think he's saying, "I'm got another flat, will you come and get me in the truck"!

Steffi said...

Wonderful photo!I wish I could be there too.It looks so quiet there.Fantastic!Have a nice weekend!

Liz said...

Stunning sunset!

Happy sky watching.

Liz @ A Simple Life

Sivinden said...

Wonderful sunset!

Connie Smiley said...

What a wonderful shot, and there certainly is a story here. Thanks to you and to Joco for your kind comments. You encourage me!

Maria said...

Yes, he must have decided to make that call right there... what a beautiful place and at just the right moment!
Thank you for the rain wishes! My son moved to Austin ~ it IS hot there and also right here in upstate, NY! We're hitting 100 here today!
Definitely a 'clean the basement' kind of day!
*happy weekend*

clairz said...

I hope he's describing the wonderful sunset but, depending on his level of personal drama, he might not even be noticing it. Ah, youth!

Carver said...

He's saying: "I'm sitting by the water watching a gorgeous sunset. I'll be back once it's over. Wish you were here."

My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful sunset. He must be telling how beautiful it is.
Happy SW

eileeninmd said...

He should be enjoying that gorgeous sunset. Lovely capture and photo. Happy skywatching!

Jane said...

Nice shot EG, it looks very peaceful and no wonder people like to sit there with a nice view like that. Funny that is called Keswick too, since we have a Keswick in the UK, Cumbria.

Photo Cache said...

I think he's the telling the one on the other line: I WISH YOU WERE HERE TO SEE THIS.

My sky is here


Anonymous said...

He isn't saying anything, he's listening and soaking up that view!.....:)

Thanks again!.....

Joyful said...

A nice spot for soaking up the atmosphere. Beautiful sunset.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Knowing many cell phone users, I'm going to be a killjoy and say that whatever he's saying has absolutely nothing to do with the sunset! He probably doesn't even see it...


Glowing moon and shining stars,
Venus, Jupiter and Mars,
Planets swirling round the sun;
Darkness falls when day is done.

In the vast and endless sky
Eagle, wren and falcon fly;
Over hill and dale they roam,
Calling cloud and thunder home.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Slice of Sky

kayerj said...

I need a pause like that about right now--so peaceful.

Artlover said...

Great shot and gorgeous view.

Nancy Janiola said...

He must have invited someone to come over and share the same gorgeous views he's enjoying at that time.

Such a lovely break! The place look so serene!

Mine is up here:
What a lovely break! The place look so serene!

Ruth Hiebert said...

He had better be describing that beautiful sunset.

Al said...

I love it - hopefully he's enjoying the sunset and not absorbed in his own world. Very evocative shot.

Halcyon said...

I hope he's calling his wife/gf to say he wishes she was there with him to witness that beauty! WOW!

Al said...

"I'm sitting here and waiting for you". Aww romantic.

Kim, USA said...

I think he phoned his wife and said "honey you should see the sunset it's beautiful! ^_^


Tami Weingartner said...

Big orange skies are my very favorite! This is a wonderful photograph...really very very nice.

Randy said...

This shot is so beautiful and peaceful. I think he might be calling for directions.

Saun said...

Wish you were here the sunset is awesome. Love it

Lew said...

Whatever the words, I hope he is enjoying the sunset! And we sure could use some cool Canadian air down this way!

Brenda Stevens said...

this is AMAZING!! my daughter lives in Roblin Ontario with our three grandchildren! : ) so glad i found your site! my entry for WW

Jidhu Jose said...

nice sky shot
happy SWF

Cezar and Léia said...

Dramatic orange sky, wonderful capture!

Arija said...

Yep, I;d be in that! Glorious, tangible purple light that fills the space between the viewer and the horizon.

Cecilia Artista said...

Wonderful sunset and a great shot!

Tammy said...

Cell phones are really invading our world. Everywhere I go, I see someone on a cell phone. Grocery shopping, hiking, I even saw a guy talking on a blue tooth while kayaking last week. I like to think that these people are lucky enough to be able to work via phone, enabeling them to be those other places while working.

Stewart M said...

Hi there - I think he is a comedian - he's going through a stand up routine (even though he's sat down!) and he not really on the phone! Hiding in plain sight!

Well maybe!

Stewart M - Australia.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I'm thinking he's saying, "I wish you were here."

penny said...

Simply stunning shot.. Wow!


Fabien said...

J'aime beaucoup l'ambiance de cette photo, bravo!

Lowell said...

Superb. There's a story here, I know. Oh, here it is:

He bought the bike
This afternoon
In a bike shop
In Ontario.

He hopped upon
The little seat and
Pedaled toward
Cook's Bay.

Trouble was he
Lost his way
'Cause he's from

So now he's calling
Asking for directions.

The operator said
"You must be daft
And we ain't gonna
give you none."

Confused by that ol'
Nasty wench
He spent the night
Upon the bench.

But in the morn
He woke to sing
La di dah di dah

Happily he headed
South to nice, cool

Ms. Becky said...

oh I love doing this - imagining his conversation. I think he's on the phone sharing with someone he loves precisely what beauty is before his eyes. I think this may have taken the top spot on my favorites list of your photos. and that's pretty darn hard to do. exquisite serenity. WOW. have a glorious weekend E.G.

Lina Gustina said...

"Dear, I wish you were here with me to see this beauty together..."

genie said...

How are you ever reading all of these comments. You are the bigt ime league now. I would definitely be sitting there and watching the beautiful sky...and I am sure my husband would be, too, if he were out on his bike. We just wouldn’t be on cell phones. We despise them!!! This is a beautiful capture. Genie

wildcatwoods said...

Lovely shot. Hopefully he is sharing the sunset with someone he cares about.

Carolina Mts

Francisca said...

"You wouldn't come home either if you could see what I'm seeing!" Fabulous. Again.

[Capiz lanterns are used as everyday garden decor (although they are often sold as xmas decor overseas, but smaller). They come in various shapes, and sometimes coloured, but the round natural ones are the standard, and I like them best. These were not mine, but I have a set of them too. They give a wonderful warm glow when lit.]

Dhemz said...

what a lovely shot! thanks for dropping by @

Judy said...

I love the colours!

Anna said...

If I was him, I'd be telling my wife/friend that I wish she was here, because the sunset was so amazing!!! The colors that you've captured are remarkable!

Kay L. Davies said...

I was thinking just what Anna said. "I wish you were here to see this sunset."

—Kay, Alberta, Canada

Janie said...

I hope he's talking about the beauty of the sunset because it is a spectacular one.

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Very nice scene and photo, too.


NatureFootstep said...

nice shot. ;)

Linnea said...

He's probably speechless 'cause of that gorgeous sky and hence can't utter a word!

Laura said...

I've been out of the loop for a while, this is gorgeous! Happy SWF:-)

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.