Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26/ Nature Notes

It's still garden season!

We've experienced a couple of mild frosts but some flowers still continue to bloom in my gardens. I took these photos on Sunday. We have had a few days of overcast skies and rain with ONE sunny day in between.

Largest square: flower fly on toad lily (Tricyris). Moving clockwise: Hydrangea 'Limelight' . yellow butterfly bush (Buddleia), barberry (Berberis 'Rosy Glow), phlox, and seedheads of grass (Miscanthis).

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.


Gill - That British Woman said...

even yesterday wasn't too bad before the rain set in again. I am going to have to cut the grass if we don't get a killing frost soon!!


Jill said...

It's so nice to see your lingering flowers. Lovely!

Kathy said...

The color of that hydrangea is just perfect for me who loves pink!

Kate said...

I regret saying it, but you might as well kiss the sunny days good-bye as winter starts to roll in. You brighten the page with your flowers!

Torunn said...

so beautiful nature photos.

Darla said...

I always have to choose a favorite in your mosaics, this time it is the spectacular toad lily.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy for you that you still have pretty flowers. mother had giant hydrangeas in her yard, taller than my head, the bush not the flower. lol

Buttons Thoughts said...

It is pouring rain here. Your photos are awesome as always. B

TexWisGirl said...

that toad lily is so cool!

Carver said...

Lovely shots from your garden. The toad lily is very striking and I'm always a sucker for grass seedheads. It's a shame more people don't let their grass go to seed.

Lowell said...

You have a very beautiful garden! Must take a lot of work!

Becky said...

Love all of these EG, and it reminds me I best get out and take a shot of my Toad lilly.

George said...

All of these photos are wonderful, but I really like the fly on the toad lily.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely colors and flowers! Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing. Have a great evening.

Leora said...

The toad lily is striking! Beautiful collection - I like seedheads.

stardust said...

Sorry to hear about the grey skies recently. However, flowers, plants, and critters, seem to have pleased you constantly. Toad lily is first to me, and the seed heads of the grass look like Japanese pampas grass. Thank you for sharing the beauties of nature in season around you.

Tina´s PicStory said...

lovely flowers!
...what is it? - see the hint :)

Rose said...


MyMaracas said...

Beautiful flowers, even more precious because they are the last.

Rambling Woods said...

It is getting colder and we have had a couple of frosts too. I imagine that the hard freeze is around the corner...lovely collage EG...Michelle

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.