Wednesday, August 22, 2012

N/Alphabe-Thursday/ Nature Notes

Lake Ontario, New York side

N is for NOT, as in do NOT litter.

Sadly, it seems Americans are just as messy as Canadians.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more

I am also linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


Lowell said...

Must be a Canadian problem. We don't litter here in the States. Well, maybe a little.

I'll bet the authorities would like to use your collage on new posters they could then put up in places where Canadians tend to litter. Yes?

Andy said...

That's one area the the Yanks and Canadians find common ground. We must remember though that America does border on the magnificent... Canada.

Kathy said...

It looks like the signs are pretty much ignored. Humans are just messy people, aren't they!

Darla said...

This makes quite a statement, would be a good poster.


Judy said...

This is just as bad as people walking their dogs and don't clean up after them.

Malyss said...

And all the things you're showing will take years to disappear from nature.It's not only a US or CAnadian problem, it's the same everywhere..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think Americans are the messiest in the world, at least here in FL it seems that way

Halcyon said...

Very sad. If we don't take care of our little part of the earth, who will?

Shammickite said...

Did you pick up all that litter and put it in the garbage receptacle?

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

It is a sad commentary on where the human race is going ... We go from bad to worse and most don't even care. It will take a miracle to reverse the indifference and disrespect we have bred ... very sad, indeed!

Andrea @ From the Sol

Birdman said...

The world is filled with those that refuse abide.

Anonymous said...

Go south of border. Mexico out does America and Canada combined I'd bet.

Paul in Powell River said...

Unfortunately a universal problem, though up here anyway, the younger generation mostly have a better attitude.

rainfield61 said...

Leave nothing except your foot prints, as it is always be quoted.

TexWisGirl said...

just lazy.

TexWisGirl said...

just lazy.

Anonymous said...

Good shots, unfortunately, of what some irresponsible people leave behind.

Rune Eide said...

This is a world-wide problem - maybe they can't read? At least they cant think :-)


Oh Americans can be awful at this, I'm noticing it more even in pristine areas. This collage is great - says it loud and clear!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Your collage would make a good poster. It is really too bad what we are doing to this beautiful planet.

George said...

I'm afraid that litter is a world-wide problem. I'm amazed at all the litter we find while hiking.

RedPat said...

There are fools everywhere!

Michelle said...

Sad to see this.

Gillian Olson said...

Littering is just laziness, usually there are garbage and recyling cans close by and it doesn't take long to clean up after yourself.

Anonymous said...

You make a strong statement here!

VBR said...

Years ago, when the Don't Be A Litterbug campaign began in the US, to see garbage strewn about was not uncommon. Once the idea of NOT littering took hold, we have enjoyed years of clean, cleaner surroundings. so much so, that now, when we see bits and pieces of junk about it really seems to startle. what a well done post to put forth the reminder that litter is NOT acceptable.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

A pet peeve of mine. I just hate it when I'm hiking or fishing in our beautiful state and run across beer cans or trash...


My name is Riet said...

I think it is a problem all over the world. I hate it when people leave their mess all over the place. Don't people teach their children to not leave their mess around but then I think the parents do it theirselves.
Great post

carol l mckenna said...

Great montage ~ Litter is climbing again ~ think USA needs more anti litter education ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Randy said...

I hate to see stuff like this. People are just so lazy.

Deanna said...

Doesn't this just fry you...What do people think when they just leave their mess behind. Great collage of a big annoyance!!

Leovi said...

I like those pictures with a great environmental message.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Yes..I saw them all over..People just don't think about it at all..

Buttons Thoughts said...

Cool pics this is funny as I spent a couple of hours on a beach in Cobourg Ontario and took photos of garbage but it was nice tidy garbage.
It is nice to see I am not the only one that sees the art in a sad situation:) B

Carver said...

I hate to see litter. I try to pick it up when I see it at the lake near my house but it bugs me that everyone doesn't deal with their own litter.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

People just litter everywhere. I see it every morning when I walk- it is downright disgusting some of the things that they throw out the window.

Jack said...

Sloppiness isn't evenly spread. Back East, where I have spent most of my life, most city streets are a mess. But, in Columbus, Ohio, where I worked for six years, the city was spotless. I wish I knew the secret.

anitamombanita said...

Sadly it seems to be a universal problem. I'm fully expecting the Martian rover to send back some photos of space junk on the surface...

Stephanie said...

I dislike litter. Especially on our front lawns. Wish people would keep their garbage to themselves till they get home to dispose of it properly.

Susan said...

Now this is one awesome post. I HATE litter! Great message girl!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful picture and so in sync with our global warming concern. Great N!
Mine is here
Have you an AWESOME WEEK!

Cezar and Léia said...

Important message!We need to do something to save our environment!

Dianne said...

littering is one of the rudest, crudest things a person can do

in Brooklyn my house had a bus stop out front
there was a woman who dropped her coffee cup every single day smack in the middle of my driveway
one day I caught her just as the bus was leaving, I grabbed the cup and jumped up on the bus asking "who forgot their coffee? I'd hate for you to leave it, who forgot their coffee?"


Anonymous said...

It's such a shame we need a sign to tell people not to litter, and it's even worse that people can't follow such a simple request.

Tatiana said...

so sad that people can't even read the sign :/ and yes, it must be both an american and a canadian problem!

Anonymous said...

This drives me crazy. We pick things up and carry them to the trash when we find them. Then we use hand sanitizer.

Rambling Woods said...

Oh we are probably more messy than you and we don't have as many nice NO-pesticide rules as you do. We should take a lesson from Canada.. Michelle

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Unfortunately, this is world-wide phenomenon.

Esther Joy said...

I laughed when I read that first comment... I WISH we didn't have a problem with litter!

Ellie said...

It is so annoying to see rubbish strewn along the beach isn't it. Our beach is quite often like that - I'm not sure why they can't put their rubbish in the bins provided.

Viola said...

Oh yes! WHY must some people ALWAYS throw their rubbish on the lovely ground and earth?! If they do like that so much, why don't they bring their trash home and put it in their livingroom as decorations, if they really love it that much.... :/

Naperville Now said...

grrrr to litterers and their messes!

Annesphamily said...

I just detest people who litter! I recycle and I am always picking up trash outside my office building! People are disgusting! They toss soda cans and fast food garbage in the little well designed for the smokers! UGH! I try to do my part. Love the thought here.

Kranky Granny said...

I entered a speech contest when I was in high school. My subject was littering and I won third place.

I still hate seeing adults making these kinds of messes. I always want to leave a big sign that says "Clean up after yourselves. Your mother does not work here."

Judie said...

I like Rita's response! I have seen litter along the interstate here, but very rarely do I see it on the beaches. People who walk their dogs on the beach even clean up after them. Isn't that wonderful!!

Pondside said...

Today, as a friend and I walked across a TH's parking lot, we picked up discarded lids. It puzzles me that people would litter anywhere, but there were garbage cans everywhere!

Jenny said...

Littering makes me so darned angry.

Talk about laziness.

And disrespect to the world.

I always end up picking the junk up. One time I followed a lady who had thrown down a McDonalds back and handed it back to her. "I think you dropped this," I said.

She gave me a nasty look.

Thanks for linking.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.