Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Quirky Old Guy/Wild Birds

Great blue heron

 Doesn't this heron look like a crusty old curmudgeon?  Don't be thinking he can't hear you!

Listening to every sound

He heard us and flew off in a huff.

I am joining Stewart M's Wild Bird Wednesday HERE


Nancy said...

We startled a GBH on our walk to the pond the other evening -- of course, I didn't have my camera. :)

Kate said...

He is a perfect specimen of a curmudgeon!

Birdman said...

Great title for this one.

Linda said...

Hm-m-m wondering what he is thinking as he watches you?

Dianne said...

he looks like he's out there on the lawn in his robe yelling at the neighborhood kids

Halcyon said...

He somehow reminds me of a Dr. Seuss character. Great shot!

Darla said...

Yes, a cranky looking old bird. Made for some great photos tho.


Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Wouldn't you like to pick his brain for all that he has seen from up there on his high perch. What a handsome old coot ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Stephanie said...

He is mighty fine old specimen. Great shots!

TexWisGirl said...

exactly! we had 2 great egrets here one year that were 'pals'. i called 'em the curmudgeon brothers. :)

jabblog said...

Maybe he's starting his moult . . .

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great photos and captions to go with!

Paul in Powell River said...

They're very common here, yet like you, I can't stop taking their pictures!


Lol, I can see it swooping down on us all in a most disapproving & curmudgeonly manner (yup, he hears us for sure!)

Pat Tillett said...

Nice! They usually do look very grouchy! Still love them...

George said...

This has to be the 'grumpiest' bird I've ever seen. The first photo especially is a great picture.

RedPat said...

You have ruffled his feathers! ;-))

Unknown said...

They're so incredible!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Lowell said...

Very cool...it seems every time I see one of these guys I don't have a good camera with me. Both shots are superb!

Debbie said...

oh darn!! if you were going to get that close, what a shame it had to be one that looked so messy!!

but it is thrilling just the same!

mick said...

Great photos of an interesting looking bird.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he sure does look like an old man, still handsome though

Pat said...

He's very tall, and yes, he does look like a crusty old curmudgeon! Great shots!

eileeninmd said...

They are beautiful birds, great shots of the GB Heron. Hope you are having a great week!

renae said...

This is an amazing capture - great job!

Don't worry about the water rides. I'm actually in that raft with my 2 adult daughters. I'm the one in the plastic wrap so I won't be sloshing around afterwards. hahahaha.

Reader Wil said...

I haven 't seen this bird around here, but we have a lot of geese and herons and swans as well.
Your photos are always great! Have a great Wednesday!

Brian King said...

He does look like a character from "Grumpy Old Men"! LOL!

Rohrerbot said...

When I saw him, I thought the same thing. Like that shot. The Great Blue Heron is still a noble bird no matter what age:)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Awesome he reminds me of the movie Grumpy Old Men :)
You always get the best shots.B

Faye said...

He does look totally put out--a total bad feather day. :-)

Mary said...

He is great! I think to have a look at one of those, even if he gets all huffy at being disturbed..is so great, hahahaa. I watch for birds, in the garden, as I drive...but we do not have these in our inland part of the world. Lucky you.

Randy said...

Kate said it all.

Jack said...

You caught him before he had time to do his morning grooming. I look a bit bedraggled in the morning, too.

Susan said...

This post made me laugh. He does look like a crusty old dude! Awesome!

Kathy said...

I think I know her. In fact, I'm just positive she's my roommate! She, not he!

Maude Lynn said...

Fabulous shots!

Anonymous said...

Wow wow wow - beautiful shots!

i stora drag said...

Good photos of this heron!
We don't have exactly this one here in Sweden, but I'm familar with that behavior. They notice everything and get off!
Greetings Pia in Sweden

Stewart M said...

He does look like he would have a thing or two to say about things!

Nice pictures.

Stewart M - AUstralia

PS: thanks for being involved on WBW

Rose said...

They always make me think of old men in a trench coat with a top hat on....

Snowcatcher said...

He looks so stately and majestic. They are very difficult to photograph here because they are keen to every movement, apparently not too comfortable being too close to people.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

He is so cool, love those long feathers~

Linnea said...

He does look like an old, wise soul, doesn't he? Thanks for stopping by.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.