Wednesday, September 19, 2012


 Recumbent bicycle


The day I took this photo I had never seen a recumbent bike before.  Funny, but since then I have seen many. Apparently there are more than 200 different models to choose from! Some are designed more for comfort, others for performance.

As you can see, this recumbent rider sits in a laid-back position so that his body is supported by his back as well as his buttocks. I read somewhere that the seats are the equivalent of high-end office chairs. And now - for some strange reason - my mind is picturing a room full of board members facing the centre and peddling stationary recumbent bikes. Hmmm.

Off he goes

So far, I'm pleased to report, I have not seen anyone peddling a recumbent while on their cellphone or computer.

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE


kayerj said...

that is so cool!

Cloudy said...

Sehr windschnittiges Modell, ein echter Hingucker...

Lieben Gruß

Andy said...

Neat photo. These bikes are not cheap to buy. For the money they want I could purchase a very high end camera.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i've never seen one like this. maybe one lower to the ground. thank you for sharing. i learned a bit through you. too cool!! (:

Buttons Thoughts said...

Now I have a picture of an office full of recumbent bikes with people:) B

Elisa N Viajes said...

It looks like so much FUN!

Darla said...

I have seen similar bikes here but never one with that plastic shield in the front. Interesting.


Kathy said...

When I lived in Phoenix I saw lots of recumbents but none here in rural Texas farmland. They supposedly offer a great exercise regime while offering a much more healthy position for the body. I have an acquaintance who lost a ton of weight by taking up recumbent biking.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

don't say the cell phone word, that will be next. this is cool, and i have not seen one here. bob would love it.

Paul in Powell River said...

Supposedly the easiest on the body, and while I've seen a few locally and lots in the city south of us, I've never seen one with a windshield.

TexWisGirl said...

wouldn't that make a great board room? :)

Gillian Olson said...

A comfortable seat on a bicycle, now that is a great concept. Great pic.

don said...

Fine shots of this novel method of biking. I like the looks of that windshield.

LindyLouMac said...

It looks like fun but one does sit rather low!

Halcyon said...

I've seen alot of these kinds of bikes. I think I would enjoy riding one as your back gets more support, but I'd be worried that people wouldn't see you as well b/c they're so low to the ground. Nice shots!

Susan said...

That just hurts my legs looking at it. I'd probably spend most of my time picking myself up.

RedPat said...

I've always thought that they were so low that they weren't visible enough to drivers when on the road.

Judy said...

That's pretty fancy...I was walking this summer and a biker passed me texting on her cell phone. I didn't have my camera and I couldn't get my cell phone out fast enough to snap a photo. I thought, now that's the limit.

Snowcatcher said...

Hopefully you will never see a recumbant rider chatting or texting while riding. Hopefully they are a little more intelligent, which may seem belittling to upright cyclists. But I'm an upright (for now), and I see far too many cyclists NOT pulling over to finish their mobile conversations. I had not noticed until you mentioned it that none of the offenders have been on recumbants.

Thought-provoking post!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I've not seen these before. Very cool. Looks like great exercise in a more comfortable way, too!

Lynette Killam said...

Great choice for the letter, and fun pictures...would like to try that myself, though I'm not sure my balance is up to it anymore!

Stephanie said...

I have seen some here and when I used to live in Vancouver. Looks more comfortable for those long rides. Great capture!

Linda said...

Easier on the shoulders, I would think. I'm interested that there's more protection for the body than on a normal bike.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

It's only a matter of time before you see someone riding and texting!

That looks like something I might try...

Naperville Now said...

my neighbor has one. will try it out sometime and get back to you.

Randy said...

Interesting bike.

carol l mckenna said...

Have never seen one of those bike ~ Unique choice ~ very creative and great photo ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Gill - That British Woman said...

never seen one of those either.


Anonymous said...

I love your vision~very funny. I saw several of the recumbent bikes over the summer.

Lowell said...

These are pretty nice. I've not ridden one but we've got several here in Stone Creek - in fact, I'm going to post a photo of one soon.

They can go very fast, too. I like the windshield. We are inundated with lovebugs and that would come in mighty handy!

Jack said...

I have read good things about them, but I am sticking with my upright hybrid.

Rose said...

It at least looks comfortable!

Betty said...

I've never seen anyone riding around here on one of those.

Give them time and they'll be driving and texting.

Lois Evensen said...

To each his own. ;)

anitamombanita said...

they are definitely odd looking, but I hear people love them!

Krishna/കൃഷ്ണ said...


Rohrerbot said...

I imagine that windshield keeps a lot of the bugs out of the mouth:) Very useful.

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

GREAT R POST! first time I have seen a bike like this!:)

Midwestern City Girl said...

Great photos! I think even I could ride one of those. I especially like the face guard and the reclining position.

Judie said...

Now this is something I could do for exercise, but I'll bet that those bikes are pricey! Great photo!!!

21 Wits said...

Really Bravo!

genie said...

Each time I see one of these bikes I wonder if I would ride one. I have a rotting spine (as I call it) and never sit erect...always at an angle like this. Maybe it would work for me and would be great exercise. I need to look into it. genie

Jim said...

Nice picture of the recubrant bike. I pass them on our road to town. They usually ride on the wrong side of the road, facing traffic. Our car is going 60+ and their bike is going towards us at perhaps 25 +/-.
That would make for an 85 mph head-on crash.

Jim's Little Blog

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

We see a lot of them around Eugene (Oregon). I think maybe there's a place that even makes them here. Love the comment on using cell phones/texting! I actually saw a kid on a skateboard texting yesterday!

NatureFootstep said...

lol, you should not have mentioned the office chair. Now I see them too. .)

Pat Tillett said...

I've seen quite a few of them. Some of them are VERY fast. I like the idea of the guys in the board room.

Lmkazmierczak said...

I'm rather enamored of the 'bug shield'♫♪

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

That is so awesome, and I have never seen one before until now. Fantastic photos!

Susan Anderson said...

My grandson rented one of these at the beach this summer. Without the windshield, though.


Anonymous said...

I've seen a couple of these as well as some other odd-looking bicycle contraptions. None of them seem to me to be as efficient as the original. I wonder what the advantages are, especially for going uphill?

Jenny said...

I see a lot of those bikes around here.

I've done the recumbant exercise bike and it feels a lot easier on the back.

I think I would worry, though, that someone would run over me sitting so low to the ground like that!

I have actually seen someone riding a bike and texting at the same time. How is that even possible?

Thanks for a really fun link for the letter "R".


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.