Monday, January 14, 2013

Rain NOT Snow/Our World

Melting ice and snow on a Lake Simcoe dock

Lately it has been so mild here in central Ontario that instead of snow we have been getting rain.  Saturday was so warm that a temperature record was broken.

 Boathouse seen from the dock

 There's ice under the puddle but I doubt it's very thick.

 Tundra swans way out on the lake

I turned around, zoomed out my point-and-shoot's lens and captured some tundra swans standing in water over ice. Aren't they funny?

 Reflections #2

The swans are spending the winter in balmy Ontario, their cold weather destination. (And YOU thought every Canadian headed for Florida or Arizona this time of year!)

 Reflections #3

I bet you can guess by their name that they are visiting from the Arctic where they breed.

Reflections #4

The swan on the right is a juvenile so not totally white yet.

  More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Kathy said...

I guess this is like Florida to the tundra swans!

Halcyon said...

It seems I might actually survive my last Canada winter if it keeps going this way! :)

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful photography ~ love the wildlife ~ nature is such a gift ~

(A Creative Harbor) on blogger ^_^~

ps ~ We are getting similar weather ~ 50 degrees as I write in New England

Kerri Farley said...

Love those swans! Unseasonably warm here too.... kind of scary.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous reflection shot, love those trees and the swans make me laugh, they look like they are walking/standing on water..

Darla said...

The swans are magnificant! I hope this warm winter you are having won't disturb their migration.


rainfield61 said...

They are beautiful.

As they have found out in the mirror.

Pamela Gordon said...

Beautiful photos. The tundra swans look funny standing on the water like that. It's been mild here too and our snow is melting down but still lots around. Colder temperatures are on the way tonight.

Susan said...

These are absolutely beautiful photos.

Judy said...

So pretty. We never see any kind of swan around here.

Giga said...

Pięknie się łabędzie odbijają w wodzie na lodzie. Pozdrawiam.
Swans beautifully reflected in the water on the ice. Yours.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love how the swans look like they are walking on water. I also love the reflection of the boathouse. We had rain here on Friday, but now it has turned really cold.

TexWisGirl said...

great reflections! such confusing weather.

Jackie said...

My hubby is a long haul truck driver. He pulls specialized flat bed and he is headed your way.

We have renamed him. I call him my CanOkie. He is in Canada more than he is at home.

We love it up there and have said were we younger we would seriously consider making a change and moving!

But we're too old for that now. I hope you have a great week. I really enjoyed your pictures again!!

Malyss said...

Not a lot of ice, just enough to give the feeling that swans are walking on water!

cieldequimper said...

Gorgeous shots. But such mild temperatures are slightly scary, aren't they?

Judy said...

Beautiful shots EG...I especially love the boat house shot!

Susan Anderson said...

As a California girl, it never occurred to me that it could rain on top of a bunch of snow. Does it melt everything most times? Or does the rain end up freezing and becoming more dangerous due to slipping, etc.?


A Garden of Threads said...

I hope we get more snow before the temperature drops to much. I love the boathouse reflection.

RedPat said...

These swan shots are great, EG! I'm loving this warm weather - wish it came with more sunshine.

Unknown said...

Same here can you believe it. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Sylvia K said...

Terrific captures!! Amazing weather many of us are having this year and the last!! It's not warm here in Seattle, but not really that cold either -- just gray, as per usual! I definitely wouldn't expect to see such mild temps in your part of the world though!! Really terrific capture as always and I do love the swans!! Have a great week!

mick said...

A very interesting series of photos. The swans standing in the puddles on top of the ice are beautiful.

Valerie said...

Absolutely wonderful captures and reflections. I do like the boathouse one in addition to several of the swan reflections so cleverly caught! Thanks for sharing.


Wonderful captures on your point-and-shoot, you have true talent to make wildlife from afar look good w/pocket cameras!:) (We have very mild weather here too, it's not unwelcome but seems very strange!)

Snowcatcher said...

Those photos sure don't look like a record warm! That looks cold!!! The reflection photos are outstanding.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I like the reflections of the birds. It makes for some stunning photos.

Gemma Wiseman said...

The photos of the tundra swans are so very lovely! But I especially love those sloshy views in the first two photos where the weather seems to have a personality complex! Awesome!

Karen said...

Yep, the temperatures are just weird! Love the swan captures with the reflections!

Photo Cache said...

we are getting the cold temps here (by california standards) and we're freezing :)

Zandarmid Photography said...

The reflections in the second photo are just gorgeous. I'd love to see a square crop of that!

George said...

We had rain and warm temperatures for two days. Now we have freezing rain. I think I like the warm variety better. I also like your photos very much.

Unknown said...

i love looking at these birds standing on water/ice. it's not a common sight around here--some crazies might even worship these birds because they walk on water!*lol*

Randy said...

Great reflection in that last shot.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful reflections. Here's hoping you get back your snow.

Indrani said...

These are gorgeous captures! The one with reflections is fantastic!

eileeninmd said...

Same here, rain and fog. I love the reflections you captured and the swans are lovely. Wonderful series for Our World. Have a happy week ahead.

Cezar and Léia said...

Ice in everywhere! Beautiful subject for photography, I'm delighted by your pictures, you got wonderful reflections!

Hilda said...

Ontario as the tropics. Oookay. They'll feel like they're in a furnace if they end up here by mistake.

Anna said...

Gorgeous wet captures and I love the reflections!
Have a nice week and warm greetings Anna

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

I am not a rain lover myself...but oh my the reflections that appear afterwards are marvelous. Love the boathouse image.

Rose said...

Roger always says the waterbirds must have antifreeze in their legs....I get cold just looking at these shots.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.