Thursday, April 25, 2013

Humber Bay Park #1/Friday Fences

Taken from the bridge in tomorrow's photo

The above walkway is wonderful for getting a tad closer to the many wild ducks that spend time in this Toronto park during the winter months.

Even now you wouldn't want to fall into the water here. IT'S COLD!

FYI: Some of you who use Google+ have something turned on - or off - that makes it impossible for those of us without Google+ to comment on your blogs.  This makes me feel sad as I like to leave comments. :)

I am linking to Friday Fences here.


Gemma Wiseman said...

Love the idea of a directed walkway so that you can see the ducks up close without intimidating them - hopefully!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i have noticed the issues with Google + as well ... plain stinks. i wonder what is going on? wish they would get it figured out. have a great weekend. ( :

Phil Slade said...

I guess it is still cold where you are. At least the bridge keeps you from the cold water and gives a chance for a warming walk.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Nice peaceful scene. It looks like it is warming up.

I hadn't done the Google+ thing with my blog yet. I don't like what happens with other people when they activate it. Also, sometimes people will leave a comment and I click on their name to visit back and I'm told that I haven't been included in their circle... I wonder do they have a blog or not.

Hootin Anni said...

I know just what you mean about that Google+. It's a pain. And it's not the's Google. They want us ALL to join/sign up. And I'm not about to give in and have something else to work on through admin.

Neat walking bridge.

Nicki said...

A juxtapose of contemporary with nature.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Love the fence on the COLD COLD water:)

Google+ yes I have not been able to even read some of the blogs nor comment I am a member of.... very strange. B

Pamela Gordon said...

This looks like a wonderful and safe place to walk and bird watch. I have had a couple of problems with the commenting on Google +. Why all these changes?? I get too frustrated with them. I hope they get it worked out. Have a great day. Pam

Maggid said...

Thank you for telling the new Google+ people we've been blocked . . (sigh, so sad)

Ducks?? Didja say Ducks??? I do a tiny tot story time here - I always get extra silly when we talk about DUCKS!!!

love & love,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

brrr on falling in that water. I have a few I can't comment on with google plus, but some I can. must be a setting.

Anonymous said...

Great way to get closer to the wildlife without going into the icy water!

Darla said...

The water is so clear and does look cold. I guess my Google stuff is ok and I see your comments - and thank you for them.


TexWisGirl said...

i have a google+ account, but i don't have my blog linked to that i.d. (still use the old blogger i.d.). i've not encountered that problem, yet. seems google is forcing us over to google+ one way or the other. i hate that! i truly don't use it other than to +1 someone's post!

Gail Dixon said...

I don't use G+ either, although I am on there. I'm pretty sure my ID is still linked to Blogger. I hope, anyway. Yes, it's a pain and I hate it. A bridge that allows one to get closer to wildlife is an awesome bridge in my book! :)

Small City Scenes said...

Perfect shot for Friday Fences. And that water does look very cold, brrrrr. MB

RedPat said...

I haven't been able to comment on the Google+ people either and I thought I was doing something wrong!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I agree with Anni- I think google is trying to merge everything and I don't like it.

Snowcatcher said...

Gosh, the first thing I noticed was all the green. Even if the water is cold, boy, you've got some spring there!

Lowell said...

I shall look forward to wild ducks tomorrow. Or is it Cold Duck. I dunno. Re your comment about Google + - can't stand it! But you gotta click on the photo which is the link to the actual blog and then you can comment. It only took me 10 years to figure that out!

BloggRRRRRR was bad enough; Google really complicated things! :)

Jill said...

So lovely! I do adore a fence near water.

Stephanie said...

Glad you are able to post comments on mine. Though I do have google plus. Great shots!

genie said...

How nice of them to get you closer to the water fowl. You caught some nice reflections, too. I noticed Yogi's comment. I do not get the Google genie+ thingy though somehow it has gotten on my blog. I do not have the first clue how to use it. genie

George said...

That's a very neat walkway, and I doubt that many people are ready to go swimming there just yet.

I haven't activated Google+. I just don't want the aggravation of something else to work through.

Randy said...

Looks chilly.

Indrani said...

Nice composition.

It is google's competition with FB

Jackie McGuinness said...

Not a fan of G+ either!!
Ducks are such fun to watch.

Anonymous said...

Google+ is annoying, one of the reasons I left Blogger. Google/Blogger doesn't give me the option to sign in with my site url so I have to use a backdoor via Wordpress.

Great fence photo and reflection photo.

Hilda said...

Not quite as scenic as the rest of the lake. And what is that funny-looking winged contraption?

Susan Anderson said...

I think you are giving me a new fondness for fences...


Anonymous said...

Lovely shot! I had my rant on Google+ the other day too. :-)

Sally in WA said...

Nice shot!

If Google isn't careful, they'll turn into facebook and I will dump them. As it is, I despise fb. If you are having issues on my blog, please drop me an email.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.