Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Red-necked grebe

W is for WILD about WILD

For a bit more than a year I have been a birder, a person WILD about WILD birds. Who knew these creatures could be such an obsession?

Until recently I had never heard of, never mind seen, a red-necked grebe.  It's name is appropriate, don't you think? Last week this guy (or gal) was quite talkative!

Northern mockingbird

Speaking of talkative! Okay, actually sing-ative. This mockingbird was singing beautiful tunes. And what a repertoire! I'm just hoping the mockingbird is NOT looking at this blog and planning to sue me. This isn't the bird's most flattering pose - it's much more attractive in real life.

Western Grebe

If you live on the Canadian prairies, this is no big deal. But if you live in Ontario (as I do), everyone who loves birds wants to see and photograph this guy. It has been at  Sam Smith Park (Toronto) all winter long. I have gone to see it several times but until last week could only boast of seeing a speck through a kindhearted birder's scope.

Last week, my husband and I visited the park to see yellow-rumped warblers and whatever else might be there. And who should appear within reach of my camera's lens?  The elusive western grebe!  I wasn't even looking for it. Isn't that WILD?

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 

I am also linking to Rurality Blog Hop HERE.


Cezar and Léia said...

So beautiful talkative critters, the pictures are wonderful, my favorite is the second one!I barely know about birds name and so on, so it's great because I'm learning with you!Thanks for sharing!

Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh what a great capture of the Western Grebe. I love how all the birds were talking or singing to you. You must be very approachable:) B

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like the two photos with beaks wide open... not wordless wednesday at all for these guys. our mocking bird can sing for hours. as i type i hear lots of birds singing the morning in.

Carolyn H said...

Very nice photos of two birds I don't get to see here on my mountain in southern PA. Well, the mockingbirds are here, but the grebes are not. Thanks for posting!

CabinGirl said...

Don't you love it when you stumble upon such a great find? And you managed to capture a lovely photo of the W Grebe, too! Congrats :-)

Karen said...

Terrific finds! Love the open beaks on the first two. I know what you mean about birding. I only started to notice them this winter and I too am now obsessed!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Great photos! I love the way the first 2 are singing for you.

Gillian Olson said...

Great pictures, the first grebes expression is quite funny, all beautiful birds.

RedPat said...

Only a year into birding! I would never have guessed.


You could've been doing this forever, can't believe it's just been about a year - all your bird shots are amazing. Long may you enjoy these Wild and Wonderful creatures:)

Darla said...

Your wild bird shots are some of my favorites. Glad you finally caught the Western Grebe on film. Do you keep trace of the birds you have seen and the ones you have yet to find?


The Cranky said...

The first two birds look like they are giving someone heck!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hi Darla,
I'm glad you like my bird photos. I'm having a great time birding and, luckily, my husband likes to bird too.

Yes, I do keep track of the birds and I have two lists going. One is my "Life List", which is only a little more than a year old. The other is my list of birds I've seen since January 2013. Obviously some birds are on both lists. :))

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Great photos of wonderful birds.
You have to toil to make them the perfect picture.

Fun60 said...

Like the way you captured them with the beaks open.

Lowell said...

Those first two shots - I had to laugh. They remind me so much of some of our politicians who stick out their chest and pontificate on things of which they are ignorant and show themselves to be total blowhards!

The Western Grebe looks like the politicians''s thinking, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah!"

And you are funny. You'd actually eat an apple in front of a hungry horse. I don't think so! :)

Craver Vii said...

Great finds! I started liking wild birds, but then I got afraid of being sucked into a world of expensive lenses, early mornings, and long waits in cold, damp weather, so I almost always use my 18-55mm lens now. Regardless, I still love seeing the pics that other people took while birding.

cieldequimper said...

I wish I had your eye for birds!

Judy said...

Glad you were finally able to capture it on your camera. Great shots!

George said...

I'm wild about the pictures you captured of all these birds. I really like that talkative red-necked grebe.

My name is Riet said...

Your bird photo's are beautiful. I love the two first ones because hey seem to laugh. Have a nice week

carol l mckenna said...

Great captures of wildlife ~ love the ones with the beaks wide open ~ delightful for W ^_^

Debra at HOMESPUN: said...

oh MY great captures but I just cracked up at the first shot wondering "what's he singing?" Love these! :)

Viola said...

Beautiful photos and it's a pleasure to hear all the birds coming now when spring. and they sing so lovely and I love when they are talkative! =)

eileeninmd said...

Wow, congrats on both Grebes! The Western Grebe is a nice visitor. Great shots!

Michelle said...

Those first two look like they are talking :)

Lillian said...

Fantastic photos ! I to love birds , heck I love nature lol ! Have a good day !

Anonymous said...

I just love your bird pictures! That first grebe is so cute!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Joining the ranks of birders is very addictive,but in a good way.There is so much diversity in the bird world.

Gail Dixon said...

Wonderful shots of the beak action in the first two. How super cool that you were able to capture such a great photo of the western grebe. I'm fairly new to birding and just love it!

Anonymous said...

I so expected the final bird to be open mouthed and talking too. What wonderful pictures.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What fantastic photos. Looks like that first little guy is complaining about something! We love to bird watch here in Florida and see a lot of interesting birds. You see some that we don't see though..that's for sure! Sweet hugs!

Randy said...

The first two look like they have something to say.

Esther Joy said...

Birding is getting in my blood, too! Your bird shots are so awesome! I always enjoy them and learn!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I've never had so much fun with W!

Stephanie said...

Great shots!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

come join us, says the warblers.

Anonymous said...

What lovely shots! Must be noisy too judging by the open beaks... ;-)

Linda said...

Delightful photos! I love the open beaks as well!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for grebes and mockingbirds! Spring is here!

Malyss said...

The two first shots, with open beaks, are really funny !

Carletta said...

I think the wild ones were talking to you!
Congrats on the grebe capture!

Anonymous said...

VERY chatty birds, well, at least the top two. The Western Grebe seems happy just floating along, great shots!

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Nice captures. They are very cute.

Small City Scenes said...

I like your take on 'Wild'. Of course the wild birds----I love the squawking one but 'wild feelings'---perfect. MB

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Honestly I can see how it could become an obsession EG, I get so excited if I manage to catch one of the smaller birds, doesn't happen very often :) Your bird shots are always a pleasure to view.

Carver said...

Those wide open mouth shots are fantastic. I love to see birds singing or eating for that matter.

Unknown said...

Wow! You are an incredible photographer. Very beautiful sets of photos! xoxo


Rocky Mountain Woman said...

i love wild birds also, except for the flicker who has pecked a hole in my house, he's got to go!~~~

Eden House News and views said...

Really enjoyed.your post thank you

Jim said...

I am glad that you guys got to see the Western Grebe, Ms. T.G. Your "W" word, Wild, is a good one.

Bruce Clark said...

Wonderful wildlife shots!

Pam Beers. said...

What type of camera do you use? These shots are wonderful.

Lmkazmierczak said...

Loved the open mouth captures♫♪ Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy birding♥

NatureFootstep said...

cool shot of the first grebe. Love it. :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely photos, specially the red necked grebe!

All the birds are in fine voice and very talkative at the moment!

Tatiana said...

omg, they're all so cute! I love the mockingbird.

Pondside said...

The mockingbirds were out in full force in Edmonton when I was there last weekend. The are so saucy!....into the garbage, harassing squirrels, chattering in the early morning. I find them very pretty.

Naperville Now said...

Grebe seems an unflattering name for such an interesting bird. Glad you "caught" him on your excursion.

Splendid Little Stars said...

great wild photos!
There are mockingbirds that like to perch on a neighbors rooftop and talk/sing their hearts out. My husband has been fascinated with them.

Splendid Little Stars said...

PS: 2 years ago we got to re-nest 3 baby barred owls in our backyard. (I blogged about it.) I also watched a robin build a nest and lay eggs. One hatched and I watched that baby grow up. Last year Carolina wrens made a nest in a plant on my deck.
That reminds me. There's a robin's nest with 5 eggs in it in a tree in my yard. Must get camera.....!

Susan Anderson said...

A couple of mouthy birds you found there...


Susan Anderson said...

(beaky birds??)


Jenny said...

Thanks for sharing these amazing photographs of these Wild birds...

Wonderful post for the letter W...


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.