Monday, May 6, 2013

Early May/Nature Notes

 Snail shell

I seem to have been in watery places during the past week. Green leaves have suddenly appeared on a few varieties of trees, but other branches are still brown and bare. So instead of looking up, I looked down and saw this snail shell.

 Pond reflection in a still brown marsh

Still looking down, I noticed this reflection. Lots of brown. But the temperature has been warm last weekend so I imagine there's a LOT more green now.

 Caspian tern with fish in its mouth

When I looked up, this tern was patrolling the marsh - back and forth - until it captured this tasty treat. I wonder if he was taking the fish home to share or if he was planning to eat it all himself.

 Manitoba maple (a.k.a. box elder) in flower

Back to eye level, one of the first trees to leaf out here was the Mantoba maple.

Norther harrier (a.k.a marsh hawk)

And then looking up again, another hunter flew over the marsh, this one flying quite low. The harrier was looking for a yummy morsel, such as a mammal or maybe a tender bird. He suddenly disappeared so he found something but I didn't see what he captured.

Please visit Michelle at Rambling Woods for more NATURE NOTES.


TexWisGirl said...

great fly-bys and signs of spring. :)

Michelle said...

Love that snail shell.

Leora said...

Love your tern with fish. And the Manitoba maple is beautiful - my kind of bloom.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love those first new shoots of growth. Great set of pictures.

Pamela Gordon said...

You got some great captures. That snail shell is amazing. I wonder where the owner is. :) I love the new blossoms on the maple trees. They are so pretty, like little tassels. The weather is fantastic here too. Enjoy!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I like how you made the post but I almost got whiplash.

Randy said...

The wonders of nature.

Kate said...

The Caspian tern with its fish meal in its mouth is a wonderful photo.

Cezar and Léia said...

Excellent selection of pictures!I'm impressed by the Caspian with the fish in his mouth, what a fabulous shot!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i look down much more than up... my friend Diane looks up more than down, we make good pals for finding things and pointing them out. be still my heart on the photo of the maple. so beautiful

Gail Dixon said...

Great photo of the tern with a fish. Wow. Nice images of spring. Enjoy!

Hootin Anni said...

Of course, with me going birding this past month most every day, I especially like the bird photos you've shared. That tern is a great 'catch' through your viewfinder!!!

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

But it's beautiful flowers clone.!
I am delighted with them.
Your photos are wonderful.
I send greetings.

Karen said...

Fabulous shot of the tern!

Lowell said...

Fantastic series. It's hard to imagine such scenes of life and death being played out minute by minute all over the world. I especially like the shot with the caspian tern taking dinner home!

MyMaracas said...

Great bird shots, but I think I like the snail best. The color and form are so sensuous. I haven't seen a garden snail in years. I wonder where they've gone?

Rambling Woods said...

Great bird captures .... I like that you included the snail shell in nature notes... Michelle

Carver said...

Wow, I'm jealous of the tern shot. Amazing how you caught him in flight with a mouth full. All the shots are great.

eileeninmd said...

Love the flight shots and the snail is cool. Great finds!

Rose said...

So you have my Northern harriers! They are all gone here...I miss them.

Love your Manitoba maple...sounds like you name things the way we name them. LOL Great capture of the tern, too...

Susan Anderson said...

Great capture on that tern!


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.