Monday, May 13, 2013

Gaggle of Goslings/Our World

 They've hatched!

Canada Geese are social beings from the start!

My husband and I spent Saturday at Tiny Marsh, a wildlife area an hour or so north of where we live. The day started out chilly and windy, but as the day wore on the sun came out. No matter the weather, goslings and their parents were out and about. LOTS of them!

The goslings in the photo above are NOT one family. Geese sometimes lay as many as 12 eggs but usually five to seven. Hey, apparently it takes a little over a day to lay each egg!

 A family with five goslings

Newly hatched goslings can swim right away. Mom and pop both accompany their babies when they go for a swim.

Canada geese remain in flocks except while nesting

Almost extinct a century ago, Canada geese are often considered pests in urban areas now. That's why parks put up signs urging people to NOT feed the geese.

FYI: The oldest known Canada goose lived for a little more than 30 years.

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


Suburban Girl said...

That is quite a crew of goslings!

Andy said...

To me it is exciting to this years goslings.

Jill said...

That first shot is cuteness overload! :)

Pamela Gordon said...

That is so cute to see so many goslings all together! Great photos.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE this they are so cute and cuddly well not really but you get the point I am pretty sure Mom and Dad would never let you close enough to them. Great shots. Thank you. B

Halcyon said...

Ah yes, there was a family of them on the tee box this past weekend. The mother and father hissed at me as I was teeing off. This is the only time they look cute to me...

Anonymous said...

Those are so cute. I captured some photos of goslings too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that first shot of all those babies is just amazing and beautiful... they are so beautiful, the mama and papa and babies get a big awwwww

TexWisGirl said...

such tiny little things!

Karen said...

Oh I love to see those fluffy little guys! Terrific captures.

Gail Dixon said...

Interesting facts about Canadian geese. I had no idea they could swim right after hatching. Enjoyed the photos very much!

RedPat said...

Those little goslings are so cute!


Those are real gaggles there! I know they're a pest in many parts, but the goslings are adorable:)

Rohrerbot said...

Adorable!!! Love the little soslings. Also like Ryan Gosling as well;) If you were a birder, that would be a cool last name. I don't think he is:)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

They are so gosh darn cute at that stage...just amazing to see so many little fluff balls. (I have quite a love-hate relationship with the grown Canada Geese that share park space with us when we are in Oregon. I like that they are faithful partners and good parents. But I hate the mess they leave.)

Viola said...

HOW sweet they are, oh my.. I have never seen them as small as these are! =)

Beautiful photos! =)

Jack said...

Those are cute (though I am in the geese-are-nuisances camp). I saw some ducks and geese and some newly hatched babies today and couldn't decide if they were goose chicks or duck chicks.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those little goslings are adorable. i have watched geese families and it seems they are very good parents.

Stephanie said...

They are so cute when they are little.

Anonymous said...

WHat adorable shots!

Stewart M said...

Thats some family - I have enough problems with two!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

Cezar and Léia said...

Gorgeous family, I love those babies!Your pictures are adorable!

Indrani said...

What an adorable sight!
Cute ones!

Pearl said...

neat. didn't know they were nearly extinct or that they lived so long.

Unknown said...

And have a very evolved social order. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Susan Anderson said...

Doesn't get much cuter than that!


LOLfromPasa said...

They are so cute. I am waiting anxiously for some scenes like this at our local lake.

Rose said...

Goslings are just so cute...I love that first pic with so many of them.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.