Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sauble Beach/Friday Fences

 Fencing on Lake Huron

 Sometimes the wind blows fiercely off Lake Huron! This fencing helps control some of the blowing sand.

Pathway to control foot traffic

The fence helps keep traffic off the sand dunes when visitors leave the beach to reach their transportation home.

I am linking to Friday Fences here.


The Cranky said...

Makes me want to hop the fence, take my shoes off, and wiggle my toes in the sand!

Giga said...

Najważniejszy jest widok za płotkami, jest cudny. Pozdrawiam.
The most important is the view for the fences, it is wonderful. Yours.

Andy said...

I'm old enough to remember when we could drive our cars onto Sauble Beach right up to the water's edge. Just like Wasaga Beach.

Cezar and Léia said...

A beautiful day at the beach, it's a dream! :D
I like a lot the fences!Your pictures are wonderful, thanks for sharing!

Elisa N Viajes said...

I find that fences in several places. Cool!
Yours are beautiful
Have a nice day
Greetings from Argentina

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i always enjoy the beach fences ... so great ... lining the way. was it windy? ( :

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I love sand dunes, have you ever been to the Sandbanks near Picton? B

Pamela Gordon said...

Great photos. I love those old 'snow' fences that also apparently work for sand. :) The water looks cold.

Indrani said...

I like the monotone of these fences.

Jill said...

Great shots. The water is so beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we have similar fencing on our dunes at the beach, it helps with blowing sand and keeps people off that do not pay attention to posted, do not climb on dunes signs.

Darla said...

Fences make such great graphics. Those in the second picture look a but worse for wear.


Lisa Gordon said...

I love fences like this, and these are beauties!

Lowell said...

Look like snow fences to me! But I'm glad they're being put to good use. The dunes are very delicate and very important to the environment. Love that blue-green water.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely beach!

Maude Lynn said...

How lovely!

Gail Dixon said...

I just finished discussing a beach trip with my husband! How apropos. Love these images. It looks so inviting and peaceful.

Karen said...

I love the lake when it's rough! I thought that was snow fencing. Cale Hurd is on the tip of the Bruce, 11km from Tobermory.

TexWisGirl said...

i like the beach fence - reminds me of snow fence. :)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love seeing the fences along the sandy beached!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks a wee bit choppy out there EG, the fences I'm sure would be apprediated.

RedPat said...

The water looks fabulous!

Deanna said...

I have always loved the look of those beach fences...kind of an iconic look from the beach!!

Susan Anderson said...

That first is one of my favorites ever. It just says "beach" to me.



Such a quintessential thing to see along these sandy stretches - always brings summer, surf and seabreezes to mind!

Janie said...

Good idea for directing traffic and controlling the blowing sand. We see similar fences along roads here, used to control snow drifts.

Rohrerbot said...

Thanks for the memory! My hometown along Lake Michigan still uses this technique as well. It does seem to work:)

George said...

It's good to see that fencing is used to help keep people off the dunes.

My name is Riet said...

We have something like those fences around our beaches too. It is nessesary and they look good to everyone.

Karen said...

We don't see too many beach fences here, these ones are wonderful. Great shots of them.

Stephanie said...

Nice fences!

NatureFootstep said...

I saw the same system when I visited Camargue in southern France.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Reminds me of the snow fences in Colorado.

Rose Clearfield said...

The Great Lakes and their sand dunes are so amazing!

Randy said...

I would love to walk around there.

Ingrid said...

On some beaches we have such fences to lay behind protected from the wind !
Very nice pictures !

Manav Singhi said...

Beautiful. ! !

Tanya Breese said...

hang onto your hat, it's windy! beautiful photos!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

The wind looks to be howling there.

Unknown said...

Nice picture... love the sandy beaches, my favorite place to be, if I could every day ;-)

Jan n Jer said...

Looks like some rough waves. Bet its nice in the summer months!

Jackie McGuinness said...

It's been a while since we've been out that way but is on my list for this summer!

LV said...

Very nice beach and fence combination. You can tell the wind as taken a toll on the fence.

42N said...

You can feel the force of the wind in the top photo. Nice pic.

Anonymous said...

I love the weathered look of beach fencing.

Small City Scenes said...

Big lake for sure. Looks like the ocean here with the sand and waves and fences. MB

Lisa said...

I love the fence. Its a beauty. Lovely lovely photos.

Viola said...

You really have some great lakes there!! and the sand and the fench so lovely! :)

Everything Changes said...

Great shots!

Zosia said...

Brings up memories...

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.