Wednesday, August 7, 2013


 Kids at "the lake" - Lake Ontario

L is for LAKE

Would you believe Ontario has approximately 250,000 lakes? Yep, it's true. In fact, Ontario lakes make up about 17% of the province's total area.

 Lake Ontario at Whitby

 When Ontarians say they are going to "the cottage" they are probably also going to "the lake." 

 Lake Ontario at Pickering

And many of these lakes are within easy driving distance of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Well, some are IN or partly in the  GTA! Lakes Ontario and Simcoe are two BIG examples.

 Georgian Bay on Lake Huron

While Georgian Bay is outside the GTA, it's still within fairly easy driving distance.

Sunset over Lake Simcoe

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 


Cezar and Léia said...

These lake images are marvelous, I specially love the sunset over Lake Simcoe with amazing colors!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, beautiful. I had no idea that Ontario had so much water.

Betty Manousos said...

such beautiful and refreshing shots!

thank you and have a great day!:))

VioletSky said...

Oh dear, that GTA just keeps on growing!
I love that we are never far away from a lake of some size.

MadSnapper said...

these are wonderful, love the one with the purple flowers and the view of the beach cove through the trees. gorgeous

Jill said...

You have captured the essence of summer perfectly! Love that sunset!

Eden House News and views said...

Gosh you're ahead of the game this week. Love m

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

We sure do miss all these beautiful lakes since we moved south...just gorgeous!

A Cuban In London said...

That's an impressive fact about the number of lakes in Ontario you've included in your beautiful post. Love those images. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful scenes of summer!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful lake shots! And I just love the gorgeous sunset!

aspiritofsimplicity said...


42N said...

Your area is blessed by lakes. Absolute beauty.

kayerj said...

such a great way to spend summer days.

Irma said...

Beautiful pictures.
The sunset is my favorite.
Greetings Irma

Halcyon said...

Gorgeous lake shots!

Judy said...

That is a lot of lakes! You wouldn't have the trouble of so many boats that they are running into each other, like we have here.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hi Lovely lakes and fantastic sunset.

Linnea said...

What beautiful lake scenes! I recently visited a few of the Great Lakes - spectacular!

RedPat said...

I didn't realize that we had so many lakes here. Great shots as usual, EG!

Maggid said...

I guess it's time for me to add Ontario to my wish list of places to see . . . Thank you - and, hey . . the Virginia Rails . . AWESOME Stuff.

You Rock!!!

cieldequimper said...

That's a very nice way to spend a sunny day!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I didn't know that! And your pictures show that they are beautiful lakes indeed.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

The sunset shot is amazing...

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous shots ~ love the place and the children ~ thanks, carol, xo

Lowell said...

I'm impressed! I had no idea there were so many lakes up thataway! And I suppose they are all "natural" lakes that go way back. Some of my best times as a kid involved a lake in Minnesota! Love that last shot!

Anonymous said...

I could have looked at the sunset forever. It is so pretty.

Minoru Saito said...

Hi! Nice captures. your photos are very beautiful.
I like the last one very much. Thanks for sharing.

SarahBeth said...

Those are some large, and lovely, lakes! Your sunset photo is gorgeous!

Judy said...

Sigh...Your lake shots make me miss Lake Michigan :)
Beautiful photos.

Stephanie said...

My last visit was in Niagara on the lake, beautiful area. Would love to return for another visit. You are lucky to be living near so many lakes. Great shots!

Jack said...

The last three are really good. I would like to go to "the cottage," even if I don't have a cottage up there.

Randy said...

Wonderful sunset.

Our photos said...

Beautiful photos!Your sunset photo is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

You caught beautiful lake views!
It so happens that this week I'm vacationing at the backside of a lake where it gets about a 100 + deg. F during the day (luckily we have air conditioning in the cabin.

Lola said...

One word - awesome!

Darla said...

Lovely lakes everywhere. I'd like to be on one in a canoe about now.


Small City Scenes said...

Sunset on the lake--you can't beat that. Isn't it great to have so many lakes at your disposal. Great shots. We have an abundance of lakes, rivers, creeks salt water out this way also. MB

Gattina said...

What a beautiful lake !

Rose said...

Like the facts, just hope that I can remember them!

I must say that sunset shot is beyond words. Really, really beautiful.

fredamans said...

Lovely lake shots. I am partial to Lake Ontario since I live next to it... LOL

Susan Anderson said...

What a wonderful spot! My husband and I need to visit again.


Pondside said...

It felt good to realise that I've seen each of those places. For two very happy years we lived just doors away from the shores of Lake Ontario at Kingston - and for another few years we owned a sail boat that we sailed out of Kempenfelt Bay on Lake Simcoe. Lovely memories!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Wow! gorgeous lake photos!
That's a lot of lakes and a lot of opportunity for beauty.

Jenny said...

I like the lay of the land...

I don't picture green when I think of Canada...

Lovely post for the letter "L"...

Thanks for linking!


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.