Saturday, October 26, 2013

Highbush Cranberries

A native shrub to most of Canada

Ripe, yes. But these berries will remain on the shrub throughout the winter. Birds don't usually eat them until late winter/early spring.

I am joining I Heart Macro HERE.

FYI: The November 1 theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Heights."


Revrunner said...

Interesting! I read where they are members of the honeysuckle family.

rainfield61 said...

The red colour seems like going to "break".

Karen said...

I love taking pics of these beauties. A lovely shot EG!

William Kendall said...

A vivid shade of red!

Ruth Hiebert said...

They sure make a pretty photo subject.

Stephanie said...

They look pretty ripe and love the vibrant red.

Linda W. said...

Love the bright red color! It must brighten up the woods around your home.

Jack said...

It is kind of the birds to leave these pretty berries alone, to decorate the woods.

Carletta said...

So, the birds save these for a delicious snack later on. Wish I had that much control over temptation. :)
Lovely shot!

Randy said...

Nice crisp shot.

Our photos said...

Your berries photo is beautiful! Greetings, RW & SK

May Ann Francisco said...

Interesting! Pretty awesome!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Pretty shot- they almost look like cherries!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Love to knw you will have berries for the birds later on. beautiful shot.

NatureFootstep said...

one of the highlights of fall. :)

aspiritofsimplicity said...

makes me think of Halloween candy and how my kids used to eat the stuff they really liked first and save the stuff they weren't too thrilled with for later.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so beautiful, wonder if they could come inside for decorations?

Lowell said...

They probably get sweeter over the winter, just like me! :)

Arija said...

Nice to know that these splendid berries will be left as late winter food for the birds.

Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful! and they look YUMMY! Glad the birds can feast on them!

Shammickite said...

what a vivid colour! Perhaps they have to mature before they taste good enough to eat!

Birdman said...

Tis that berry season.

Lois Evensen said...


Laura said...

Bright and beautiful!!! I'm so pleased you joined this week and shared the love up-close with I Heart Macro:-)

Michelle said...

Vibrant color on those berries! Nice capture.

Anonymous said...

Lush red color and wonderful macro shot ~ thanks,
carol ^_^

sonia a. mascaro said...

Beauiful photo!
They look delicious!

Gail Dixon said...

They seem ready to eat now, but I guess the birds know best. So pretty and vibrant!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous berries. The colour is very pretty.

RedPat said...

I wonder if they get sweeter by spring?

Nancy said...

Absolutely stunning photo. How wonderful that the berries hold through the winter. I imagine their glorious against white snow.

Jenn Jilks said...

The berries ahve been amazing this year. Happy birds.

Pamela Gordon said...

So pretty. I usually cut some branches for my milk can arrangement if the birds don't get the berries first. The last two years the berries were gone in December.

Rose said...

They are pretty....just such a bright red.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shot! They are bright!

kayerj said...

nicely composed and oh so pretty

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.