Monday, October 14, 2013


Ornamental corn

It's Thanksgiving already - here in Canada, the second Monday in October.  The actual feasting may occur on Saturday, Sunday or Monday, but here in Ontario - not true in all provinces of Canada - Monday is a statutory holiday.

Wild turkey

Even though it's a long weekend, it feels short...but all weekends feel short, don't they? Many are traveling to visit with family, see fall foliage or even bird watch. I know for a fact that the wild turkey above would prefer to be bird watched than er...cooked and eaten.

Pumpkins still in the field

Most of the harvest is in, although I did notice a couple of days ago that many Halloween pumpkins are still in fields waiting...

Last Saturday, pick-your-own pumpkins

to be chosen.

More photos from Our World can be seen by clicking HERE.


rainfield61 said...

You, turkey, fly away.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Happy Thanksgiving I will be feasting today with family yeah. I love your Turkey shot wish my Taunting Turkeys would come closer:) Love the pumpkin patch. Have a great one. Hug B

Elizabeth Edwards said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family. have a great time! ( :

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving...
Looks like a beautiful morning in Guildwood right now.
It is special day for us too..
I am grilling white fish from Lake Huron on cedar planks for dinner, considered 'Ocean Wise' according to our Vancouver Aquarium program.
Earlier this year we watched wild turkeys feeding below our bird feeder. Our cat was stunned:)
Wish you a wonderful day,

Anonymous said...

I hope you all had a nice holiday with friends and family and plenty of food on the table.

Darla said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Turkey's look better with all their feathers on don't they? Hope he is still wandering happily along somewhere.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never seen a field of pumpkins and this one is beautiful. i noticed on Saturday at our Walmart, a large pumpkin was 8 dollars and my sister in law said they are 10 where she is in Ga... i love the shadow on the pumpkin, made me think of the frost is on the pumpkings, but yours is shadows and that corn is the prettiest i have ever seen and that is a SUPER SHOT

Pamela Gordon said...

Great photos for this holiday! What a nice shot of the wild turkey. Enjoy this day.

Lowell said...

Great pics of your holiday! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Do you ever call your hubby, "Pumpkin"?

If not, try it sometime. Or not. :)

Our photos said...

Happy Thanksgiving and the photos are beautiful!
Greetings, RW & SK

TexWisGirl said...

such great fall scenes. hope you and yours have had / will have a great thanksgiving!

Penelope Postcards said...

Why not pick on something else? The bird is probably wishing turkey were NOT the food of choice during all the important occasions from Christmas to Thanksgiving. The pumpkins are certainly plentiful and advanced far further than in the west it seems. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, thanks for clearing that up for me. Whew! Thought I was really out of it there. Great set of photos. I don't think I can come up with anything as close for when our day arrives.

Gail Dixon said...

Beautiful photos of autumn. Your Thanksgiving is very festive. Enjoy!

renae said...

Oh thank you for you nice compliment! I am getting to be known as the gal around town in the hot (pink) pants. LOL

RedPat said...

We had one big dinner yesterday and are off to another today! And more pumpkin pie!! Love the pumpkin patch pic.

Randy said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Nothing like a trip to a pumpkin patch.

The Furry Gnome said...

Just catching up with your posts since I last visited awhile ago. Your photos are all great as usual, but this time I especially enjoyed the ones from Algonquin.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, wonderful Fall/Thanksgiving pics indeed!! So colorful and I love that BIG turkey and the pumpkin patch!! Hope you have a beautiful holiday and lots of delicious food! Enjoy!!

cieldequimper said...

Enjoy your day (looooove that corn!)

Cynthia said...

Beautiful Indian corn. Happy Thanksgiving!

Photo Cache said...

gobble, gobble!

enjoy your day with family.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I enjoyed your post, the pumpkin field and the turkey. I hope was safe from being dinner. Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

Giga said...

Świetnie wygląda pole z dyniami. Pozdrawiam.
It looks great field of pumpkins. Yours.

Stephanie said...

Interesting to see folks in t-shirts. We are wearing jackets here.

genie said...

Buddy is a crazy man....and he is not getting any better. What a cool place for running thru the mts in the rain. Will post more next week. Love your corn. I need to get some. And that turkey is magnificent. I saw a family of wild ones on the drive up to the race one day and the next a family of raccoons. g


Happy Thanksgiving! How amazing you spot wild turkeys where you are:) And that ornamental corn is so so beautiful.

Judy said...

What a lovely gobbler!!! And I love the shadows on those pumpkins!!!

Indrani said...

It is Thanksgiving again!
This year 2013 seems to have flied so fast!

mick said...

The turkey looks great and so much nicer than laid out on a plate! I like the idea of "pick your own" pumpkins!

Anonymous said...

Love that last shot. Hoping you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Malyss said...

Very American, if I may say ! Here , our corn is only yellow!

Cezar and Léia said...

Love your pictures dear EG!
So nice sunshine as well!Glad that people enjoy the pumpkin fields.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Hope you had a super Thanksgiving weekend EG.. can't help hoping that this was the turkey that got away :)) and yes I agree with Ciel, tres joli sweetcorn!

Karen said...

A perfect autumn post! Love that turkey, I hope it doesn't end up on someone's table!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fall scenes. I love the ornamental corn. Great capture of the turkey.

Dan said...

Belated Thanksgiving wishes to you and yours.

Your photo series is simple, yet perfect.

Crafty Green Poet said...

that ornamental corn is amazing!

Jenn Jilks said...

Hope you had a great weekend! Hubby is still fighting something and had stomach issues. The rest of us had a grand time!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday EG CameraGirl!

Lovely set of pictures. Growing up Mom liked to plant "indian corn" because it was different and fun.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.