Wednesday, November 6, 2013


 Mural - Mitchell, Ontario #1

Y is for YESTERYEAR (recent past) or days of YORE (a long time ago)

It probably depends how old you are as to whether you think a century ago was the recent past (yesteryear) or a long time ago (yore).

FYI: On March 3, 1875,  the first organized game of ice hockey was played in the city of Montreal.

 Mural - Mitchell, Ontario #2

Above you see entertainment before TVs or the internet. The top two photos are of murals created by artist Fred Lenz who painted many murals depicting life in days of (or maybe "yester-yore" - somewhere between recent past and a long time ago?) in towns across southern Ontario.

 Mural - Lindsay, Ontario

Here you see boating as it was experienced in days of "yester-yore". I'm not sure who painted the bottom two murals.

 Mural - Seaforth, Ontario

More "yester-yore".

I am linking to Jenny Matlock at Alphabe-Thursday HERE 


Suburban Girl said...

Love the mural and the tidbit of ice hockey history.

Darla said...

A great collection of murals. I am trying to figure out the goats role in the hockey picture.


The Furry Gnome said...

Those are great. An interesting perspective on our history.

Rune Eide said...

It seems that very many interesting things happened Yesterday. And You had some very nice murals to document the. Much better than Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Whichever 'yore' it is, they are a great way to depict days gone by!

MadSnapper said...

i like that last mural a lot, someone did a super job of painting it. they are beautiful and i did not know about the beginning of ice hockey

Shammickite said...

There are a couple of murals in Tottenham Ontario too, but sadly peeling and faded. Some TLC needed.

TexWisGirl said...

really nice murals!

Judy said...

You found some nice murals! And, "yester-yore"...what a great word!

Gail Dixon said...

I must be old because I think a century ago wasn't that long ago! Those are some beautiful murals, rich in history and culture.

RedPat said...

Good choices for the day! Hockey is such a big part of Canada - hard to believe it is only that old.

Malyss said...

Those murals are really wonderful and tells a lot about local history in a pretty way!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Cool murals- I really like that first one a lot!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful murals! What a talented painter...look at the detail!

Stephanie said...

Love the murals!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful murals!

I think I've seen that one in Lindsay...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI A wonderful collection of murals.

Small City Scenes said...

Those are just great murals. I love it when towns do the mural thing.
I think 'yester-yore' fits the bill quite well. MB

Rose said...

Wonderful murals. They sure make me wish I could step back in time for just a little while.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful W! The murals are amazing!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful W! The murals are amazing!

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Great idea for "Y"...

Nancy said...

These murals are beautiful so full of detail....The hockey tidbits were fun to read.....

Michelle said...

Great mural!

Lowell said...

"To" "Night." I like. Great collection of murals. And no, a century isn't that long ago! My father was born 110 years ago!

I'm not saying when I was born.

P.S. Am on hiatus for awhile. See you later!

Anonymous said...

Perfect for the letter Y, and those murals are amazing!

Along These Lines ... said...

Miss "the old days"

Lola said...

Exquisite - particularly love the first one!

Judy said...

Beautiful murals, I love that first one, especially since my husband and boys played hockey.

fredamans said...

The Leaf fan in me loves that hockey mural!

Lmkazmierczak said...

Great post for letter Y♪

Jenny said...

That's a creative Y. I'm a nostalgia lover so these murals were just for me. xo Jenny

Our photos said...

Beautiful murals!
Greetings, RW & SK

Jenny said...


What a neat post for the letter Y!

I didn't know any of that about hockey!

I've actually gone to a few events. Once with ring-side (or is that glass-side) seats.

I didn't much like the blood, though!


Thanks for linking.


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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.