Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter Sunset

Sunset with reflection on icy snow

Since it gets dark so early during the winter, it's easy to be out and about when the sun is setting.

A slightly different view

Random 5

1. "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."
~ Neil Gaiman

2. TV Commercials dupe us all the time.  (But you knew that already,  didn't you?) I'm reminding you because  according to the Mayo Clinic, regular soap is just as effective at killing germs as the antibacterial variety. Hmmmm. Not only do anti-bacterial varieties cost more, but they may actually be causing us harm in years to come by encouraging bacteria to become resistant to certain antimicrobial agents, making germs harder to fight in the future.

3. Recently I had someone visit my blog who told me that a pastime I enjoy is boring. REALLY?? Why did he feel he had to tell me that?

4. I love the power of sunshine and shadows in February. For me, sunshine during the winter months, is magical. The feeling is glorious, hard to duplicate in any other way.  I often take sunshine for granted the rest of the year.

5.  I've just learned two Japanese insult words that might come in useful someday: baka (idiot) and o-baka-san (honourable idiot). Not that I ever come across any overly aggressive baka  or o-baka-san drivers in my travels, of course. And you know (don't you?) that I would only mutter the insults under my breath.

I am linking to Sky Watch Friday HERE.
I am joining  Random 5 Friday Here


The Cranky said...

Speaking of baka... he hit my blog yesterday.

You're right about the quality of light in winter, something about it stirs the senses in a way that it doesn't in any other season.

Revrunner said...


eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sky shots and a pretty scene! Have a happy day!

Nancy said...

Never been a fan of people that leave those types of comments behind. Puh!

Lovely sunset images -- I am looking forward to longer days myself.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I LOVE # 1 and #5 is very funny and useful:)
I cannot believe someone said that, you boring well I never.
Oh the sunset is so beautiful and I am enjoying these sunny days and it is warming up yeah. Hug B

Kalina said...

Beautiful sky...but I already want to spring :D

William Kendall said...

Beautiful sunsets.

There is no shortage of bakas in the world.

Darla said...

Winter scenes can be kind of magical. Glad to hear you are learning Japanese. I think one should be able to say idiot (or worse) in at least 5 languages, LOL!


Elizabeth Edwards said...

one reason why i always read my comments before i publish them. i would say that we all are interested in different things (birds, tablescapes, traveling, photography, kids, clothes, farming, etc.) so i wonder why the person said what was said?!! ... why not find the positive in the matter instead of the negative? gorgeous views, awesome!! why i love blogging is all the different blogs you will find. i find it amazing. so fun!! i love your blog. you seen so many great sights (sites) i may never see. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! you rock!! your abilities & talents amazes me, & i thank you daily for sharing with us. we love it!! I say share the love & give each other the love & encouragement that we all need. there is so much negativity in the world ... we do not need any more of it. squash it!! move on. i say forget the negative & go look at those 2 views again ... AWESOME!! thanks, for sharing. big big hugs. ( :

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

What a pretty sunset- it looks so peaceful..but cold! Hit that delete button girl! I would much rather the negative people just pass right on by my blog. Life's too short to give them a second of it!!
Have a great weekend EG!

Lowell said...

One must ignore the bakas of the world. Especially when they comment on your blog!

Lovely sunset. And it reminds me of your comment on Ocala: You are already an artist! With your camera!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous wintry shots!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have now committed baka to my memory, i will shout it out when the people on cell phones come over into my lane at the four way stops..i don't need the honorable one.
the photos are spectacular, and baka to the people who make negative comments. i am with you on the magic of sunshine... right now we have 12 hours of daylight, up at 7 and down at 7... what time do you get dark.

TexWisGirl said...

loving the sunny fence shots. we're seeing sun here for the first time in a while, too. hooray!


Oh to see this glorious sun! And lol at Sandra's comment - baka indeed to stupid commenters! (I'd love to find a way to work o-baka-san into everyday conversation:)

Halcyon said...

Love this scene. THe light is gorgeous and there really is nothing better than a Canadian landscape, eh? :)

I also had a rude commenter who stopped by over the last few weeks. I finally just deleted his comments and he seemed to get the hint. I don't know why someone would be negative on someone else's blog. If they don't like the contents, no one is making them read it!

Judy said...

All that golden light adds warmth to an otherwise cold landscape. Beautiful!

Small City Scenes said...

Awesome sunset over the snow. We went after a sunset last night---beautiful but not in your category.
That is so true about the soap and before we kill ourselves due to ignorance let's use a ;ittle common sense.
Baka baka to all baka drivers. I know a worse Japanese word but I won't tell you!!
Sunshine in winter is wonderful for the soul.
Peace. MB

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Those are gorgeous sunset photos!
Thanks for the new word that I can use when the occasion calls for it. There were several occasions yesterday when I went to town. :)

Anonymous said...

These are wonderful. I was going to pick a favorite, but cannot. I like your random five. Hope you make it a regular weekly feature or maybe you already have been and I got bored and missed it :) Now you have me wanting to go back through all of your comments to find do you say it?...o-baka-san's comment.

Unknown said...

Great winterphotos. Nice light, colours and compoition !

Warm greetings

Jenny said...

Someone thought one of your past times was boring? Never mind. Most people think my whole life is boring! But I think finding joy in small, everyday happenings is a great way to live.

Mersad said...

These are glorious images. Snow and orange sunsets always make for a wonderful combination.

Mersad Donko Photography

Gail Dixon said...

I'm very sorry about the rude person that said that to you (#3)! My daughter had the same happen to her and quit blogging. I don't understand why some feel the need to hurt others for no reason. We have a Cajun word for idiots: Couyon (COO-yawh).

Love your sunsets. Keep doing what you enjoy!

Zosia said...

Picture perfect Ontario. I miss it a lot.

RedPat said...

I'm loving the sun we are having today, EG!

Suburban Girl said...

I am going to remember baka and use it when I mutter under my breath about someone! haha.

cieldequimper said...

I love the idea of an honourable idiot and might make use of it!

Some would call that kind of idiot a troll...

The sunset is gorgeous, so warm if that makes any sense at all!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Beautiful pictures.The setting makes for a very pleasing scene.

Stuart said...

Sunset glistening off the the snow. Doesn't get any better.

DeniseinVA said...

How gorgeous is that? Stunning!

Lisa Gordon said...

These photographs are gorgeous.

#3 here. Huh???? How strange, and a bit rude, I might add.

Have a great weekend!

Laura said...

Beautiful sunset!

Jack said...

EG, your second photo is absolutely wonderful! What a scene for you to experience and what an image for you to share with us.

I wonder why a viewer chose to insult you. When a post or a photo doesn't interest me, I try to retreat in silence. But, sometimes I might say something that is tongue in cheek and intended to be funny, and the reader might not realize the intended humor. (We have all learned by now that emotion and feelings can't be understood online without emoticons.)

Jen said...

If the troll had so much interesting stuff going on in his own life, he'd have no time to visit and leave nasty comments. Sounds like sour grapes to me.

Stephanie said...

That was not nice of that poster leaving that kind of comment. Lovely shots!

Randy said...

How rude. That is why I moderate my comments before publishing them. You photos look very peaceful.

Our photos said...

Happy Valentine´s day!

Karen said...

A glorious sunset! Not seeing many great ones here. Loving "o-baka-san", and I know so many people that are just that!

Light and Voices said...

I am your newest follower. Impressive sunset reflecting on snow.
JM Illinois

Rune Eide said...

It seems we have little chance of seeing that kind of sunset this year, but these are no mean substitute.

PS The visitor in No3 deserves a No 5 response :-)

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

That idiot word reminds me of one my grandmother used to mutter when she was ticked off at my grandfather / it was Dummkopf ( Hoping I spelled it right ) and that would apply to the guy who commented about your past time. LOL If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all, right ?

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gorgeous wintery sunset EG so true that we appreciate those moments when they are few and far between.
Made me laugh when you said you mutter under your breath.. That's me when someone annoys me on the road.. they'd never know what I was saying about them :)

MarmePurl said...

What a moment those photos convey.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the laugh today. I teach middle school and high school so I made a point NOT to learn those words or I WOULD use them!

Snap said...

I guess it is a good think I only buy soap that is on sale! :D I think I love o-baka-san ... honourable idiot just has a certain ring to it! Love your sunsets. Gorgeous. Ptuii on the baka who visited. Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great when the sky lights up on fire! We had a similar sunset in our area last night from what I have seen from photos online... I of course missed it.. boo me. xox Happy Valentine's Day today! XOX

Sarah Huizenga said...

I get those comments occasionally too. I always think if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

Monkeywrangler said...

What a gorgeous photo of the sunset! I wish I could capture such beauty myself.

As for the rude comments some folks offer, I have 'review rights' rather than the completely 'open' comments on my blog. At least it lets me delete the spam before it can be shared with the blogosphere.

Remember, Illegitimi Non Carborundum!

Cathy Kennedy said...

This is really stunning! I love the snowy landscapes with beautiful sunrise or sunset shots.

In regards to #3...this social networking world we live in is also a rude, faceless and sometimes nameless group who feel it's okay to say whatever they want just because.

I do a lot of yelling idiot to other drivers. I had to laugh at the Japanese words for idiot, though, especially o-baka-san. I hope I can remember this one. lol

Carver said...

That is an absolutely gorgeous sunset. I had to laugh at the one about the person with the boring comment. I find people that blog hop to insult people rather boring. Their comments are neither helpful or particularly interesting. All of the random 5 were good but my favorite is the one about fairy tales. I still occasionally pull out fairy tale books from my daughter's old books and read them again. I bet a lot of people would find that boring, ha.

Carletta said...

Loved number one!
I can sure agree about sunshine. It lifts your spirits during the cold winter months. As a matter of fact I could use a little now. :)
Honorable idiot - wonder how you get the honorable attachment. :)
Lovely sky shots as always!

Rose said...

Now you have me curious as to who would tell you your pastime was boring...what pastime are they speaking of?

Everyone is always 'on to me' to use the wipes. I have tried telling them that I knew someone that worked in a dentist's office and they had problems for always wiping down with sanitizers. I never did know just what kind of problems, or if I did know, I have forgotten.

OH, I got distracted...these photos are wonderful.

Lynn said...

I am from the West and love to see anything Canadian, and your photos are fabulous. I've visited Ontario and always thought I'd of loved to live there. Recently read the wonderful N.G.'s 'the ocean at the end...' loved it Number 3, why would anyone feel the need, just a silly willy! It doesn't surprize me the bac. soaps aren't all that effective, so we shall stick to our bar natural ingredient soaps without worry.

Ingrid said...

Your photos are gorgeous ! I wonder why this person reads you post when it's so boring ??? There are really crazy people around, fortunately not too many!

Veronica Roth said...

Lovely photos! Gosh, it looks like a winter wonderland in Ontario. Too bad about the baka, but great use of the word! I'll let Chloe know because she's planning on a year in Japan after she graduates uni. Might come in handy. :) Hope you're ready for a wonderful weekend. :)

Mascha said...

Wonderful pictures! I love the colors and the sunshine too...

Pamela Gordon said...

Gorgeous sunset views CG! So pretty.

diane said...

I can't stop laughing at the o-baka-san ... LOL
I am so going to use that!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
diane @ thoughts and shots

Sharon said...

Stunning sunset photos! "Magical" is a good word for them!

Beyond the Dog Dish said...

Hoping the glow of your magnificent sunset, will follow very soon with warmth!

maryaustria said...

What a wonderful sunset! And such a beautiful scenery!

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.