Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rooftop Garden

 Volunteer worker waiting for...???

Outside the windows of the rehab gym that my husband goes to every day Monday through Friday is a rooftop garden.  I'm dying to go out there but the doors are locked until the weather improves and gardening volunteers clean it up.

 Snow and ice are long gone but dead annuals are still in their pots

A longer view of the garden - volunteer still waiting
But wait!!

 Cleaning the walkway

The volunteer is up and working!  YAY!  Soon, very soon, we'll be allowed into the garden.

I am connecting to Rubbish Tuesday HERE.


Revrunner said...

Must be a long day for that volunteer. :-)

DeniseinVA said...

How lovely to have a rooftop garden. I bet it will look lovely when it had been tidied up. And hurray for our volunteers. Very nice images :)

William Kendall said...

It looks like a pleasant, tranquil place, even before the garden gets busy for spring.

Roan said...

Perfect. Thanks for linking up. Love the colors. Would like to see the garden when it is flourishing again.

Malyss said...

He was just wondering where to begin, there's so much work to do.. :o)

marilyn said...

A great post for rubbish Tuesday. Rooftop gardens are always enjoyed.

Judy said...

Maybe he was meditating before beginning his job...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the last shot with the sun shining on the yellow coat... beautiful fence around it to.. soon it will be beautiful..

Darla said...

You might have to join the volunteers in order to get in, LOL!


Amy Burzese said...

It will be beautiful soon, I'm sure.

TexWisGirl said...

i love that fencing! :)

Anonymous said...

There is something bittersweet there.

Hootin Anni said...

Hope when you get up there when the garden opens you'll share a 'before and after'.

Linda W. said...

A rooftop garden? What a great idea!

Karen said...

What a fantastic idea to have a garden on a hospital roof. Nature is a great healer.

Judy said...

Soon new things will be growing in those pots and color will be popping everywhere!

Taken For Granted said...

How great to have a roof top garden. Perhaps a few of those pots could grow bamboo? Would look fine.

Sarah said...

How lovely, something to look forward to and watch as it becomes transformed.

RedPat said...

You certainly wouldn't be out there today in this rain, EG!

Pamela Gordon said...

I think it's wonderful that hospitals have made open spaces and gardens for the patients to enjoy, many on rooftops as well as on the ground. I wonder if the worker was waiting for the water to be turned on. Hmmm.

Deb said...

that is an awesome roof top garden

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm sure that garden becomes an oasis of beauty once the plants are added.

Gail Dixon said...

Hope you'll take more photos so we can see before and after. A garden will be a nice place for you to enjoy and reflect while hubby is in the gym. Yay for you!

betty-NZ said...

It looks like it could be a wonderful place to contemplate. Can't wait to see your photos of the open garden.

Randy said...

Soon it will be full of color.

Jack said...

There is still a fair amount of cleanup needed and this volunteer doesn't look like the fastest worker. Next time, EG, bring your workbooks and gloves.

Hope your husband is progressing well.

Stephanie said...

Looks like a lot of work ahead for that worker.

Tanya Breese said...

i want a rooftop garden...dang my pointy roof!

Susan Anderson said...

I would love to see a rooftop garden in person one day.


eileeninmd said...

It will be beautiful with new annuals planted. A lovely rooftop garden.. I hope you hubby is doing well. Have a happy day!

Buttons Thoughts said...

What would our world be like without wonderful volunteers. Hug B

orchid0324 said...

Wonderful captures with wonderful timing♡♡♡ I've never seen rooftop garden, And silly me never knew the word 'annual' used for the plants (^^;)

PS> Thank you very much for understanding♪

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a rooftop garden! Can't wait for you to share it in all of its glory.

Sally in WA said...

Interesting fence detailing. Hopefully the planters will be full of blooms shortly for people to enjoy.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.