Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Widening the Road

 Out in front of the hospital

Davis Drive (the main road from where I live into Newmarket's Southlake Hospital) is being widened approximately seven metres to allow for centre transit-only lanes.  Theoretically, this will encourage people to use rapid transit rather than cars.

Photo taken a little farther back

Along the length of Davis Drive, retaining walls have been constructed, utility poles have been moved and culverts have been replaced. Right now the area is a mess! But the projected drawings are very attractive. Of course, the artists didn't draw in any litter so that certainly improves the look of the area, right?

The road into the hospital's main parking lot

I'm learning some of the back streets of the Town of Newmarket. Imagine my surprise the morning the road into the parking lot was closed off!  It's supposed to be reopened in a couple of days, though!


William Kendall said...

Road construction can be a real nuisance....particularly if it goes on for months.

Judy said...

They are doing construction work in the flood plain near home, where so many of my photos are taken...
The one good thing about your construction is that you are learning some new routes around town!

Carole M. said...

nothing ventured, nothing gained I guess. Hopefully all will return with better services all will enjoy

Roan said...

Road construction is a real pain, but the results are usually worth it.

Revrunner said...

Ah, progress!

A Garden of Threads said...

Yes, it has arrived at my place, Bradford Street andOld Yonge Street will be down to one lane all summer. And we so wanted the warm weather forgot to mention the conditions we wanted:) Have a wonderful day.

The Cranky said...

One can always hope that people will refrain from littering after it's all done.
I wouldn't hold my breath though.

21 Wits said...

It's beginning in our neck of the woods too!

Kathy said...

The Phoenix light rail system was built in the middle of existing streets and it certainly didn't help the traffic situation - either before or after!

Darla said...

Looks like it might be challenging to get around in that area.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh wow that is a big project love your shots. I cannot believe the artists did not put in the litter:) Hug B

Small City Scenes said...

I didn't know you were still going to hospital. I hope all is well.
torn up streets are a bummer for sure. MB

Linda W. said...

As a civil engineer who designs street projects, I can tell you although construction is chaotic and messy, the finished product will be worth it.

Halcyon said...

The price of parking at the hospital will encourage more people to use transit as well! Parking at my doctor's office in Toronto was ridiculously expensive! And once I had to take my husband to the emergency room - the parking cost there was a small fortune. :S

TexWisGirl said...

i like that - the artist didn't draw in any litter. :)

RedPat said...

There seems to be construction everywhere!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like that first shot.. we are always under construction, and it is always a surprise when i try one road and it is closed. they are about to close the street we live on about 15 blocks from us and we are happy because it will stop the traffic in front of ourhome for about 6 months. they are taking down a small bridge and building a new one

Pamela Gordon said...

There are a lot of areas of the city that I don't know well at all. One gets used to taking the same route through neighbourhoods and I often wonder what is on the side streets. Construction is a nuisance and we are entering that season now, especially for roadwork. Have a great day!

Lowell said...

I'll bet you'll be happy when this is finally completed. Can't do construction without making a mess.

cieldequimper said...

I hope that people will actually make the most of rapid transit...

orchid0324 said...

Dearest EG CameraGirl;
Good Morning from Japan. Oh, we have so many road constructions right now in my city! I hope the work will be finished soon and better transit for you and people in your city♪

Lots of Love and Hugs, xoxo Miyako*

Randy said...

Nothing worse than road construction.

Jack said...

EG, you are still spending a lot of time at the hospital. You have my sincere wishes for a good outcome for your husband, and soon.

Stephanie said...

Road construction can be a visual mess, hopefully it will run better once it is finished.

cedarmerefarm said...

Wow what a mess! That would drive me crazy if I have to deal with it every day. From Jack's comment, I learned that your husband is in the hospital. I hope he gets better soon. I am sorry you have to deal with this mess going to see your husband, EG.

Susan Anderson said...

Hope it turns out great. The construction is never much to look at, is it?


Anonymous said...

It'll be interesting to see if when it's done.

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East Gwillimbury is a rural town less than an hour north of Toronto, Canada's largest city. My family calls me CameraGirl because I take my camera with me wherever I go.